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  1. But if you're staying for longer than 31 days, you've got a problem. The insurance has to cover the entire length of your stay or, if you are here on a retirement visa or something similar, the insurance has to last until the visa expires.
  2. Mixing AZ and Pfizer jabs: does it work? All research into vaccine mixing is in the early stages, but a preliminary study by University of Oxford scientists in June found that mixing the AstraZeneca (AZ) and Pfizer vaccines generated a robust immune response against the virus, inducing higher antibodies than an AstraZeneca-only, two-dose schedule. Researchers conducting the Com-COV (Comparing Covid-19 Vaccine Schedule Combinations) study found the order of immunisation also had an impact, with AZ followed by Pfizer showing a better immune response out of the two mixed dosing regimens. Professor Matthew Snape, chief investigator on the trial, said: “The Com-COV study has evaluated ‘mix-and-match’ combinations of the Oxford and Pfizer vaccines to see to what extent these vaccines can be used interchangeably, potentially allowing flexibility in the UK and global vaccine roll-out. https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/features/covid-19-vaccine-mixing-astrazeneca-pfizer/
  3. Thailand should emulate what France has done. At least once everyone who wants to be vaccinated has been. Macron gambled on coronavirus immunity passport — and won https://www.politico.eu/article/macron-france-covid-immunity-passport-vaccine-pass/
  4. You should pose this question where the experts are the visa, work permit, etc. forum.
  5. It doesn't matter if your policy will cover it. You need a policy that explicitly states it will cover covid insurance. If it doesn't explicitly state that, immigration won't accept it.
  6. Tyranny,,,So if this is tyranny you're living under, I guess you would be no more discomfited if you were living in, say, North Korea, rather than wherever you are currently located. Or just maybe your language is just the teensiest bit overwrought.
  7. Also, that 51% figure was the lowest of all the major trials. What's more Brazil engaged in an experiment where they vaccinated 95% of the citizens in a small city named Serrana. While death and disease was raging around them, their hospitalization and death rates collapsed. After vaccinating 95 percent of adults, a Brazilian city is returning to normal https://www.sciencenews.org/article/brazil-vaccines-coronavirus-covid-serrana-normal Of course, this was before the Delta virus was a factor. But it does show that claims about the ineffectiveness of Sinovac's vaccine are nonsense.
  8. If that were the case, you might have a point. Listing Covid as a comorbidity is not the same as listing it as the cause of death. And that's the way it's being done for a long time now. And of course, the kind of nonsense you cite this to back your case takes no account of excess mortality figures. If anything. as excess mortality figures show, covid is being underreported as cause of death.
  9. That's why I forbid my daughters to wear seat belts. I tell them "There are many things out there that will kill you. You just have to be man enough to accept that." Cuz Daddy ain't no kneejerk Neanderthal. Nuh uh.
  10. The Luma covid insurance is travel insurance. They just make sure to explicitly cover covid expenses in their policy order to satisfy Thai Immigration's requirements.
  11. And since the overwhelming majority did well, are doing well, and will do well, you are virtually guaranteed so much greatness to rejoice in. They are, on average, doing better than the willfully unvaccinated. I feel so sorry for those poor souls.
  12. And this is your idea of statistically valid evidence? Self reported, unvetted claims of injuries?. Journals that publish scientific research are also media. Are they also part of the conspiracy?
  13. All those who depend on videos for their information should read more, watch videos less. It's a lot easier to fact check the written word.
  14. Your understanding of "infected" is incorrect. The virus actually has to have commandeered cells and been able to reproduce for infection to have occurred.
  15. Do you have any understanding of statistics at all? Do you think one day of data constitutes an adequate sample? "Authorities said on Sunday that 98% of people infected in the last 28 days have recorded mild or no symptoms of COVID-19. Singapore is discovering asymptomatic cases by testing close contacts of infected individuals. Kenneth Mak, Singapore’s director of medical services, told Singapore’s Straits Times last week that the vaccinated in Singapore have been 12 times less likely to die or require hospitalization than the unvaccinated." https://fortune.com/2021/09/28/singapore-covid-reopening-record-cases-vaccines/ "I have to laugh when people say I am fully vaxxed and still copped Covid. I feel like <deleted> but it would have been far far worse if I hadst been vaccinated....are they psychics?" No, but unlike you they do understand probability. And they do understand that the risk of hospitalization and death is greatly reduced for the unvaccinated. Maybe you should invest all your saving in lottery tickets. After all, unless you're a psychic, you don't know that you won't win.
  16. No, they don't respond to antibodies. And yes, they are very effective without antibodies. https://www.immunology.org/public-information/bitesized-immunology/pathogens-and-disease/immune-responses-viruses https://www.immunology.org/public-information/bitesized-immunology/systems-and-processes/t-cell-activation
  17. Actually there have been a few studies now that show the highest antibody levels are to be found in those who get covid and then get vaccinated.
  18. But the data doesn't disagree with the narrative. Both Israeli data and Singaorean data show you are at much much greater risk of dying if you are unvaccinated, Why is that so difficult for you to understand?
  19. 'And how are those 7O to 9O year olds faring compared to those who aren't vaccinated? .And no, everyone's risk benefit ratio isn't significantly unique. If that there the case, there would be no use for statistics. Sto trying to obfuscate. Both Singaporean and Israeli statistics show that you are much more likely to die if you are not vaccinated.
  20. Actually, given the data you link to, impossible. Since the data you linked to is for 2O19.
  21. Obviously, your observation here is flagrantly misleading. First off, those Democratic states were hit hard during the early stages of covid. How have they fared compared to Republican states once vaccinations became widespread? There's a reason that the current outbreak is called a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And in what states do they tend to be located What's more, it's far more meaningful to correlate party affiliation with vaccinations on a county level since states with predominantly republican or democratic governance will have local areas dominated by the other side. The Red/Blue Divide in COVID-19 Vaccination Rates As of September 13, 2021, 52.8% of people in counties that voted for Biden were fully vaccinated compared to 39.9% of Trump counties, a 12.9 percentage point difference (Figure 1). While the rate of vaccination coverage has slowed in both county groups, the gap has widened over time (Figure 2). https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/the-red-blue-divide-in-covid-19-vaccination-rates/ What's more, if you organize states by the current death rates 13 of the top 15 voted for Trump. And the other 2 are dominated by Republicans in virtuall other statewide offices.
  22. But we do reference articles in reputable news sources that draw on the cdc or Johns Hopkins. Whereas those opposing covid vaccines and denying the seriousness of it tend to draw on dishonest sources or selectively quote to distort the import of reputable ones.
  23. And they never had to tell you that the health of others was dependent on the vaccination of others because those diseases weren't stressing health systems into rationing health care the way covid is.
  24. Just in case someone tries to claim that this shows that boosters don't work, it takes longer than 2 days for a strong immune response to develop. Especially in someone who is 83.
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