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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. As far as I know there is an intenational convention about this.

    Somewhere rattles the 45 days limit for driving on your national driving license, if necessary supported by an International Driving Permit

    However, your national driving license, for Thailand, would need to be also in the English langiage.

    And do remember Thailand is one of the countries that ratified the rule that traffic from the right has right of way.

    Driving in Thailand you would doubt it, but I was assured it was true.

    Like England, Australia, New-Zealand & others driving on the left.

  2. Was discussing terrorism in the South with the wife today. One question I posed was that if you were a Jihadist intent on creating a Muslim Caliphate in the South then why go around killing teachers and rubber workers? If I were a good Muslim sociopath, presumably well advised by experienced phychopaths, I would be setting off bombs in Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok (we all know where) to destroy tourism and bring the government to the bargaining table, yet we don't see this. Read somewhere an analysis that suggested that many parties are profitting nicely with this little uprising, don't know whether true or not, but it does make you wonder. The governmnet doesn't go all out and neither do the Islamists, is there some sort of deal in place where certain things are allowed and not others, such as a wider bombing scenario?


    There might be something like, if you want separation from Thailand, or will throw bombs everywhere, we will send all Islam people from the whole of Thailand to your area.

  3. I love this country but seriously hope I'm on a holiday outside Thailand when I die. This is the most disrespectful country to die in.

    I suppose when you are dead it does not really matter, for yourself I mean.

    For the dying itself, I presume it does not really matter where you die.

    The way death hits you?

    Circumstances dictate that process.

    I have seen a few deaths in Thailand, and quite a few in my home country.

    The differences?

    Not much, actually I preferred, if I may say so, the Thai ones.

    • Like 2
  4. Construction of the initial stage of the railway project for the Bangkok-Chiang Mai route is scheduled to begin by the middle or second half of next year. The railway project for both routes will be completed until 2015.

    Not sure what the last few words mean, but this is not a 2 year project.

    Completely replacing the railway lines and building high speed tracks between the capital and the two northern cities is surely more like a 10 year project?

    Perhaps someone with engineering knowledge might add something to this fantasy.

    They won't be replacing the railway lines. The high speed tracks will be separate.

    Indeed, HSL is built completely seperate from existing lines.

    No road crossings, probably on pylons where possible

    The existing rail lines are 1m gauge, the new lines will be standard 143.5 cm gauge.

    If the plan is to open a 680 km line in 36 months, means that roughly 19 km must be built per month, which is doable.

    Mostly because there are no problem with acquiring the land, nor with any other western problems.

    The minister quoted a difference in prices for the China, Japan and German HSL systems.

    Indeed, the prices mentioned are based on local costs.

    If the German system was built in Thailand, or the French or Japanese, costs should be based on local costs, and then the huge price difference would disappear.

    But no way this government will accept farang things.

    Chinese it must be.

    And what do we get?

    Copies of copies of copies.

    And yes, most derailments, accidents and misfortunes from the Chinese HSL are not published.

    Like the maximum speed on most lines brought back from 300+ km/u to 200+ km/h

    And please do not forget China wants it's rail system all over Asia.

    Strategic thinking!

    • Like 2
  5. China's wishes to "help" build HSL lines from and to China serve only strategic purposes; commercial and military!

    Will there be benefits for Thailand?

    Maybe, a two hour journey from Bangkok to Khon Kaen or a 3-hour to Chiang Mai@ 250 km/h would be nice, but all depends on the price of tickets.

    Would be a better deal as flying, timewise that is.

    The upgrading of the railways in Cambodia is goiimg very well, thank you.

    Birma is considering to go the same way.

    Both without the help of China!

  6. If the car is in your name, you have the registration documents, and the Cambodia authorities allow you to export the car temporarily (leave the country), you can do.

    This means, having a carnet for the car, a kind of passport.

    Cambodia: Export the car on a short time basis to Thailand;

    Thailand: Import car on a short time basis into Thailand.

    You need insurance for Thailand, can buy at the Thai side of the border..

    You having a retirement visa (or extension of stay?) might give the Thai customs the idea to let you pay a security, which you will get back when returning the car to Cambodia.

    Chance is you will only get a 7-day permit, this being the first time.

    Also, next time you do this the whole circus will be shorter, because the car's identity will have been registered in Thailand

    The car being LHD is not a problem for a visit.

  7. Agree with rakman, that is how it should be done. I guess that you are just using the wrong terminology. It is "switches" you need not "routers" in each room. Then just one router at the internet access point.

    The ISP's in Thailand typically don't do any LAN wiring at all. They just provide one access point (ADSL or Cable modem) then the internal LAN, wifi etc is up to you. Though they may give you a free wifi router.

    If you can't do it yourself, then most electricians can run the LAN cables for you.

    Not entirely true, (sorry for the pun)

    TOT, CAT, TRUE and probably some others offer this installation/cabling service.

    The actual service is done by an outside contractor.

    Had this done by TOT, and 12 MB, with guarantee for the work.

    20 MB and even 50Mb were possible.

    Two hiccups, one short telephone call, and in came TOT itself to check/repair.......free

  8. i guess i encountered one of the dumb ones, but she surely fooled or maybe a better word bothered a lot of foreigners, the ones she showed me were in a very thick folder. And all of the meaningless front page.

    I guess that she really thinks it is necessary and by the amount of copies she showed it probably made her more sure about it.

    I specifically asked if she was there tomorrow and she told me she had a free day. So who knows, i hope i get one that is not 'trained' by her.

    And there you have it: she seems to feel more certain about it.

    The anxiousness to do something wrong governs anything

    Hopefully you just go away.....or maybe it is teatime?

    Go to another office.

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