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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. Yes, 91 is going to disappeear, or has disappeared already.

    Petrol 95 is not a problem in your car, just a higher octane.

    You might try to find out if your car/motorbike/whatever can soldier on on gasohol.

    Of not, try to find out if it can run on LPG.

    If that is possible, mix 95 with 91 Gasohol in your tank.

    Or simply use on 91 gasohol.

    It is said that E10-E20 does not require any changes or modifications to the engine.

    A slightly higher consumption might be expected.

    Like LPG.

    Is your car a more recent model, there should not be a problem.

    Older cars, say 15 years older or more, might have some trouble in getting started in the morning when it is cool, or cold.

    But in Thailand that is hardly to be expected.

    Anyway, blame PTT, who wants to get rid of it's surplus stock of ethanol.

  2. There ar two good companies connecting Mor Chit with Khon Kaen.

    Nakhonchai Air, which operates 32 and 24 seat buses.

    Chan Tour, which operates double decker buses in two different classes

    Both have hourly departures from Mor Chit.

    From Khon Kaen there are many connections to Chumpae.

    If there is a 24 seat VBIP bus between Khon Kaen and Chumpae, don't know.

    In KK there are two bus stations, or rather three, number three not yet operating.

    The prices of the tickets of the compasnies mentioned above, are printed on the tickets, no more to be paid.

    Anything between 320 and 600 baht, depending on class of transport.

  3. This is a long going wonder for me.

    Last week checked several airlines for a ticket from Bangkok to Schiphol or Dusseldorf.

    Same date, same days.

    Tickets from Europe, in February, around the € 750, from Bangkok at least € 1040.

    Other times of the year, any date, low season, high season, same result.

    Checked EVA, China, Air Berlin, KLM.

    Guess this is a rip-off.

    Seeing the construction of the payable price, ther is hardly any difference between the addtional things, the base ticketprice is the culprit.

    Also, there is a very confusing (?) similarity between prices.

    Even Mahan Air, being the only airline with "normal" prices, charges around € 200 more for a ticket BKK-DUS.


  4. Why would a family use a tour / travel company for tickets and hotels this day in age?? You can do it all by yourself directly with an internet connection, credit card and a couple of mouse clicks!

    Getting ripped off in Thailand, just another story to add to the list. The Thai's better be careful, the Philippines and Myanmar are nipping at their heels in the ways of tourism, and without tourism, Thailand aint got much going for it!

    Careful now.....caaareful! Hey! What did I say? Beeee careful Thailand!

    Over 60% of Thailand's GDP comes from exports. In comparison tourism covers about 6%.

    Maybe, just maybe, that number is the official number?

    Maybe, just maybe, the real number might be slightly higher?

    Or more?

  5. I got the car.

    I got the motor bike.

    Both dealers told me 45 days to wait for the number plate and the book.

    I said not acceptable, need the car to go to Lao next week.

    Oh wonder.......

    Got a copy from the paperwork from the sale of the factory to the dealer.

    Went to the Land Transport Office.

    Car was checked and controlled, some additional paperwork was supplied.

    And guess?

    Came in the morning, was ready in the afternoon.

    Got the book, got the numberplates, got the legal insurance, total cost 1722 baht, including the purple book for Lao

    Did the same witht he motorbike.

    One day service.

    Like one of the posters said, the dealer plays with your money.

    Just tell him/her you need the plates urgently, can not wait, need to go abroad.

  6. You can marry a minor in Thailand... Section 1436 of the Thai Marriage Act. But this guy needs 'fixing' preferably by a vet, if guilty.

    You can marry a minor in nearly every country of the world, including western countries.

    Mostly the marriable age is 16, sometimes with a consent from the parents and/or the head of state, and in many countries with consent from the parents only.

    Also, there are western countries where a girl can marry younger!

    "He is charged with raping a girl under 13 years old girl who was not his wife, regardless of whether it was with or without her consent." blink.png There is so much wrong with this statement, I don't know, where to begin!

    That, dear Sir, is a judical phrase.

    First the girl was under 13 years (which implies a 13 year old girl etc, etc)

    Second the girl was not married to him (which implies rape is not possible in marriage)

    Third, regardless of whether it was with or without her consent.(which implies a girl that young can only be forced!)

    So three different counts......

    Ergo, there is nothing wrong with that statement.

  7. As far as I know calculated in the price is a margin of of max 8%

    Ask for the lowest possible price for cash payment AFTER delivery.

    Or, if the price is offered, offer a lower price for cash payment.

    Or, ask for extra embellishments of the car, up till 10% worth of the price of the car.

    If no succes, go to another dealer.

    It is a buyers market.

    If you take out finance the car is not in your legal ownership.

    Besides that any profit in a lower price will be useless because of the finance payments.

  8. From the OP. The ministry found 39 businesses that appeared to be on the verge of releasing their workers because of Europe's debt crisis and the wage hike. During the past six months, 3,159 people became jobless because of the financial crisis in Europe.

