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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    Many on WS now spend no money.  Or very little.  Kinda like the red light district in Amsterdam.  Many walk by, few partake.


    If they did it properly, it could be very successful.  I quit going to WS several years ago.  Just not my cup of tea.  I know many others who feel the same way.


    Here's Bang Saray's walking street.  No go go bars.




    And Chiang Mai's market.  Always busy with tourists.



    You would be very surprised how much money goes on in the Amsterdam district.

    That said, the town government is trying to kill off the business.

    And now the business goes underground.

  2. 1 hour ago, DLang said:

    Of course.... the tracks were to blame.



    Yes, probably so.

    Planned speed and weight might be too much for the existing cant of the tracks.

    Also, if one or more of the wheels have flat spots, derailment in a curve with the existing cant, can be to much.

    Personally, I do think the railway employee spoke too early.

    Accidents like these can happen anywhere, anytime, anyhow.

    The reason why it happened need to be carefully researched.

  3. 14 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    That will piss Prayut off no end. Thaksin is gone, Yingluck is gone, but big chunks of the population look forward to them coming back to take power once more. Now more than ever, I bet he wished he had won the popularity poll published earlier this week. All of his efforts look to be coming to nothing in the long run. And House Shinawatra will rise again. This saga is more intriguing than Game of Thrones!

    Like the coming of the Messiah.

    All seeming to forget both messiahs left the building and their underlings to accept the results of their doings.

    Maybe big groups of the population see them as Messiah, but I guess a bigger group see them for what they really are.

  4. This embracing of the leading class in Thailand of China and Chinese is disturbing at least and very dangerous in the long run for the real Thai people.

    China is a one party state with no democracy at all, a country that is trying to control all countries around it, a country that still believes they are the middle kingdom, a country with no respect for human life at all, and foremost a country that in all its dealings has a strategic goal.

    For China.

    No self respecting country should have dealings with China while so many neighbouring countries have problems with that country.



  5. 3 hours ago, JAG said:

    What happened to this child is truly awful. A functioning police force would ensure that it did not go unpunished, and together with proper government agencies would go a long way to preventing it happening to others at risk.

    It happens all over the world, and I suggest that Thais for the most part love and cherish their children as much as any other people on the planet.

    The difference here is the incompetent police force and inadequate child protection systems...

    The police would ensure?

    The court maybe?

  6. 13 minutes ago, Mickmouse1 said:

    Well most girls do have few FARANG BFs who send monthly payment for the love of their heart,each  thinking he is the Hero???

    Of course each has been allocated a time for their visit which the woman ensure will not clash with the other idiots designated scheduled visit?

    Some making well over 150k monthly.?

    It remains to be seen if you can blame those con artist for taking the chances offered.

  7. 2 hours ago, colinneil said:

    What a crazy comment!!

    My wife is 20 years younger than me, i am also paraplegic, my wife is not having it off with other men.

    She spends every minute of every day with me when she is not at school.

    Why do many farangs think like you? when they have no idea about other peoples relationships.

    It is called experience.

    Also not minding the face thing helps to see through lies.....

  8. 2 hours ago, Confuscious said:


    Only in Thailand????

    Time to grow up and get informed a little bit.

    For example, in Muslim countries where the rape victim a stoned for adultery.

    Or in England where many girls were raped by muslims serial wise and the police did nothing to stop it and tried everything to cover it up.

    Or in Germany where muslims tend to harass women on a grand scale while the authorities do try to cover up all, several times.

    So nothing new, common: Islam.

  9. 6 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    No, you got let off on a technicality and the bureaucratic shuffle.


    90 or so people dead and neither accountability nor responsibility.


    I am speechless.

    What about blaming the redshirts.

    I seem to remember it were them starting to burn buildings, threatening people, shooting people.

    I am speechless the redshirt culprits and leaders we're never brought to justice.

    And speechless so many conveniently want to forget that part.

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