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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 16 hours ago, manarak said:


    Adam and Eva are protagonists in a work of fiction that isn't more valid than Star Wars or The Lord of the Rings for explaining the universe...


    Although lately, say the last 100 years or so, many of those stories seem to be confirmed by findings.  Contrary to star wars and lord of the rings, nothing has been found to shore up those stories.......yet.  In short, believe or don't believe what you want, and leave others free to believe what they want to believe.  And I am not religious.

    And if someone, for whatever reason, don't believe in same sex marriages, it simply is his belief.  And he has as many rights to ventilate his beliefs as anybody else.

  2. 16 hours ago, pornprong said:

    Thailand's greatest curse is the Thai military.

    Please explain?


    The world's greatest curse is politicians, elected or not.

    The military is just used by politicians or their controllers.

    The atomic bombs were created by private business together with the military, because the politicians ordered it.

    The cold war was not a product of the military, but a product of the powerhungry dirty minds the politicians' all seem to have.

  3. 1 hour ago, Pilotman said:

    and that in a nutshell  is what is so wrong  with  many, many, farangs in Thailand .  What an absolute <deleted> and if any of us see this prick around we should make sure he knows  how we feel about him and his kind.  Unless of course, you agree with him!!

    You were never treated in the same way standing in line somewhere by Thai people and shouted down by Thai people if you, being a farang, commented on being jumped?

    Although the man that is a dud, he is doing something many Thais do all the time.

    But because he is a farang this goes viral to show farang are no good.

    Thai people are always trying to jump ahead.........me first.

  4. 1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

    Yeah, but . . .


    If they are so worried about the cards being abused, why doesn't the government issue food stamps like those handout out to nearly 50 million hungry and impoverished inhabitants of the world's wealthiest democracy?


    They could also tap into the nation's renowned community spirit by helping set up a network of "food banks" of the kind that have become about the only growth industry in the UK and other "developed" European nations.


    To be brutally honest, if I were a dirt-poor Thai with no prospects of a decent life, I'd probably prefer the present cack-handed system to continue. Then at least I'd have the means to drown my sorrows.

    Oh, how very, very true.

    I mean the situation in so called first world countries like the USA and the countries in the EU.

  5. 1 hour ago, ChrisY1 said:

    Nothing but happy times news since YL did a runner.....exports up to record levels....domestic growth expanding....organic laws being enacted..the military is clean as a whistle...corruption down....Just gotta love everything here!

    You can nag about the military as much as you like, but numbers show a rise in economic growth, contrary what most farang think.

    The investment into the railway industry, roads, infra, bring jobs and makes growth possible around the country, including other means of income for the poor.

    Contrary to what the former governments did.

    The low income groups, like anywhere in the world, gain nothing from the economic growth, a trait inherent to the so-called market economy.

    The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, sad but true.

    Doesn't take away the fact that I do feel the military should not take over a government, but I do really wonder what had happened in Thailand if the military had done nothing.

    In my view the country was gliding into a possible civil unrest of big proportions.

  6. Creating a second rail system in a country will always result in diminishing the existing lines in favour of the new lines.

    Which means a huge loss of you investment.

    It would be much better to upgrade the existing system, rolling stock and routes.

    Another option would be to connect the three airports including the existing airport link.

    Seen the route, planned stops and distances, 160 km/h is quite enough.

    A speed obtainable on the existing metre gauge rail lines.

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