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  1. I know what you mean. For instance, the Trump organization was repeatedly slandered by leftists for being a corrupt enterprise. But the courts proved them wrong. While it was indicted on 17 criminal counts, it was only convicted on 17 of them.
  2. In Chiang Mai’s temple-studded Old Town, one set of pointy roofs is not like the others. Built in wicker-patterned grey brick, the high-pitched gables of Kalm Village are a far cry from the gilded and jewelled gingerbread trims of its divine neighbours. The community here has swapped worship for workshops and put traditional artisans from Thailand on a pedestal. “We wanted to create a space that would bring people together through the love of art, craft and culture,” says creative director Achariyar Rojanapirom, who opened Kalm Village with her brother Araya in the spring of 2021. https://archive.ph/3dx4X#selection-2265.0-2269.46 https://www.ft.com/content/1e8396e2-7956-4d8c-a727-4d40d6022cff
  3. Israel fears ICC will issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu and other top officials The country is working through diplomatic channels to try to stop the warrants from being issued by the International Criminal Court, an Israeli official told NBC News. Israel is greatly concerned that the International Criminal Court may issue arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and senior military officials as early as this week, an Israeli official told NBC News. Israel is working through diplomatic channels to try to stop the warrants being issued, the official said Monday. When asked about media reports of the arrest warrants, the ICC told NBC News that it “has an ongoing independent investigation in relation to the Situation in the State of Palestine" and that "we have no further comment to make at this stage." https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-fears-icc-issue-arrest-warrants-netanyahu-gaza-war-hamas-rcna149739
  4. Another amateur gerontologist shares their learned opinion with us.
  5. Oops! Here's what I meant to write: "When you couple this statement with the fact that Trump believes that a President has absolute license to commit any crime, it's clear that the threat of tyranny that he poses is a real one."
  6. You really want to run with your dishonest B.S? Who do you think it was protesting the Saudi invasion of Yemen and the consequent famine? We have only to remember how Obama was treated by the Saudis when he began to pull back on support of their venture in Yemen. And his tepid support of the Saudis was criticized by progressives. As for your Pavlovian Marxism nonsense...the Israelis have established what even an ex-head of Mossad called an apartheid-like system of government in the West Bank. And in Gaza when they ruled it. Can you identify these Marxists and show us where they support the State taking over the means of production? By the way, I remember back when you were calling Senator John Fetterman a vegetable. Would his current strong support for Israel qualify as a symptom in your estimation?
  7. I forgot to put link into post: Here it is: https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/th/bangkok/VTBD/date/2024-4
  8. You think an insult is a valid substitute for facts? Typical. Thanks, mini-Trump.
  9. Trump Speaks At Fourth-Grade Level, Lowest Of Last 15 U.S. Presidents, New Analysis Finds President Donald Trump—who boasted over the weekend that his success in life was a result of "being, like, really smart"—communicates at the lowest grade level of the last 15 presidents, according to a new analysis of the speech patterns of presidents going back to Herbert Hoover. The analysis assessed the first 30,000 words each president spoke in office, and ranked them on the Flesch-Kincaid grade level scale and more than two dozen other common tests analyzing English-language difficulty levels. Trump clocked in around mid-fourth grade, the worst since Harry Truman, who spoke at nearly a sixth-grade level. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-fire-and-fury-smart-genius-obama-774169
  10. Average temperature for bangkkok april 2024 and april 2023 What really stands out more then the difference between daily high temperatures of the 2 months, is the daily lows. Only 2 days in April of 2023 had a low of more than 85 degrees. Whereas, so far in April 2024, there have been 18. Public health officials know that it's harmful to health if people, animals and plants don't have a chance to cool down during the evening.
  11. When you coupe this statement with the fact that Trump believes that a President has absolute license to commit any crime, it's clear that the threat of tyranny that he poses is a real one.
  12. I'm sure you think you're scoring some ikind of point. What is the salient difference between thinking and perceiving in your comments. How is this different from choosing the lesser of 2 evils?
  13. Here's a selection from a speech by Trump that RFK might have missed: And today, especially in honor of our great veterans on Veterans Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, that lie and steal and cheat on elections and will do anything possible — they’ll do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and to destroy the American dream. The real threat is not from the radical right. The real threat is from the radical left. https://archive.ph/w8S9F
  14. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/?ex_cid=abcpromo
  15. I guess if you have trouble dealing with issues consisting of more than one word, your comment would make sense. At least, to you. For those of us who understand issues that are defined by more than one word, your comment makes no sense at all.
