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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. If, just if, China must be contained, then somebody should do something.

    The move to tie the strings with Thailand is indeed a good one, seen in the military ouvertures from Thailand to China not too long ago.

    The Philippines, Vietnam, Australia, Indonesia, and several other countries in the region are not happy about China and the Chinese politics.

    If you look well at the rhetorics of China, most of those are only one or two steps away from war-mongering.

    I believe somewhere in history, a British politician already said not to wake up a sleeping giant.

    By giving it a favoured status the US just did so.

    Well, just look what is happening in the world.

    And now the cat is out of the bag.......

  2. Its all happening again, same as 2006. Next they will move parliment to Don Muang Airport where the yelowshirt protestor will follow and the red will attack them with granades while they sleep.

    Where is this mythical airport,. I have never heard of it, and how could the red shirts throw grenades at people sleeping at a place that does not exist.

    I think your belief about 'red shirts' throwing grenades at sleeping people is as misguided as your sense of direction, as far as i can remember nobody was convicted for throwing these grenades although I could be wrong, and I always find it easier to take a post more seriously of it is balanced and highlights the faults and violence from both sides, or are you one of these people that ignores the bombings and violence and damage instigated by the yellow shirts last time round?

    Thankfully for all concerned I don't think they have the numbers like they had last time to do any real damage to the country, and one big factor is that this time around I don't think they have the army either.

    I presume, because you think so, it is so?

    It is a matter for debate who did more damage to the country.

    The yellow shirts with the occupation of the airports, resulting, amongst others in your personal misfortune,


    The redshirt show of love for the country resulting in a destroying of goods and livelihoods for many people wordt millions.

    As for the non-existing airport, you are not serious, are you.

    Including the violence?

    And what the army will do or will not do, you have no idea, just like me.

  3. Why not using some speed boats to push the water away?

    . A yellow nuclear powered submarine with John Lennon as the captain should do the rest.....blink.png .

    Dutch guys will build a dam around the whole country to be on the safe side. -laugh.png

    No, Dutch guys will not build a dyke, definitely not a dam, around the whole country.

    Simply, because the floods are rain- and river related.

    What the Dutch guys, the people from the Delta-commission, said to do was definitely NOT what the Thai government wanted.

    Instead, the Chinese ideas were more to their liking.

    I wonder why......

  4. "GISTDA is currently working with Japan, figuring out rain amount by using satellite information."

    Please, please please don't end up working on this with the Japanese; all they will recommend is concreting every last riverbank and canal side, and damming every river they can, all funded by so called "Overseas Development Assistance" (ODA), which of course has to use Japanese contractors, Japanese cement manufacturers etc. to do they job.

    Anyone who has ever lived in Japan knows what I mean. 75% of all waterways in Japan are now concrete lined. 60% of the entire coastline of Japan (can you believe it?) is literally encased in concrete. Don't let it happen here!

    Well, I guess the Japanese will not be asked, nor the people with knowledge from the Netherlands.

    Instead the Chinese will be used, probably.

    Now you guess why.......

  5. even in the west they donot charge, chargeing someone is up to the courts.

    No its not...a court determines somes guilt or innocence based on evidence presented and if found guilty they decide the punishment....they do not charge somebody, a court of law is a vehicle for accountability....this is the reason for my comment orginally....a court does not charge anyone for murder....the police working in conjunction with a prosecutor lay the charge

    The police searches

    The public prosecutor charges

    The judge decides guilt and metes out the punishment.

  6. Why would anyone register their car in someone else's name?

    I do that, car, bikes & house are all in the wife's name, why not? We got a lovely boy, been together for 5 years. If you can't trust each other, what's the point of marriage?

    Oh dear!

    How sad!

    Do try to understand that marriage in Thailand IS a kind of financial business.

    Love's got nothing to do with it, nor trust.

    In money matters the only one you can trust, and even that not always, is yourself.

    Even if you are married, have children, things can go wrong.............

