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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. The Dems and Thailand in general need to know something. If the US really wanted to spy on Thailand, they could and would. Their surveillance technologies and methods re 100 years beyond anything Thailand has or will have. Don't worry about National security and being spied on the US probably knows all your military capabilities and weapons stockpiles better than the Thai military commanders do themselves.

    Thailand has no National security when it comes to US intelligence gathering.

    That said, since the ouvertures from Thailand in the direction of China, military seen, there might be?

  2. Why don't we say as it is?

    Birma has experience dealing with westerners, due to it's colonial past.

    Thailand has not.

    Which means Birma is more flexible in coping with foreigners.

    It is just waiting fir the first western company seeing the possibities of Birma to invest, and there it goes.

    And I am afraid this will not take a long time.

    Also not very certain if there will never be a kind of gambling/sex thing somewhere in Birma.

  3. I do not agree when people say no problem with using farang husbands surname, my wife (thai) was tol you cannot use farang name , you use you will lose your job, works in tesaban, you must change your id card back to thai name or else

    There is no problem whatsoever for a Thai national having a foreign name.

    Simply because the first name, her official name, is most important in Thailand.

    Have a look in her ID-card!

    Changing a last name is quite simple in Thailand, changing the first name is, or can be, a lengthy process.

  4. Thanks Rsquared... Yes, my advice would be to shoulder the expense of comprehensive medical insurance for yourself and your family. I didn't and regretted it. Apart from that it's important to remember that if a person intends to live like a westerner in Thailand, drinking a familiar beer, using the air con in the evening and at night and eating western style food your living expenses won't be nearly as low as you think, and even if you don't play around with the girls a night out for a beer or several once a week or so will also add considerably to your living costs. Family and parenting adds greatly to these expenses with school fees, uniforms, school buses, extra lessons and even musical instruments to factor in!

    Also don't forget things like dental care, vet's costs if you get a pet, Taxis everywhere if you don't drive and vehicle expenses if you do... finally don't forget the cost of home and contents insurance if you don't want to get home to a ransacked home.

    Maybe I am wrong, but I presume your wife and child are Thai?

    If so, why not stay free of private hospitals for them, rely on the free health care of the state for them?

    And for yourself a health insurance and use the state hospitals?

    Guess that wouyld be very much cheaper.

    That said, of your income bracket falls below the 40,000 baht per month, then you have no other choice.

  5. Farang muay thai boxers have a unforeseen problem insofar as many Thai boxers come from very poor families upcountry and success in the ring is paramount for them and their families. Along come s' rich kid 'farang who stirs the pot. Considering his injuries I wouldnt be surprised if he was set upon by former associates or a recent opponent in the ring.

    What condition is his bike in ????

    I read that he won several fights?

    There you go......

  6. So tell us who did give the order then, or tell us if you ordered them to not fire and tell us who ignored that order, tell us exactly who was controlling the country at that point as it seems you were not. Or tell us who did not understand that the term 'live fire zone' was not actually meant to be a live fire zone but rather a deterrent only.

    Some one gave the order, or the soldiers were firing without any control, and that backs up my theory about random indiscriminate shootings in which unarmed people were killed by the army whilst posing to immediate threat, either the soldiers were ordered to fire, or they took it upon themselves to fire at unarmed civilians. which is it ex PM Abhisit?

    If there is any evidence that people were killed by their own side then lets see it, if all the deaths were in self defence then let us see the evidence, there are nearly 100 people dead here on both side and just saying you did not give the order does not absolve you, you were running the country at the time, or where you?

    I am 100% sure that some of the red shirt deaths were self defence, just as i am 100% sure that some of the red shirts that died were not armed and were no threat, and before posters pipe up with the nonsense that they deserved to die because they were there then just remember we are talking also about medics and journalists here.

    Quite clear you were never in a life threatening situation.

  7. You can ask many tour agencies in ChiangMai to do visa run with van, leave in the evening Chiang Mai to Vientiane by van and come back next day or next two days I am not sure.

