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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 6 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

    If the junta, and their justice system, were not so blatantly bias, the courts would be overflowing with the connected and their mates.



    Undeniable, however, are the 

    misdeeds of Mr T.

    Bias or not.

  2. 4 hours ago, greenchair said:

    I liken thai governments to irresponsible parents. 

    Spending all the money on expensive toys that will be left in a corner after a month. Helicopters, submarines, trains, highways, promenades and no money for essentials, flood prevention, pension funds, healthcare, basic road  maintenance , disaster relief. 



    One should try to take care of oneself.

    Don't blame the government for not taking care of all your needs.

    Huge amounts of money are indeed spent on your essentials.

    I do agree a submarine isn't really high on my priority list, but trains, highways, helicopters and promenades might be beneficial for the country in relation to economic transport needs, disaster relief and tourism.

    And yes, seen the situation in the south the army needs new tools to replace 40-50 year old vehicles and arms.

    But of course, you in your infinite wisdom would be a fantastic PM.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

    In a city of 8 million plus, built on a river delta/swamp that is barely above sea level to begin with, that floods repeatedly every year and sees almost non-stop construction of new, higher (heavier) sky rises, it is the 120 or so massage parlours that are to blame for the city sinking.


    Uh huh.

    I'm sure no one else in the city is also "stealing" groundwater instead of paying for it. 

    I just wonder.

    The Netherlands, 40% of the country is below sea level.

    It has the Rhine river flowing through it.

    So what really is the problem of Bangkok, being largely above sea level?

  4. 5 hours ago, Thian said:

    They won't be more silent than the hybrid Camry's. And you can still hear them coming , maybe not in busy traffic though.


    What i don't like about tuktuk's is that they're slow and hold up traffic. Also they need a meter and a higher roof.




    Please don't inform my local Tuktuk pilot of that thought.


  5. 4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Most likely collecting empty bottles to recycle.:sleep: well that will be his excuse.

    regards Worgeordie

    No knives, bats, swords, batons allowed, a beer bottle, empty of course, is a good weapon.

    Beat someone on the head, throw it, break it and use the shards.


    On that level, even a box of matches, a pencil, a tin of coke in a sock, also surprisingly great stuff.

  6. On 6/22/2017 at 7:48 PM, Trumpish said:

    "Since the authorities involved could not locate her assets, they had to suspend their operations,” he said. “They didn’t know where to start. And they couldn’t find any assets that belonged to her." 




    Prayuth has no need to declare assets. Yingluck has no assets to declare. Well done girl, well done.


    Seize assets before court verdict indeed. I doubt there is much chance at all of other countries co-operating with Thailand if they are going to play these kinds of games. Other countries are rather partial to at least the semblance of law and justice.


    Som nam na.

    Other countries are rather partial to "justice".

    Oh yes, definitely.

    If you have the funds to hire a good lawyer, meaning, if you are rich.

    Then you can have, ehhh, buy justice.

    Or buy an "arrangement" with the justice department.

  7. 3 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    He possibly fears he will leave a crappy legacy, and he probably will.  All he as done is protect the elite at the expense of the average Thai. 

    Not true!

    Since this government things go forward in Thailand, traffic solutions, anti graft, doing things for the poor.

    Not fast, I agree, but something is going on, not always the solutions I would have chosen, but things are starting up.

    And that is much more as the Thaksin governments before which were only busy building a family run country, enriching themselves & cronies.

    I am not a fan of military takeover, nor am I a fan of government using the people to build a kind if Suharto-Marcos like empire.

    The military in Indonesia control everything, just like the police in Phillipines.

    I do think the government in Thailand is quite beneficial for the country.

    Besides, democracy is rather overrated.



  8. On 10/2/2017 at 3:49 PM, Jingthing said:

    Well, I know some people will groan, but in my view it is religious majorities in various countries that are more of a risk than religious minorities.

    So it is more than OK to condemn oppression of non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia (or even Muslim oppression of other Muslims), genocide of Muslim Rohingya in mostly Buddhist Myanmar,  extremist Christian motivated right wing terrorism in the USA, the occupation of the west bank by the Jewish state of Israel, etc. 

    But Muslims when they are a minority really do get an unfair bad rap. 

    Moving against them too harshly only fuels more of them to get involved with radical violent dogmas.

    It doesn't have to be that way in Thailand.

    I suggest the Thai government get involved in an early educational requirement to teach peaceful coexistence and tolerance of different religions and races to very young children. That's a good start anyway. 


    You forgot to mention the oppression and ethnic cleansing of Christians by the muslim majority in the so-called occupied territories of the west bank, an area formerly occupied by the Turks, in the division plan stated as Jewish part, in 1948 occupied by Transjordan, and in 1967 taken back by Israel as it was originally meant to be Jewish.

    I guess you mean the contested area.

    You also seem to forget Jordan, the West bank, are declared Judenrein by the islamic government.

    A typical case of Apartheid I'd say?

  9. On 10/2/2017 at 3:49 PM, Jingthing said:

    Well, I know some people will groan, but in my view it is religious majorities in various countries that are more of a risk than religious minorities.

    So it is more than OK to condemn oppression of non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia (or even Muslim oppression of other Muslims), genocide of Muslim Rohingya in mostly Buddhist Myanmar,  extremist Christian motivated right wing terrorism in the USA, the occupation of the west bank by the Jewish state of Israel, etc. 

    But Muslims when they are a minority really do get an unfair bad rap. 

    Moving against them too harshly only fuels more of them to get involved with radical violent dogmas.

    It doesn't have to be that way in Thailand.

    I suggest the Thai government get involved in an early educational requirement to teach peaceful coexistence and tolerance of different religions and races to very young children. That's a good start anyway. 


    Why is it, you think, muslim minorities tend to get a bad deal?

  10. 39 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    An apologist would be someone defending terrorist scum and their actions, not someone pointing out the absurdity of blaming all Muslims for the actions of scum who misrepresent a faith.

    I don't blame all muslims.

    But when there is another islam induced act of terror, part of the islam are having a party, a few token muslims speak out against the atrocity, while the majority is earshattering silent.

    Quite obvious most non muslims have no idea what is written and instructed in their holy book.

    If you knew no defense of islam would be forthcoming.


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