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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. Abhisit seems to be missing the point here, whether he knew the documents were fake or not it would still mean his position should not have been held and quite rightly his rank should be removed.

    Either way, with his knowledge or without his knowledge he used documents to obtain a position that should not have been used and therefore negates the rank given.

    he also goes on about people being convicted do not lose their rank, well again there is no relevance to this as they were convicted, abhisit has not been, and they also got their rank through the proper channels.

    And as for his comment that it is politically motivated, I nearly choked on my cornflakes with this comment, pot kettle etc

    Might be handy to read the article again?

    The documents were not produced by him!

    Red or yellow, this reeks of ...............

  2. So they will have to staff Immigration at KKC now?

    Thats a good point that, be handy for a visa run and have a holiday.

    Yes, same idea crossed my mind.

    Are there flights from Chiang Mai?

    Twice a week with Kan Air

    More destinations to follow

    And yes, of course there will be immigration and customs.

    Do remember that long ago the airport was already made ready for international flights

  3. There are many perks associated with being a civil servant, that's why why they are pushing it....a nice pension, free medical services for their immediate family, and yearly increases. My wife's salary goes up about 6% per year. However workers can get lazy as it's very hard to fire them - they can get move to 'inactive posts', as we are well aware. It would be better to make elevation to civil service status performance based.


    It is simply a fact those nurses on "temporary" contracts will stay in the state hospitals.

    It is a shameful thing to do that, more because everybody know those nurses are there to stay.

    And to pronounce they will get lazy when getting a civil status is demeaning.

    And what is wrong in building up a pension, what is wrong with getting raises, what is wrong with free medical services?

    Should those "perks" not be part and parcel of any work-relation?

    And I assure you, those moving to inactive posts is normally only available for high placed civil servants.

    Others get fired, get "promoted" to functions or places where it is not fun to be, put on half-pay, or simply advised to look for a job somewhere else.

    • Like 1
  4. I beg to differ.

    If on a tourist visa you must be able, under international rules, to show your passport on demand.

    If on an extension of stay, and in possession of a Thai DL which includes a Thai ID number, and registered in a yellow tambien baan, the police can check your status.

    That said, they can ask or order you to show your passport & extension within a reasonable time, depending on distance.

    It is also possible to show that paperwork in another police station.

    If you do not have the DL and the Tambien Baan, you need to be able who you are and what your status is.

    Ergo, passport with extension.

    If you have a copy of your passport and extension with you and possibly some other form of ID, like a ID card, they might give you 6 hours max to show the lot.

    If you live outside the jurisdiction of the police that is checking you, there might be a problem.

    The thai ID number, mentioned in the Tambien Baan and the DL is the thing the police can check you with.

    Tested it in Bangkok.

    The policeman entered my ID-number, and there I was, including picture, my status, which DL's I had, my passport number and the extension number.

    I do live in the Isan.

  5. We live together peacefully and in harmony. Each person practices what they believe in, and we always help each other for special events like weddings or funerals,” Imam Pramote added.

    I surely can not escape the impression that the imam has lost his grip on reality.

    But he is in good company.

    Many imams in this world have the same idea.

    So they say.

  6. The whole retreat from the accepted policies about Marijuana, the introduction ot he so-called "weedpass", was done under pressure from abroad.

    Indeed, after the intro of the pass criminals flooded in to take over the trade, as many had foretold.

    It will be probable that the Dutch governmetn will abolish the weedpass.

    But, weed/hashish is NOT free!

    It is tolerated for personal use.

    If you have too much in possession, gues what will happen.

    Anyway, to keep the criminals away, the Amsterdam mayor and other mayors will not introduce the pass, in effect the coffeshops can go on.


    Not good?

    Take your pick.

    • Like 1
  7. Hmmm, cup–O-coffee, an interesting and highly critical response to the article.

    Would you care to give a point by point detailed outline of how you think the education system in Thailand should be restructured? It is generally accepted that it is in dire need of radical change.

    I eagerly await your post

    What about reading his post?

    He states the main reasons what is wrong.

    What to do about it?

    You ask fo a comprehensive solution to be deposited on your desk.

    I guess making inroads in the B&F departments could be a very good start.

    B&F=Bribe & Face

  8. I can back them up, don't worry. Not in the habit of making posts based on speculation or rumor. Nice for you that your hospital bought new hardware and switched you to cheaper generics. But buy those meds at a normal pharmacy and see how much extra the hospital makes on these.

    Been here for 10 years and have seen the basic charges at the same top private hospitals steadily go up over the years. Also, they have learned to enrich the revenue stream with an endless array of extra charges, in the same way the US commercial hospital groups do.

    Maybe, just maybe, stay away from private hospitals?

    They are there solely for generating profit, most certainly not there for giving the best treatment.

    As a Thai Professor Cardiology once told me:

    "Dear sir, if you want to pay a lot of money, go to a private hospital, if you want the best care you can get for reasonable prices, you visit me, or my collegues, in this hospital"

    The hospital is a well known state run University Hospital, working together with big state run hospital.

    And yes, I have some friends that were always very fond of the private sector.

    The rising costs and the many obvious things solely done to promote the bill gave them a push away from private hospitals

    Not any more, they get better care in the hospitals mentioned above, for a much lower price.

    Three years ago I had a medical for an insurance in a private hospital.

    The nitwit doctor over there, reading my test document, declared I had a heart infarct in the past......