    You can also take the bus from Chiang Mai to Udontani , then you can take the bus from Udontani - Vientiane.

    There is also bus line from Chiang Mai-Luangpabang.

    Also possible, take the bus from CM to Khon Kaen.

    Get your visa from the Lao consulate in KK

    And then step in the direct bus from KK to Vientiane...........

    And for those who love trains, connecting to the express from Bangkok there is a direct train to Lao, crossing the friendship bridge into Lao.

    Get your visa beforehand, although I was told you can get a Lao visa on the station in Lao

  8. For every person inconvenienced by this move (if/when it happens) there will be another who welcomes it. The real story here is that Suwannaphum, planned and promoted as a single airport for Bangkok, clearly is already having trouble performing that role, never mind five or ten years into the future.

    What is more, never DM should have closed.

    In fact the capacity of Swampy is not really much bigger as DM.

    So anybody in his right mind should have decided to close down the old airport.

    What is wrong with a capital this big to having two airports?

    Anyway, what must be done very, very fast, is opening a good connection between teh two airports, be it train or bus.

    However, a connection can be realised within 6-7 months, using the existing railway lines and making an extension from the existing Eastern line to Swampy

    Oh well......

  9. clap2.gif

    But talking about the serbia part of your post.

    Serbia officially applied for European Union membership on 22 December 2009

    According to this http://en.wikipedia...._European_Union

    And Thailand has not.

    Edit: //

    Did you ask the member of parliament if it applied to you and your Thai Wife ??

    I wish and I hope it is true though because I would love to take my wife that easily to eat some Gouda wink.png

    I did not ask my MP if this was valid for my wife and me, I asked him in general terms if he knew about these rules and if they were true.

    His answer is clear, yes they are true and valid.

    As, at least the Schengen area should have the same rules, I presume that the European rules are valid in all those countries.

    That said, the European rules are not only valid for the Schengen countries but for the whole European Union.

    Anyway, I am very busy, I did already send an email to the Dutch Embassy about this.

    There seems to be a arrangment for wives of Dutchmen which makes the Visa application easy, very easy.

    But still have to find out.

    The whole thing is, that the Dutch Embassy, the Dutch IND, and the Foreign Office must/should have known about this.

    Which means in short that for quite a long time Dutch people taking their wives with them have had a lot of problems and spent a lot of money and time to obtain a visa.

    And I just wonder how many visa were refused?????

    Besides that, the visa for a wife WAS free, but since a few years it must be paid for.

    One has to complete a form in which you invite your wife to come with you, in the Embassy.

    And then the wife has to give you her consent that you are allowed to invite her to visit the Netherlands with you

  10. Some time ago the following post was on ThaiVisa

    Posted Today, 16:54

    maybe this has been covered before, the below is from the official website of the European Union.

    Am I misunderstanding it or does it state that immigration cannot refuse a visa to a non-EU spouse of an EU national:

    Arriving at the border without an entry visa

    It is always best for your non-EU family members to be well informed in advance and have all the necessary documents before starting their journey. However, should they arrive at the border without an entry visa, the border authorities should give them the opportunity to prove by any means that they are your family members. If they manage to prove it, they should be issued with an entry visa on the spot.

    If your non-EU family members are having difficulties in getting a visa, you can contact our assistant services.

    Be aware that some countries may fail to apply EU law correctly. This means that you may be denied your rights, as described here. To avoid problems, contact the consulate or embassy of the country to which you are travelling well in advance to find out which documents your non-EU family member will need.

    If you have problems, you can always contact our assistant serveices.

    Entry refusal

    In very exceptional cases, an EU country can refuse entry to you or your family members for public policy, public security or public health reasons.

    If you are refused entry, the authorities must prove that you or your family members pose a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat. The decision must be given to you or to them in writing. It must state all the grounds, and specify how to appeal and by when.

    From the same page:

    Sample story

    A marriage certificate with an EU citizen is enough to get your visa.