    If those darn Euro people would get there stuff together no problem. Especially the Dutch,

    The darkening outlook from the Dutch government’s Central Planning Bureau (CPB) suggests the economy will contract by 0.5 per cent in 2013. Earlier, the bureau had expected growth of 0.75 per cent.

    This could set off a new round of budget cuts in a country that has already seen three bouts of austerity in three years, slashing government spending by €46bn – equivalent to more than 7 per cent of GDP.


    Maybe you should read some more info.

    For the time being the dutch have still a very strong economy, like Germany and Finland.

    Also, the European Commission has ordered all countries to bring down the national debt.

    Also the 3% rule is adhered to in the Netherlands.

    You are right if you think the going conservative lead government is doing too much too fast, but that is just a repeat of the so called Colijn rules of the 1920-1930 period.

    But alas, the conservative party is only working for the very rich.

    The middle classes and the poorer people can go to hell.

    But, whatever the case, the problems do not come from the Netehrlands.

    The problems come from the Euro!

    This currency should never have been introduced within the original countries.

    Have no fear, more problems for Europe will come from all the latin countries & Greece.

    And that includes France and Belgium, that is the French speaking part.

    • Like 1
  9. Despite questionable facts, such as the number of deaths, it is a good thing to see at least an article written by the foreign press. It would be great to see more of such articles and articles that represent the Pattani separatist's background issues and point of view. Something that the Thais squash and ignore.

    The way that this "Thai south" thing will come to an end will be after more and more journalists break the truth. When the non-Thais in the southern provinces establish a visible presence in world media things will start to change. Thais will lose their grip and control. Eventually, the Thais will just "walk out." No other choice really.

    Maybe, just maybe.

    However, in that case there might be a hefty price to be paid by muslims in the rest of Thailand.

    Maybe, just maybe.

  10. Hi, anyone traveled this route by train before, couple questions..

    I did, so I will go forth

    How long does it take?

    The timetable says around 9 hours, however.....

    How many trains leave BKK each day for KK?

    Three nighttrains and one in the daytime

    How much?

    Between 340 baht third class and 1100 baht first ckass sleeper

    Are there 1st class sleepers or cabins avail?

    Yes, and also second class sleepers, airco, around 600 baht

    ...is the journey long enough to sleep?

    Yes, nine hours should be enough, and first class beds are good

    Was it a nice trip, good scenery and food and drink onboard? Or, would you fly next time?

    Some trips nice, some less so due to delays.

    Food & drink available, in first class brought to your cabin

    Anything else I havnt thought about?

    Maybe, if you are travelling alone, and want a whole first class cabin, can reserve for around 1600 baht

    In first class, and I seem to remember second class, drinking water is supplied free of charge

    The website of SRT,


    will give any information.

    Try it out, everything is there, prices, timetable, reservation possibilities, whatever.

    In my view it is better to go to Hua Lampong, or any other bigger station, to make the reservation.

    • Like 1
  11. Pinay and Pinoy teachers get a contract which is definitely not to the standard of Westerners' contracts.

    I gather that 16 to 20 K is only slighly higher as salaries paid to Thai teachers.

    Many schools in Khon Kaen stopped hiring Filipino teachers.

    They seem not to be up to par in the long run.

  12. [quot]while the expansion of domestic consumption has contributed to Bt5.66 billion or a 10.2 percent increase in the collection of value added tax (VAT)[/quot]

    Any one with an idea whether this is due to higher consumption by Thai people, or just a 10% increase in line with lots of common goods having seen price increases? Remember some may not (need to) pay income tax, but ALL are hurt by VAT.

    Perhaps there is more false tax collection going on. Today I had a shipment of books (vale 3600 baht) from the UK and I was charged 2268 baht tax. Now I have to try and extract this money from UPS or someone ..... but I am sure there is some pressure on customs to add to the tax pile.

    On books there should only be VAT @ 7% on the price of the books plus transport.

    And if I read it well, study books are VAT free.

    I never paid any penny on imported books.

    From the UK or Germany, but alway with the normal mail.

    I do understand that the custom agent (UPS in this case) gets a percentage of the tax collected.

    Enough said

  13. Thailand’s revenue from tax collection in the first two months of the 2013 fiscal year, or October-November, reached Bt321.2 billion, or 8.5 percent higher than the target, mainly due to the government’s policy of tax refunds for first-car owners, the Finance Ministry announced.

    How can tax collections increase mainly due to "refunds?" It doesn't make sense.

    The tax rebate on the cars and trucks is, in fact, only a reduction of the amount of tax on the sales price of the vehicle.

    Plus additional tax revenue from using the new cars and trucks.:

    Plus extra tax revenue from the finance companies.

  14. It all depends.

    Some manufacturers extend their warranty if the installation is factory approved.

    Like some manufacturers offer CNG-installations under warranty

    Some manufacturers of LPG installations, and that are the expensive Italian and Dutch ones, take over the warranty on the engine.

    Of course, dealers say this.

    They probably do not know about this, or if they know, don't want to be bothered.

    They only want to sell you a car with no extra hassle.

    And yes, of course, not ebough profit on the LPG installation.

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