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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 45 minutes ago, gamini said:

    This ex fish and chip monger,  who is totally ignorant and of very low inteligance is a hateful racist. The fact that she is supported by  quite a large number of Australians is really is sad.  And it seems that some people on this forum support her too. Fortunately most Australians despise her.

    Are you quite certain about the last statement, or is P.C. to do so.

    If the muslims reach a 10% part of the population, your ideas will change, very fast but too late.

    Just have a look what is going on in Europe.

    By the way, her acting is not racial, but religious.

    Quite a difference.


  2. 2 hours ago, gummy said:

    Well I recently contacted one of my providers to advise them of a change of address.   After a countless wasting of phone calls I was advised that because I am in Thailand they would need this that and the other to confirm my address change so that they had acceptable documentation which would allow them to update their records.

    Eventually I spoke to someone with half a brain in the UK and when I explained that I was only changing from one address in Thailand ( where they have been sending me documentation since 2006) to another address in Thailand their was a pregnant pause and I was referred to a supervisor.  To be fair she did apologise for her staff and advised no further documents was actually needed as I was already in Thailand. She did add that some of her staff were new and hence the issue.  Well it must have been a big issue as I spoke to 5 different people before her and they were all an apparent bunch of numb nuts.


    So I am not least surprised for you to receive such a stupid letter. 

    You really don't expect call centre staff are very much introduced in the matters, do you?

  3. On 08/07/2017 at 3:20 PM, Cadbury said:

    Since that April g'day Buddy phone call I suspect that Trump has been briefed by his Foreign Affairs Department including Embassy officials and is now a wake up to what this military government is up to and it's agenda with the so called election and censorship.

    Appears now like Tillerson will be the man so Prayut will just have to get used to it.

    The Don is in a desperate face saving mode on behalf of the PM.

    You certainly are not implying democracy in the US or the EU is any better?

    If you think democracy is elections you are right, but it is all about what the elected will do after being elected.

    And the track record of the elected is not really a shining example of democracy, is it?

  4. On 8/8/2017 at 7:07 PM, ChrisY1 said:

    Seems the Nobel Peace award may have been just a little premature.

    Very disappointing really for many as she really started out with a bang, and then unfortunately fizzled.

    Then again of course, the Myanmar military, as in Thailand, care for no-one except themselves.


    Might there not a difference between the military led governments in Birma and the one in Thailand?

    To classify the two as being the same is very unfair.

  5. 1 hour ago, Ricardo said:


    One can only hope that there is, when it comes to a massive project like this one, where the projected-payback is 30-years, this isn't just an expensive plan to enrich some better-off rice-farmers or rich millers & traders, this will absorb a substantial portion of the country's investment-capital for a long time to come, and shape the trading-relationship with China for the future.


    Will they be a junior-partner or a vassal-state ?



    But remember that Thailand likes elephants, even one designed as-a-horse by a committee !  :smile:


    One can only hope for a good outcome, that the Thai negotiators hold firm, that a fair deal to-both-sides can be agreed, and that both countries walk away happy with the final deal.

    Think what you like about this project, but the only reason China is so very keen on this line is military and strategic.

    There will never be any positive result for Thailand, only for China.

  6. 3 hours ago, Ahab said:

    Complete rubbish. The death penalty is an extremely effective deterrent (100%) for repeat crimes from the person that is executed. Life in prison also prevents that person from committing crimes (except against other prisoners) for the rest of their life. 

    The "kill-kill-kill-kill" will be out in force today.

    When will the light be switched on for the death brigade so that they can see that the state endorsed killing is not a deterrent, at all.

    Don't they understand that by uttering those death curses they lower themselves to the barbaric ISIS level?

    Lifelong prison sentences are a deterrent, give a nice revenge feeling, and if the convicted in a later stadium is found to be innocent, can be released.

    If executed, and found not guilty later, then the executing was just murder.

    What then, trial of judge, jury, prosecutor, police?

    In short, killing is never an answer!


  7. On 8/9/2016 at 4:32 PM, OMGImInPattaya said:

    Everything you said is actually a plus...no Russians and fewer Europeans...I'm lovin' it. As for all the new empty and half-completed condos...who gives a toss...just a good oportunity to pick up some good units cheap.


    You must like the Chinese then?

    Good for you.

    And that is debatable.

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