    Thomas is Irish and lives in Serbia with his wife Delia, a Serbian national. When Thomas and Delia wanted to visit Thomas' mother, now living in Spain, they applied for an entry visa for Delia. She presented their marriage certificate with her visa application, but the Spanish authorities also asked for proof of hotel accommodation in Spain and sickness insurance before they would issue the visa.

    However, when Delia pointed out that no such additional documents were required under EU law, the Spanish authorities apologised for their mistake and immediately issued her entry visa.

    After reading this I chose to contact a member of Parliament in The Netherlands, Mr Harry van Bommel.

    He is a member of the Foreign Commission, the commission that handles all things related to other countries, including "people business"

    I sent him the text above, and asked him if he could clarify this, and/or agree with the text.

    Today, 18-06-2012, I received his answer, loud and clear:

    Beste Hans,

    Excuus voor het late antwoord.

    Die Europese regels zijn inderdaad van toepassing, zo meldt onze jurist.

    Met een groet,

    Harry van Bommel

    Tweede Kamerlid


    Dear Hans

    Sorry for the late answer.

    These European Rules are indeed valid and in force., as our lawyer tells us.


    Harry van Bommel

    Member of Parliament.

    Which means, that officially, a Thai wive. married to a European man, does not need to have a visum before departing from Thailand.

    She should get a visum on arrival!

    • Like 1
  11. Any coup that got rid of Thaksin was NOT pointless. The installation of anti-corruption measures has at least slowed the rapacious plundering of the country, and as more charges mount, will prevent the return of the main plunderer - unless he can get a white-wash.

    This is where you are wrong belong belief. If the country had continued to run under Thaksin tyranny, then eventually the electorate would have turned against him, no matter how much money he could or would have spent on elections. Simple answer is that if that course had been allowed to run then the electorate would have gotten what it wanted and we would be in a much more stable politicial environment now. Your hatred of everything Thaksin shields your common sense.

    You really think the electorate would have turned?

    And you really think Mr T & co would not have taken measures against that possibility.

    Exactly, common sense would do wonders for any country.

  12. Had the same problem with my Canon 250.

    Inkman, the people where I bought the machine including the tanks, visited me at home, disabled something in the computer and the printer.

    No more problems, works fantastic.

    Seems to be something in the driver that "speaks" with the printer.

    Had problems with the Canon 4000, Inkman did the same thing.

    No more problems

  13. Not only Pinay/Pinoy people are working (il)legally all over the country.

    Even in Khon Kaen, where so many people have no jobs because none are available, many jobs in restaurants, small factories etc, are now staffed by Vietnam girls.

    My wife tried to talk to some of them, most don't want to, but there were a few that agreed to be from Vietnam and two agreed to tell how much the were paid for 7-day jobs.

    The amount is different, but most certainly very much lower as the going rates.

    The problem is, since the Government promises about the 300 baht a day, Thai get fired and Vietnamese get hired.

    One can only conclude that the employers will do anything not to pay the legal wages, or simply are not able to do so.

    One of the other effect is that "sweatshops" have the choice to close down as the Government advised, or close down somewhere and open up again next day in other premises with a foreign workforce.

    Oh well........

  14. Its cheaper for him to run if he is not insured, the amount of runners in cars from impact with motor bikes are staggering and very sad and sometimes leaving dying/dead people behind.

    Also Saturday night, drinking & driving perhaps?

    Would a dash cam have saved the day for you? I just mounted one in my car and it records everything that happens in front of the bonnet in 15min loops and start over again. Total cost 1600 bath.

    At least wife and you are okay and only minor damage to your car done, and you can hope his car is more damaged than yours as he deserves it.

    A dash cam?

    That is certainly what I want in my car.

    Where might I obtain one?

  15. Whom should the Thai's fear more China or USA?


    Yes, a very true and for the uninitiated, a highly revealing explanation of the Chinese mind.

    And, it sheds light on the ruling 10% in Thailand.

    James Clavell wrote splendid stories about China/Hongkong.

    Perfect reading material.

    Hawaii, the masterpiece of James Michener, also gives a revealing insight in the Chinese.

    I know, those books are fictional, but are well researched.

    Highly recommended reading material, and very revealing.

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