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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 1 hour ago, wvavin said:

    For those that believed why donation would be subjected to taxation but make no mistake, this is Thailand.

    Actually, in most countries gifts are taxed, if the giver deducts it from his/her income.

    And the receiver has to declare the gifts also and may be taxed for it.

    So make no mistake, gifts might be taxable, also in Thailand.

    But I presume in this case nobody will be taxed, although the goods that will be bought with the proceeds will be taxed with at least VAT.


  2. 8 hours ago, ezzra said:

    I read the short article with due diligence and was utterly surprise

    not to see the words Farang or Foreigner in the article connected

    to the topic, only 9 Thai men, for a change.....

    Not a surprise, me thinks.

    Most of this kind of reading material is about Thai men.

    If it would have been farang, in any of last times' cases, the papers and facebook could have been too small.

    Again, it is proof the sex acumen of Thailand was there and will be there before sex tourism.

  3. 5 hours ago, isaanbanhou said:


    Yes, I wonder where they all have bank accounts.



    Don't know where you hail from, but I bet your politicos also have some shady things to hide.

    People go into politics for power, money or both.

    But, they are in very good company.

    The very rich, companies and private persons pay no taxes on most of their possessions, while the not so rich pay through the nose .

  4. 18 hours ago, TVGerry said:

    Dunno why people are making so much noise. TG may not be the best airline out there but it sure beats the European airlines like BA or Lufhthansa. Let's not even bother to mention the American airlines. They may lag behind SIA or Cathay Pacific or EVA but then again those airlines are 5 star airlines. Anyway, an extra $30 on economy and $45 on business to Europe? Yeah that's gonna break our bank!

    Defending airline policies?

    They, in general, seem to be quite a slightly criminal bunch.

    Raising fuel surcharges seems to be rather strange with oil prices dropping.

    But, it might be the number of passengers is falling, in the Thai way the answer would be to raise prices.

    Anyway, it might not break your bank (????), but it might be a bad thing for others.

  5. On 03/12/2017 at 11:39 AM, seajae said:

    he is just as corrupt as the rest of his family, doesnt like the fact he is facing charges where he  may well be found guilty and get some well deserved jail time. This family is a joke and Thailand is their patsy, all they are interested in is the size of their bank accounts and will use anyone to improve it

    And not only anyone, but use the country to further their power and money.

  6. 3 hours ago, steven100 said:

    :violin:  .........................   next 

    And just ignore the redshirts and their leaders?

    They never did anything wrong, did they.

    Never burnt a lot of buildings, threatened to form an army, threatened to carve up the country, never killed and threatened others, never bought votes, never killed around 2000, never had a rice scam, never.....,never........

  7. 15 hours ago, jayboy said:

    Here we go again though by this time it's hard to credit.Wittering on about farmers suicides by definition loses all credibility.


    The current government's incompetence has lost Thailand billions of Baht and unlike Yingluck it has no democratic mandate.Do they deserve to be in prison?

    Are you quite certain about the loss of billions by the current government.

    Can you produce numbers, adjusted for changes?

    Or are you just venting your irritations?

  8. 4 hours ago, candide said:

    Interesting philosophical question, but it is not about governments "in general" (if I dare say), but about the failure of this particular autocratic and self-appointed government.

    In fact it is about governments in general, not only the Thai government of today.

    Surely the preceding government also merited the question?

    Can you name one government in the whole world that is truly democratic?

  9. 14 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    Looks like those boxes have just come out of a warehouse, ammo dump my rear, someone planted them, but they will not grow there idiots. No election then and that is what this find/plant is all about.

    Those kind of boxes, sir, are built to withstand the ravages of time, sir.

    And who says they were there a long time, and not replanted there by the "owner" in a move to switch places regularly of contraband?

    No, of course not, planted last week by the government to blame those poor angelic redshirts, who never did anything with fire, firearms, explosives etc, etc.

  10. 1 hour ago, manicmike68 said:

    Wow! Instead of always bashing and trashing American English, why can't we work together to help the Thai people become more knowledgeable in the English language regardless of where the native English speaker comes from? 

    You seem to miss the point, American English with its tone changes, special R, etc, is more difficult to learn as a more neutral kind of English.

    On top of it, Thai people with some or more English proficiency trying to ape American sounds become unintelligable.

    On TV3 in the morning, an American speaking Thai, from time to time may play his part by saying something in Yankee American. (Sorry)

    And oh boy, he lays it on, makes it sound like "transatlantic twanging sounds", as said in the past by someone.

    If these sounds are taken up by Thai it will make their English sound stupid.


    Yes, I am not a native English speaker, it is just one of the languages I can use, for better of for worse.

  11. 2 hours ago, electric said:

    I don't think there's anything unusual about this. It's just a phase that many of us would've gone through in our much younger life. I guess the young Thai guys are no different really.


    A time when your car and your hot girlfriend were the 2 most important things in life.

    Definitely in that order.

  12. 2 hours ago, Rally123 said:

    It's not really English. It's the American version. For me I find it totally confusing when it comes to correcting my kids spelling of a word.  :sad:

    I am afraid, also on tv, the Thai are forcibly introduced to the American twanging sounds.

    Which makes the Thinglish even less understandable.

    It would be much better if a more neutral English would be served


  13. 1 hour ago, Ossy said:



    Their misconducts include:

    • Absence from official duty for over 15 days.
    • Taking bribes from prisoners over seizure of mobile phones in prisons.
    • Taking bribes from prisoners to operate gambling in the prison.
    • Embezzlement of prison earnings of more than 600,000 baht.
    • Allowing amulet trading in prisons.
    • Allowing male prisoners to have sex with female prisoners in female detention zone.
    • Involving in the smuggling drugs and mobile phones into the prison.
    • Demanding money from prisoners’ relatives to facilitate their visit.
    • Implicating in corruption of salary and allowance payments worth almost 5 million baht.
    • Buying alcohol beverages for prisoners in exchange with 2,000 baht money.

    Department chief Pol Col Narat Sawettanan said the heavy punitive action was handed down to serve as a reminder for other wardens that the wrongdoers would be drastically dealt with.


    'Heavy punitive action'  . . . who's he trying to kid? He could hardly do any less than sack the bastards. Just look at those offences . . . the prison had become a brothel-cum-casino-cum-bar-cum general free-for-all - an utter disgrace, for which the all-powerful Department chief Pol Col Narat Sawettanan should be sacked . . . it was all happening on his watchLike the rest of the Police department, 'CORRECTIONS' is heading for the basement


    With no top leadership worthy of respect, this whole country is going to the dogs. And, the scary thing is that, until the Junta makes way for respected leadership, things will get worse, across the whole board. Police, Education, Finance, Tourism, Agriculture . . . they will all get worse. With the 2-P's at the helm, who's to show them any better?



    Overly negative comments.

    You really think the former elected governments did do anything about the state of affairs?

    Oh yes, they did, making it worse.



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