For one thing most of their artillery takes shells that conform to Russian specs and they can't get any more shells. For another, it takes time to train troops to use the new artillery.
No. Mueller was constrained by Justice Dept policy that a sitting President can't be prosecuted. Mueller did make it very clear that the avenue open to investigating Trump was impeachment.
For one thing, the Justice Dept policy is that a sitting president can't be indicted for a crime.
For another, his partners in crime can assert that they are protected by executive privilege and can't be compelled to cooperate with investigators.
Even if none of it had gone into Trump's pockets, which is not the case, it's not fraudulent to solicit donations for a non-existent organization and then distribute the money elsewhere?
So what was the point of this comment of yours?
"Every FBI agent does not make claims that the white supremacy is a big problem, that would be the elitists running the department."
Nights are warming faster than days. Here’s what that means for the planet.
Have you actually read the Constitution vis a vis the electoral votes? There is nothing in the Constitution that says Congress is supposed to decide on the validity of the electoral votes. The Constitution specifically designates that electoral votes are to be counted and certified at the state level. And Pence is operating under a law passed by Congress that designates him to preside over and certify the electoral vote count. That's it. Nothing at all in there about him judging electoral vote validity. How many times does this have to be litigated before Trumpistas can accept this? The only contingency the Constitution provides for having the vote decided by the House is in the case where no candidate receives a majority of the electoral votes. In that case one of the 3 front runners are to be selected by a majority vote of the state delegations.
According to the article some of the money went to the Trump Hotel Collection. And of course, how is claiming that money is going to the Official Election Defense Fund, when there was and is no such entity, not fraudulent?
What evidence do you have that the rank and file share one opinion? And what don't you understand about the fact that it wasn't some vague "leadership" that came to this conclusion but a team of investigators? Most of the FBI wouldn't even be engaged in this particular line of investigation. So why would their opinion even be of any special interest any more than the rank-and-file's opinion on the conclusions of the departments that investigate wire fraud or human trafficking?
It did not find evidence of Trump having personally colluded. However, as the Mueller report concluded, there was plenty of evidence of obstruction of justice on his part. Trump actually pardoned those who might have been able to provide evidence of his collusion. What a sleazy character he is.
Not only is it a valid legal defense but is should be Trump's campaign theme: Join Me in Denying Reality. Just to make explicit what's been implicit all along.