    Went to the Professor mentioned above.

    Intake talk, and then the whole show.

    The whole thing, including ECG, Ultrasound. blood tests, walking tests, you name it....

    After studying the documents and test results the prof asked me: "Excuse me, but what are you doing here?"

    Heart is ok, no signs of any heart trouble.

    Most certainly not a heart infarct.

    The bill?

    1780 baht

  9. All very nice comments!

    Some are good, some are not so good, some are ridiculous.

    I agree very much with Smedley.

    A raise in daily wages to 300 baht will mean for many businesses in the North and the Northeast, a raise of up to 120 baht a day per person.

    It is quite normal to hear people name wages of 100-150 baht a day, over here.

    When the government announced the wage raise, prices of many things were raised, many workers were replaced with Vietnam, Birma, Lao and Cambodia people.

    And they work for less as the Thai people worked before.

    When the actual wage raise will arrive, prices will go up again, and more workers will be replaced.

    I guess, a raise of wages can be offset to a raise of production, and that is indeed a very difficult point in Thailand.

    As for unemployment numbers, export numbers, tourist numbers, investment numbers, whatever, I tend not to believe governments.

    I see that inflation is slowly accelerating, unemployment is on the rise, export is slowly desintegrating, tourist numbers are declining and the amount spent by single tourists is very much lower.

    About investment numbers, anybody's guess is as good as mine, I guess......

    And yes, people are getting poorer and poorer, while a small segment of the population is getting obscenely rich.

    • Like 2
  10. I gather you are living in Krungthep?

    Take a direct bus from Krungthep Mo Chit (I think) to Vientiane.

    If you have the Visa, no problem.

    Also direct buses from Korat, Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, with the visum, a doddle.

    If you are already in Nong Kai, take a "skylab" to go to the border crossing.

    At the Thai side check out of Thailand.

    Take the shuttle bus to the Lao side, show the visa you obtained in Bangkok.

    Get your stamps, pay the crossing fee (50 baht) and then take a shuttle, tuktuk, taxi, whatever, to Vientiane.

    The total time you will need from Nong Kai to Vientiane will be around 2 hours, +/- 30 minutes.

    Oh, so sorry, take it for granted the train will be at least one hour late.

    Probably more.

    They are working on the line, so count on it.

    My advise, find out about the direct bus, they are, from KK, Korat and Udon, nearly always in time.

    And indeed, there are times the Embassy shuts down rather early, or stops giving out numbers, which means you have to come back next day.

    Stand in line before 7, or be the first.........

  11. The Euro is a dead man walking. The fiancial and work ethic chasms between countries are too wide for a common currency to work. At any rate Europe is already run by a new monarchy, namely unelected bureaucrats, so it should be clear to all how well that has worked. I'm not European so really couldn't care less what they do, just seems they have created quite a mess and hard to see how it can possibly end well.

    OK, you are not European, so you could not care less.


    Think again!

    If things go wrong in Europe, be assured things will also go wrong in the US, for example.

    However, that said, the Euro was a political thing, a move to change the economic Union into a political union.

    The result was a general downfall in buying power for most European people, prices were hiked up and wages remained more or less the same.

    Things went awfully wrong when the US exported it's banking crisis to Europe.

    And Europe is still smarting from this banking crisis.

    However, there is a big gulf between the southern/eastern countries and the northern.

    This gulf is huge and can probably never bridged.

    The differences in Europe are enormous, language, religion, mentality, you name it, everything different.

    Actually, the only thing all the countries have in common is that they are all in that part of the world which is called Europe.

    The Belgium "president" wants to get a federal Europe because he is very afraid of the wish of Flanders to seperate itself from the French speaking part.

    Illustrative is that Flanders transfers a huge anount of money every year to Wallon.

    And that is more or less what is happening in Europe, the North is transferring to the South.

    No thank you.

    • Like 1
  12. Taxi?

    II have tried a taxi before.

    No meter, refusal to go there, whatever.

    That is why I post my question.

    Had to walk.......

  13. I hope there will be someone who might advise me about the best way to go from Mo Chit busstation to Mo Chit BTS or Chatuchak Park MRT.

    It does not seem to far on Google Earth, but reality is always different, at least, from what one can make out on maps etc.

    Thanks a lot.

  14. Many Thais are ashamed of this woman and the child's grandmother's actions, because they also are talking about this news story.

    Through the 'Thai Network', news of this story has been received in Australia and the two Thai ladies I know here are ashamed.

    They worry that Western men will think that the action of these two women (they blame the Grandmother as much as the child's mother) will reflect badly on them also.

    The good news stories, of which there are thousands never get the limelight, because they are commonplace.

    Sadly, we only get read the bad stories about the trash of Thailand.


    Many Thai women are ashamed.


    Ever wondered why the European Union in general, in a very sly way, try to make it more and more difficult for Thai women to come to one of the member states?

    Besides the sharpening of the rules for marriage, divorce, getting social security?

    I do think that in a very basic feeling, many Thai women feel that maybe their possibilities get restricted?

    • Like 1
  15. I love to see the locals wrap up in big coats and hats first thing in the morning as I cruise down the road in shorts and t shirt,some of the looks are priceless.

    Oh yes.

    That is definitely the biggest amusement during this so-called winter.

    Also, hands up for the evening TV-sessions where everybody in the house is covered with blankets.

    And the biggest amusement is hunting everyone to the showers.........

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