    Always try to find, if you supply the money, a way to put something in your name.

    Not possible, try to find a way to put it in two names.

    For a car that is possible.

    To the point, if the car was bought during the marriage, the legal right to it must be decided by the divorce.

    Of course, the woman might try to hinder the divorce,

    In that case the car can be impounded legally to the point that it is decided whose car it should be.

  7. The Transport Company, the Government bus Cie, has a regular service to Vientiane.

    It might be handy to obtain a visa with the consulate in Khon Kaen.

    I understand there is also the Lao state bus company having direct connections from Udon and Khon Kaen to Vientiane.

    Anyway, in the busstation try to find the office or ticket office of the Transport Company.

    For info & tickets

  8. Depending on where you live, try to find a RALLY shop/centre.

    They have a lot of things very much cheaper as the Toyota/Isuzu/Ford/Mazda/Nissan/Chevrolet and other dealers.

    Quite able people actually.

    Reasonable prices, good after service.

    Last time I was there saw a complete safety box, keys, doorlocks, security for 13,000 baht.

    They also have keys/transmitters for existing locks,

    You need the security code

  9. From experience, they earlier you book the cheaper the flights are. It's simple supply and demand. As the supply of seats dwindles, so prices rise.

    It is not to said you cannot find bargains, but personally I think it is a gamble.

    Are you quite particular on your airline/departure airport/direct vs indirect?

    £900 seems steep.

    Supply and demand?

    Are you serious?

    No, it is just how much can we charge those stupid sods?

  10. This is exactly the same thing happening in America and other "Western" countries. Banks are "nickel and diming" small clients because their deposit amounts do not cover the operating fees for the banks. We have to keep in mind that Banks are businesses and they are not in business to do all the running around without the possibility of a profit. BTW, foreigners require more documentation and other operating cost because of taxation, Thai reporting, as well as reporting back to our home countries. I wouldn't be surprised to see Thai banks adding a surcharge in the near future for American clients due to the banking regulations imposed by the US.

    When Banks offer special rates they will often put a minimum amount required condition in order that they do not get flooded with a lot of small deposits for which passbooks have to be issued and as such additional cost will be incurred. for example BBL has a rate of 2.625 for 4 months with a minimum of 200,000 baht.Hhowever if you wanted to accept the standard fixed deposit rates available, which are lower, you could commence a deposit for a minimum of 2,000 baht.

    Oh dear, you believe the banks?

    The operating cost for a small saving account is, because of the computer, brought down to around 10-12 Eurocents a month.

    The withdrawing of money through an ATM is most certainly not what the bank charges you, in fact it is around 5 Eurocents for a withdrawal.

    Don't believe the bank when it tells you about the high costs they have for running your account, they lie.

    The thing is, what the banks want is profit maximalisation, forgetting that banks are not only a profit making organisation, but also have a social function, by law.

    But nowadays, after bringing the economy tottering on the brink of a worldwide recession, the loss of billions of dollars, the loss of millions of jobs, the near criminal organisations just go on what they want to do, profit maximalisation.

    Never trust a bank, if they can steal your money and get away with it, they will do so.

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  11. Well, darkside blogger, could you please explain to me what the difference might be between an extension of stay based on marriage or the one on retirement.

    And I mean the behaviour of other people trying to obtain the extension.

    As you indicate, married foreigners are bigger <deleted> as retired foreigners?

    Sir, the whole thing is that for the retirement extension the work to be done is very much less as the work for the marriage extension.

    The way you dress, behave, speak Thai, whatever, is not the issue.

  12. British my arse, and i stick by that even if he/she does have a British Passport..

    They give our passports to anyone these days. Have you landed in heathrow recently? You wouldn't think you where in England. If you say anything you're called racist.

    Lets not forget; the most popular boys name in England for the last 5 years or so has been "muhammad"

    Friend arrived in Schiphol from Thailand, with 5-year old son.

    Looked around, and said to his son: I think we are wrong, this cannot be Schiphol...............

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