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Posts posted by Petey11

  1. 5 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    Why are most of the positives coming form those in quarantine?I thought quarantine was for people who were already tested positive.Have they put non infected people in with people infected with a deadly virus?Isn't that a tad unethical?

    Yes, they locked all the migrant workers up in factories or dorms, let them carry on working and socialising, hoping to reach herd immunity in them. Sure the WHO who rated Thailand no4 for virus control, would agree that was a good move???

    • Like 2
  2. 17 minutes ago, kimamey said:

    I'm sure there are more deaths but they still seem to be doing better than other countries including mine. The UK has nearly the same population and has over 120,000 deaths compared to 89. That would take some creative accounting to cover up if Thailand were doing as badly as the UK.

    On that scale yes, but if given nearer were half, dying in tambons at home from pneamonia?? Never tested. Lot of deaths in UK not in hospitals but homes of elderly and care homes. Also figures for excess deaths Thailand hard to find plus skewed by lock downs and people not on raids, which everyone knows accounts for about 70 per day. Lot of reports too about figures available for pneamonia deaths in Thailand not been available. Obviously Thailand is nowhere near as bad as other countries, whether it be under reporting or some form of immunity, but it is out there. Only future years when the world digs into the varying effects between different countries will all become apparent I think. Remember Wuhan reported some 50000 infections but later reported up to 4-500k antibody tests positive. 

  3. On 2/15/2021 at 5:42 AM, SunsetT said:

    Because Covid would spread exponentially as in other countries and hospitals would soon be be overflowing and elderly death rates would be soaring. Also  Thai and social media would be reporting it widely. It would be impossible to hide.


    Emergency decree and restrictions on covid reporting and spreading of news to cause panic and fear, say no more.

    • Sad 1
  4. On 2/14/2021 at 8:03 PM, Oliver Holzerfilled said:

    He didn't catch it in Tanzania.  We know this because Tanzania, along with Thailand's neighbors Lao and Cambodia, have no deaths and very few cases of Covid.


    In the event anyone tries to claim Tanzania or Lao or Cambodia are fudging their covid numbers don't bother.  Just as in previous months when some accused Thailand of unrecorded covid cases, the "if Thailand has more covid cases then why aren't the hospitals full and why aren't there dead bodies in the streets" crowd quickly shouted them down.  Don't temp the same fate from this crowd since there are also no full hospitals or bodies in the streets in Tanzania, Cambodia or Lao, so their covid numbers must be correct.


    Therefore he caught it in Ethiopia. 

    This is the same Tanzania that stopped reporting covid cases last May, does not want a vaccine, says herbs can cure covid and God will protect the country from Covid, all from the mouth of the head of state. American Embassy and diplomats published just a few days ago that Tanzania is possibly on the point of collapse in its health system. There are stiff penalties for writing or publishing it saying anything publicly about covid situation in Tanzania, even more Draconian than Thailand's policy on covid news releases. So sure, could never have caught it in Tanzania because no one knows what's going on in Tanzania I think. Every country surrounding them had seen an increase I think I read.

  5. 18 minutes ago, snoop1130 said:

    Suphan Buri warns Phuket after COVID-positive expat visits on holiday

    By The Phuket News



    The timeline issued today showing that the COVID-positive foreigner had spent a week in Phuket, staying at a location in Patong. Photo: Suphan Buri Provincial Health Office


    PHUKET:-- The Suphan Buri Provincial Health Office today (Feb 16) released a timeline of a foreign man, 40, who lives in Suphan Buri and has now tested positive for COVID-19. The timeline shows that the man spent a week in Phuket, based in Patong, earlier this month.


    The man travelled to Phuket from Suphan Buri in his own car, the Suphan Buri Provincial Health Office noted in its report.


    He arrived in Phuket on Jan 29 and departed the island on Feb 5.


    Full Story: https://www.thephuketnews.com/suphan-buri-warns-phuket-after-covid-positive-expat-visits-on-holiday-79040.php



    -- © Copyright Phuket News 2021-02-16

    Need to know the date of test to see if he was possibly infectious when in Phuket, 2-3 days before symptoms or time of test

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    It has also been reported many times that asymptomatic cases being much higher so it largely depends on which reports one believes if any.I for one have absolutely no clue,so maybe it would be better to only report symptomatic cases and not confuse the numbers with positive tests.A positive test doesn't indicate the disease they call covid 19.Imagine how much lower the numbers would be if only covid 19 patients who required hospital treatment were counted then maybe many people would not be so terrified. 

    Follow China's lead, they only count symptomatic cases if you read their daily reports, and then state asymptomatic cases separately, hence their daily figures may be in the tens but sometimes asymptomatic up to hundred.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Just saw an article where 4 people who had received both doses of the Moderna Vaccine in the US have now tested positive for Covid.  Genome sequencing is now starting to see <deleted> is going on.  I know this is off topic but thought it was related to the facts that no vaccinations have started here and the AstraZenica Vaccine has been put in a hold pattern in South Africa.  Testing and herd immunity.  How can you say both in the same sentence without testing the population.  If they are hoping to attain that in Samut Sakhon and then open up borders it still makes no sense at all.  My Daughter is a Surgical ICU PA working in Lane county Hospitals in the Covid Units, and she herself has had both Moderna vaccinations.  Very concerning since they have also cut back on the PPE equipment due to cost.