  16. What's this got to do with the topic of this thread which is: The economy is roaring. Immigration is a key reason.
  17. And how does this address the issue of Israel's lack of proof for its allegation that a large proportion of UNRWA workers are actively working with Hanas?
  18. U.S. Finds Some Israeli Claims on U.N. Staff Likely, Others Not Intelligence report says Washington can’t verify Israeli assertions about widespread links to militant groups A new U.S. intelligence assessment found it is likely that some employees of a United Nations agency that distributes aid to Palestinians took part in Hamas’s Oct. 7 assault on Israel, but says the U.S. can’t verify Israeli allegations that a larger number of U.N. workers have links to militant groups, people familiar with the report said. Washington and other Western capitals last month suspended funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which supplies aid to Palestinians, after Israel shared findings that at least 12 Unrwa employees were connected to the series of Hamas killings and kidnappings during an attack on Israel that sparked the war in Gaza. https://archive.ph/UWsp4
  19. Fact Check: Drop in climate-related disaster deaths not evidence against climate ‘emergency’ Social media posts are recirculating a bar chart that depicts falling numbers of deaths due to weather-related disasters over the last century alongside comments suggesting that the significance of climate-driven weather changes is exaggerated. Mortality, however, is not a useful measure of the number or severity of weather-related events including the floods, droughts, storms, wildfire, and extreme temperatures listed in the graph, experts told Reuters. Although deaths from these disasters have decreased, due in part to better forecasting and preparedness, the number, intensity, and cost of climatic and meteorological hazards have all increased over the last hundred years. https://archive.ph/EYKCu
  20. Israel Hasn’t Offered Evidence Tying U.N. Workers to Terrorism, Review Says Israel has not provided evidence to support its allegations that many employees of the main U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees are members of terrorist organizations, according to an independent review commissioned by the United Nations that was released on Monday. The review was announced in January, before Israel circulated claims that significant numbers of employees of the agency, known as UNRWA, were members of terrorist groups. But by the time investigators started working on the review in early February, it had taken on additional significance: Israel had accused about a dozen employees of the agency, which employs about 13,000 Palestinians in Gaza, of involvement in the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attacks on Israel or their aftermath. https://archive.ph/5eyLf https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/22/world/middleeast/unrwa-israel-hamas-report.html US intelligence casts doubt on Israeli claims of UNRWA-Hamas links, report says A US intelligence assessment of Israel’s claims that UN aid agency staff members participated in the Hamas attack on 7 October said some of the accusations were credible, though could not be independently verified, while also casting doubt on claims of wider links to militant groups. The assault precipitated a full-scale invasion by Israel of Gaza that has killed upwards of 30,000 Palestinians. Earlier this year, Israel accused 12 employees of the United Nations Reliefs and Works Agency (UNRWA) of participating in the 7 October attacks alongside Hamas. It also said 10% of all UNRWA workers were affiliated with Hamas. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/us-intelligence-unrwa-hamas Israel yet to provide evidence to back UNRWA 7 October attack claims – UN A month after Israeli allegations that a dozen United Nations staff were involved in the 7 October Hamas attack, UN investigators have yet to receive any evidence from Israel to support the claims, though they expect some material to be forthcoming “shortly”. The allegations against the 12 employees of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) led 16 major donors to suspend contributions totalling $450m at a time when more than 2 million Gazans are facing famine. UNRWA says it is approaching “breaking point” and only has sufficient funds to continue functioning for the next month at most. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/01/unrwa-funding-pause-employees-october-7-hamas-attack-claims-no-evidence-un
  21. You might try acquainting yourselves with the Constitution before you post such nonsense. There are always alternate electors, How else would a candidate have their electoral votes cast? But what legitimate alternate electors don't do can't legally do is forge documents and/or declare themselves the legitimate electors when the legislature and the courts have ruled otherwise.
  22. I wish all the British right-wingers who posted in support of the decision would share their beliefs with their American right wing counterparts who overwhelmingly favor prayer in schools.
  23. The same "woke idiots" who believed that Biden was going to win in 2020?
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