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Posts posted by Petey11

  1. 3 hours ago, dcnx said:

    How easy is it to get tested there? Do they have a testing center there or is it know that one of the hospitals is where everyone goes?

    If you don’t know, then they are probably not testing a lot there.

    I asked our gardener, Burmese, just last week if he had been tested yet or if anyone he lives with has. He said it no because it was too expensive. I thought I had read it was free for them now, and it might be, but they don’t know it. 

    Also have to take the view that if they have no symptoms, or just mild symptoms, why would anyone risk getting incarcerated in hospital or detention centre for an undefined amount of time.

  2. 4 hours ago, KannikaP said:

    He knows that the cunning little virus knows the difference between traders, employees and customers, as it also knows when it is 10pm, curfew time. 

    Or he knows that the government can control the numbers detected by just reducing tests carried out. Take UK now, 1.5 million tests a day, mix of PCR and lateral cross flow, cases 5-6000 per day, incidence of about 0.3% positive, actually quite low. Thailand average 3000 tests a day, 50-60 cases average, incidence of 2% from tests. Let people make up their own minds if covid is present in greater numbers than been reported.


  3. 8 hours ago, brommers said:

    To put it quite simply the government does not want to lose face by having private hospitals beating it in the race to start mass vaccination. Total reliance on a single vaccine from a company that has a deplorable track record in Europe & the USA, plus allowing it to select a local manufacturing partner with no experience in vaccine production, and indeed no production facility until it recently started construction has put this country is at grave risk. Look at how Astra Zeneca has caused huge disruption to vaccination programmes and you clearly see what is hoing to happen here. And this will cause untold further damage to the tourism industry and the livelihood of millions. By using it's stranglehold on the actions of private hospitals further compounds the folly and prevents those willing to pay, and so save the country money, from obtaining critically needed medical services. Shame on the junta.

    Absolutely agree with the first part, Thai government is fearful of private hospitals putting their vaccine programme to shame and out performing the pitiful 3000 vaccines administered per day.

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  4. 8 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    Yes, what a hypocrite! 

    Anyhoo, Thailand having such low numbers, what's the difference? Does he know something?

    Maybe he does know something, just read in another online paper a quote from one of the boffs at Chulalongkorn University, that CCSA did not report  100 cases found in a factory or plant in Samut Sakhon recently, maybe because all interred in one place?

  5. At least he preempting the blame on Thai population this time. Strange Thai blame Myanmar for covid wave, Cambodia blame China, Thailand and Vietnam, Vietnam blame Cambodia and China, yet all report very low rates of infections. Me thinks that there is something amiss with the figures. If all have such small numbers of local infection what are the chances of passing it into each others countries.

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  6. 3 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    If you look at the dates of the peaks in each of the graphs there's a 2 week difference.The number of tests peaks on the 12 Jan and the number of reported cases peaks on the 2nd of Feb.On Feb 2nd the number of tests had halved to about 2000 tests per day which would bump the positivity rate up by double.The lag between the two graphs might indicate it took 2 weeks to actually report the number of positive cases, but we wouldn't know because they are not exactly transparent.

    I posed the question too before about how long between testing, officially recording and publishing, look at the UK PHE charts and you begin to see how complicated it is to understand, plus add in a possible delay of up to two weeks until an infection shows or is detectable.

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