    The vaccines are to reduce severe disease or death from Covid, no one has stated it will stop you catching and carrying it. When younger I had the measles vaccine but still caught measles, although in a very mild form. This is why coutries need to vaccinate majority. Personally anyone who doesn't want the vaccine, good luck to them, as it protects those who have had it, not others.

  8. 57 minutes ago, meltonpie said:

    Are you saying that these figures only relate to Thai people?



    It seems they might have stopped testing.  Or at least stopped reporting as the figures haven't been updated

    https://ddc.moph.go.th/viralpneumonia/situation.php, Thai page is more up to date. It's PUI you need to look at as testing numbers would also include retests of PUI. Looks like it has dropped to 5-6k a day now average recently.

  9. 10 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

    I was just listening to a panel of highly respected world experts, independent of politics.

    One Dr, said when the world approaches/ gets to the 75% mark, that is those that have been infected and  vaccinated in total , then there will be a turn around.

    This is not expected to happen for about 4 months.

    So if the turn happens then the world tourism might start up.


    Also reported that in the UK people dependent on hand outs / food banks has gone up 700% in some areas.

    One thing is sure the world is being dragged through a depression the likes of, never seen before.

    It may get worse before it gets better.

    The Dr said no one is doing much research on other medications the politicians are totally mesmerized on vaccines.

    If you google South African news, they have suspended use of Astra Zeneca vaccine as it has had little effect on the new strain, as little as 25%, amazingly the rest of the world are ploughing ahead ordering and injecting this vaccine which may turn out to be useless, if the South African strain spreads throughout the world.

    Astra Zeneca are currently working on a modification to the vaccine but they have not got one yet. 


    That said-Thailand is in the same boat as most other countries, except the panel agreed, that the countries that locked down, their economies are doing well--- China ,NZ ,Vietnam, they have not needed bail out money any where near some other countries.

    Bailout money definition= monetary Missiles, aimed at the rich.

    When a turnaround happens and we all hope that is sooner than later, then if Thailands stupid policies on insurance and making things difficult for tourists to return will be the final nail in the coffin.


    How long will the people be able to take this, surely the pressure from Tuk Tuk drivers right up to the big boys who rule the roost, Mr Tesco 7/11 will hurt . Thing will have to change in Thailand or they will head back to being the same as poor old Myanmar. 


    What a state the world is in, the media focused on idiot Donald Ducks impeachment and arguing about how to distribute vaccines, a giant political mess with billionaires and the WHO, Bill Gates and his mates, rolling in the cash while the worlds lower income are going to hell.


    The amazing thing is they don't seem to be to worried about all those wide bodied jets being parked up in the dessert or the Tuk Tuks in cob webs in Bangkok

    On the subject of the South African strain, other strains will mutate into similar elsewhere in the world. In the UK the Kent strain, know as the UK strain has mutated again, discovered in Manchester, and has the same mutation as the South African one. The boffins say the only way to reduce mutations is to reduce infections so it's important to know where your cases are and true numbers,vhence the WHO test, test, test.

  10. I still believe that due to the system of hospitalisation if found positive for covid, although keeps cases strictly isolated which is good, discourages those with mild symptoms from coming forward, for fear of compulsory internment in hospital or worse a field hospital. Same problem has occured in UK where people cannot afford to isolate at home, as required by law, so either sit it out until they feel well enough to go out or blatantly carry on as normal going to work.

    • Like 2
  11. 7 hours ago, elgenon said:

    I think I read that Europe was prohibiting the export of vaccine at the current time. Confused me though since England is no longer in European union. Maybe produced in Germany?

    Think produced in Italy,one place and a couple of others, two places in UK I think, but as AZ has said UK production will go to UK orders first before starting export. Thailand needs to get their AZ licence sorted pdq I think.

  12. 3 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

    Strange only aliens get Covid... Thai people are infected by foreigners .. so was on that party and did these stupid things?? I think it is a bs story..just to justify alcohol ban, parties and gatherings...If there is real mass testing and real figures everything would be much different. I know in my place at least 4 covid patients who are never mentioned because the authorities told everyone to keep quiet about it... bad for the image...so what is real?

    Thailand, people are the land of smiles, officials are the land of BS.

  13. 3 hours ago, Percy P said:

    Couldn't the workers be tested on entering the factory . When I enter 7/11, super shopping malls one is tested. Even at the local rural market people are tested. Temperature testing ,hand sanitized. The market has a ribbon around it allowing for one passage way in to it.


    Temperature checking will only pick up very small amount of infections, not those who have it but are asymptomatic or only loss of smell, slight cough.

  14. 3 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    And in a Bangkok Newspaper this Morning, ( Article - " Factory Staff to be monitored " )there was an article that was saying how expensive all the testing was becoming for the Government, and that cheaper ways had to be found to test all these people.

    They have only been testing 10,000 per day at a published price between 2,000 -3,000 Baht per test, in the West, Countries are testing 10 times these numbers every Day.

    Now the CCSAA are bitching about having to continue with 2000 tests per Day, saying a comprimise has to be sought between mass testing and costs.

    I find this response by the Thai Authorities to the Covid situation far worse than any words I can put together


    Agree, think it's the don't look, don't find, looks good, no infection, haven't we done well. Plus the cost, not just of testing but compensation to those out of work in closed businesses. People in UK calling for things to open up now, despite the balls up of previous openings from lockdowns.

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