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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Well, the problem is that lots of these patients are immunocompromised. So they weighed the risk of these people getting infected vs. getting treated. And of course, medical personnel were working overtime and around the clock to treat people who had filled up the ICU's. You know, people in immediate danger of dying.
  2. I think you're making a good point...for a different post. But I was replying to someone who claimed regulations were keeping seriously ill people form being treated.
  3. I haven't hesitated to criticize the government for the many errors and worse that it has done. But why criticize them for getting something right? If behaving non-reflexively towards what the government does qualifies as support, then I'm guilty of it.
  4. So that's the reason they're being refused treatment? Regulations? Really? And not the fact that hospital beds are overflowing with Covid patients?
  5. As long as they're just asking, you shouldn't have a problem. But if they start demanding...
  6. Math challenged much? COVID-19 vaccines work — misreading the data can make you think otherwise Israel’s data shows that the COVID-19 vaccine works, but only if it’s analyzed correctly: the unfortunate story of the base rate fallacy... When we re-analyze the same Aug. 25 data to account for the proper base rate (cases per 100,000 in the three vaccination groups), we see that the rate of severe cases in the unvaccinated group (266 per 100,000) and partially vaccinated (58 per 100,000) are much higher than in the fully vaccinated group (19 per 100,000). https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/569730-covid-19-vaccines-work-misreading-the-data-can-make-you-think-otherwise
  7. It takes no account of the lag time between infections and death. That is your idea of a good post?
  8. In other words, you don't know for a fact that South Korea is donating the vaccines or selling them. So you try to deflect by claiming that anyone who points out the flaws in your arguments is a supporter of the general? There a lot of room between reflexive cheerleading and reflexive scorn. At least for some of us.
  9. The editors of Frontiers in Pharmacology have taken down an article about the use of the antiparasitic drug ivermectin in COVID-19 patients. The paper, which was written by members of an organization called the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), had been provisionally accepted and posted in abstract form by the journal in January, but was ultimately rejected this Monday (March 1). The editors determined that it contained unsubstantiated claims and violated the journal’s editorial policies. https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/frontiers-removes-controversial-ivermectin-paper-pre-publication-68505
  10. I'm not supporting or questioning the veracity of the Thai Govt.'s figures but epidemiologists routinely do make predictions about when infections will crest and then begin to fall.
  11. You're not taking into account the lag time between infections and death.. Infections always decline before deaths start to decline.
  12. Tell the people who will be vaccinated if this happens that it's a failure. And by the way, I didn't see the word "donate" anywhere in the article. The verb used is "provide".
  13. Same as handling requirements for Moderna
  14. As of Aug 13, 2021, tThis is the cumulative number of various vaccination organized by manufacturer given by the South Korean government to its people. It was easily findable. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1219398/south-korea-covid-19-vaccinations-by-manufacturer/
  15. Sweden has roughly twice the population of each of its 3 Nordic neighbors, Finland, Norway, and Denmark. Yet adjusted for population to date it has 9 times as many deaths as Norway, 4.5 times as many deaths as Finland, and 3.5 times as many deaths as Sweden. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/sweden?country=SWE~DNK~FIN~NOR But at least its economy did better than its neighbors, right? No, not really. "Plus, Sweden's economy still shrank 8.6% from April to June of last year — its largest quarterly fall in at least 40 years. By comparison, Denmark's economy shrank 7.4% during that time, Norway's 5.1%, and Finland's just 3.2%." https://www.businessinsider.com/sweden-covid-no-lockdown-strategy-failed-higher-death-rate-2021-8
  16. I'm not going to dig into this but if it follows the pattern I've seen elsewhere, the vaccinated mortalities skew older than the unvaccinated ones. Which makes the case for being vaccinated even stronger.
  17. I wasn't aware of any post where he claims to be a Caucasian. And Thai soap operas feature a disproportionate number of luke krueang (half Thai half Farang) actors. Are they Thai (in the racial sense) or Caucasian?
  18. Well, there really isn't enough information to make an informed choice about how effective it is against preventing hospitalizations and deaths against the Delta variant. But there is plenty of evidence via large real world studies that Sinovac's vaccine is not dangerous.
  19. Actually, only Pfizer has been approved for full use on adults by the US FDA. Moderna should be approved shortly.
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