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  1. So, that's just an additional example. How does that support your case that the US is making the same mistake in Ukraine that it made in Iraq and Afghanistan? And Bin Laden was not the leader of the Afghanis against the Russians. He was one of many fighters.
  2. Don't know what you mean by "the circumstances are entirely different". Militarily speaking, not so much. An indigenous population is opposing invaders and is being aided by outside powers. That pretty much sums up the situations in Vietnam and Iraq.
  3. What are you on about? Bin Laden may have plotted the attack on the USA from Afghanistan, but he certainly didn't lead the resistance against US troops in Afghanistan. Afghanis have a long history of successful resistance to foreign invaders.
  4. What's clear is that you are avoiding the question of Ukrainian popular support for the war. Russia denies that there is even such a thing as Ukrainian culture. How do you think Ukrainians feel about that. Especially when they see replacing Ukrainian language schools being replaced by Russian language schools in Kherson, an ethnic Ukrainian region?
  5. Who exactly are these predators? Is there evidence of a sexual predator problem in primary schools?
  6. As noted, CATL now has a battery that can be charged to 80% in 5 minutes. There are plenty of other competitors working on charging times. So even if long distance driving did pose a problem, it won't shortly. And there are plenty of other competitors working on charging times.
  7. I'm not sure what your point is? I do agree that ICE vehicle owners have gas in their cars at all times. I will even concede that EV owners never have gas in their cars. But why wouldn't they have charged batteries in their cars at all times? In crowded urban areas are gas stations never far away? When you're driving a car in bangkok, given the driving conditions, just about everything is far away. And if the condos offer parking, why can't they set up some chargers? A lot easier than installing a gasoline pumps.
  8. Do condos provide gasoline/petrol for those who own autos? How do urban dwellers who own an auto connect their car to fuel? And, of course, there's a lot lower rate of car ownership in urban areas than there is in the boonies.
  9. On the other hand, in Denmark people are not allowed to get their hands on weapons that can fire a lot faster and do a lot more damage than a hunting rifle can.
  10. Perovskites are a new kind of solar "cell" that can be sprayed onto surfaces much like paint. The problem has been that they weren't very resistant to degradation. It looks like that problem has been solved. But even at 30% efficiency, which is pretty much the best that solar cells can do, it would provide only a fraction of the current needed to continuously power an auto. Just not enough surface space on an auto.
  11. Please share with me the source of your contention that an electrical substation will be necessary to service level 3 chargers. No. Charging times are on the decrease already, so people will charge their cars in spaces reserved for charging and then move on out.
  12. Sometimes I post articles with links to peer reviewed studies and sometimes to the peer reviewed studies themselves. Whereas you just claimed that there was a article somewhere in Vox about a solar paint that could power articles but it was suppressed by the major auto companies. "By 2050 the cars will have solar paint and will be able to run continuously. The technology already exists, but the oil companies bought the patents and quashed it. It was in a peer peer review study I saw on Vox. " I called B.S. and you had nothing to back it up. Nothing. Because it is B.S. Something you invented.
  13. Your math is faulty in that you cited parking space and charger space as not saving space compared to gasoline/petrol stations. As for claiming that EV prices will always be too high, is contradicted by the history of technological devices for consumers. And of course, the prices are already coming down. Just look in the threat about ev's in thailand to see for yourself. As for battery charging times, CATL, the world's largest battery factory, has announced that it has a battery with a charging time of 5 minutes for an 80 percent fill that will begin to be manufactures on a mass scale in 2023. At 80% it should have a range greater than 400 miles.
  14. You make a claim and can't back it up. And you follow up with something equally empty.
  15. Why would the locals hostile reaction to an American invasion even be relevant?( In fact, aid from Pakistan and Iran to the Afghanis against the American invasion was very effective.) The point is that aiding an indigenous population against a hated invader has repeatedly been show to be very effective. And I want to apologize for not thanking you before for providing all the examples, including the latest one, that show how effective that aid can be. Thanks a lot.
  16. Why do you believe that a person couldn't be tracked? The year is 2022 not 1922. Why do you think detectives exist if not to track people in criminal investigations?
  17. Have you considered that the Soviet Union's defeat in Afghanistan might be the more appropriate historical analogy? Remember that's when Americans aided the indigenous people to defeat the Soviet machine. Much like the way the USSR helped the Vietnamese defeat the Americans. And the Iranians helped to undermine the Americans in Iraq. Do you get the picture now? Outside aid to locals trumps foreign invaders.
  18. McCarthy also noted it's a crime "to corruptly impede Contress from doing its job." So no need to consider the question of assault on Congress members.
  19. Even with the combined space of a parking lot and charger, still less space will be taken up than at a gasoline/petrol station. Next you you get your car filled up, look for the area where the tanker trucks fill the fuel tanks. You'll note that it's a long way from the pumps. And you're still thinking along the lines that most charging will be done in the future as it has been done in the past. At dedicated stations. So, no, new bathrooms won't be required at free standing chargers, or shopping malls, or restaurants.
  20. Another problem with your math is that you assume that there's going to be the same demand for chargers as there is for gasoline/petrol pumps. Also, that 20 minute wait time is already on the way to being a thing of the past.
  21. Have you seen a charger kiosk? In size they are less than the width of a parking space. Obviously they're going to take up a lot less space than a gasoline/petrol station with a need for many tanks of fuel.
  22. I've already posted it in this thread. It's irrelevant whether I disagree with it or not. What is relevant is if it's peer reviewed and where it's published.
  23. Once a fan told Samuel Becket that he'd been reading Becket's books all his life. Becket replied "You must be very tired."
  24. You think that's an insuperable obstacle? Are ICE vehicles useless because they can't be filled at a condo? As I pointed out, CATL has now come up with a fast charging battery. Solid states batteries which are just starting to be used in EV's will charge even faster and hold more charge. In Taiwan and elsewhere, motorbikes are now replacing their batteries at special service stations when the charge gets low.
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