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Posts posted by Petey11

  1. 6 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    The problem isn't to vaccinate the residents in Phuket

    as soon as people know the tourist will be back in the island

    everyone everywhere in Thailand hoping to make some money on it 

    are going to flood in the island, it will be a real tsunami of bargirls, freelance

    masseuses, burmese workers (Legal or not) mototaxis, guides and so on

    it could be hundred of thousands of people, maybe more than 1 million

    none of them being vaccinated

    how the authorities will be able to manage it ?

    Has been my thought too. The only way I think they could do it safely is to seal the areas. Any local population wanting to leave the area have to follow same guidelines, testing if vaccinated or quarantine if not vaccinated. I'd like to see them try and ring fence a place like pattaya or Chiang Mai and then add to that the tea money syndrome and you could be looking at an entirely different situation with regards to infection in Thailand.

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  2. 8 hours ago, unblocktheplanet said:

    24,631 Covid+ since December 15. Very little testingDangerous game not to adopt basic precautions. So far, so good but many other countries are imploding. Really, don't want to push our luck. I remind people gently & politely while pointing to my own mask.

    Think you sum it up, 25k with relatively low testing, and with the system of enforced quarantine for positive result or at high risk contact, does not encourage people to come forward. I hope for Thailand sake one of the more contagious variants does not get in, but then with low testing and unknown genetic sequencing who knows. I have seen no information forthcoming about which variants are present either, if any.

  3. 6 hours ago, DavisH said:

    It's a double edged sword. Just look at the US and Europe with their freedom to "stay home and self isolate". Look at how that's worked out for them. 

    Quite agree with you on that. Even in the UK there are people who will not go and get tested because they dont want to isolate as required by law. Only advantage is that EU and USA have a clearer idea of the incidence of covid in the community 'due to testing. Uk is now recording over a million tests per day, a mix of PCR and rapid cross lateral flow testing, so figures of 4-6000 a day is actually quite low considering the number of test carried out.

  4. 47 minutes ago, Nojohndoe said:

    Which  Hospital/s ? I was  under the impression  Pattaya  had hospitals  who advocated  themselves as recognized options for  Medical Tourism pre pandemic   times?


    Exactly, sure I've heard it trumpeted before that Thai healthcare system is one of the best in the world, or is  just the cosmetic surgery healthcare industry?

  5. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:


    They do not always have reports from all sources at the time the daily situation reports are issued. It is not that they are not showing "true lab results", it is that often some data is not available to them in time for the daily briefings. In fact I can recall hearing several times that the figures released did nto yet include results from mass screenings. And from the difference in the numbers I suspect it has to do with the logistical arrangements for mass screenings.


    This obsession with exact number of tests and making sure every single set of numbers adds up consistently is pretty much an expat thing. The Thai public, for whom these press releases are intended, are generally content to know how many positive cases were found and where.

    It's the same case in UK but overall the figures should still feed into published figures at some point. Figures in UK can lag by several days but are still reported. In Thai figures your stated 100000 tests should still feed into published figures at a later date. Compare the 100k you show on your table with the 36k on the MOPH site. By that reckoning we should see a huge surge in reported test numbers over the next week or so, unless they trickle them in over longer period, which would raise the question why?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


    As explained several times this is the official lab data from the MOPH. it is not "linked" to the MOPH website, it is an MOPH website.


    Thew daily situation reports, designed for mass public consumption,  which seem to be what you are using are incomplete and obviously not capturing all the tests perfromed. Which ones are missed, I can't say, but certainly the lab data is the most complete source as any COVID PCR test done must pass through one of the approved labs.

    I would ask the question why are the MOPH daily situation reports incomplete then or not showing the true lab tests. If they are publishing incomplete figures for mass consumption, what else are they not publishing true figures for? How can the public b confident that other figures been published daily are correct. It seems counter productive to publish lower testing figures than are actually taking place.

  7. On 3/23/2021 at 9:06 PM, ThailandRyan said:


    Sarcasm at it's finest?.  if so Good on ya.  If not, well than many of us were ill last year during the end of December to February time period and this was before Thailand closed itself down.  No Covid testing was being done, and mine was treated as a respiratory issue in February, when I went to BNH to see my regular doctor.  I went through 2 z-packs and other meds which never really helped, and the issue ended up lingering for many weeks. 


    Prior to this I have never been down for more than 2 days with anything.  However, when I tried to get tested for Covid once they started to test at the hospitals I was denied testing as I did not meet the MOPH's profile. 


    So go figure, it's not the fact that it is not as deadly for everybody, it is the fact that Thailand has not tested en-mass, and if you do test positive and are just asymptomatic you go to the hospital where you stay on your dime or your insurances.


      I am not sure if I had it or not, yet it took over 3 months for me to get my breathing back and I am only 56 now.  I also run between 30 to 40 km a week, and just put in 15km this evening as I am finally feeling better, but that's a year later. Yes I get a flu vaccination yearly as well as the pneumococcal vaccination as I am a diabetic. 


    Think outside of the box Sir, I have lost 3 of my former co-workers to Covid as well as a friend who was a teacher to my children.  By the way Fox Sports just lost a man to Covid who was young and fit.

    I can concur with you, last Jan/Feb I was in Thailand, first week of February I came down with persistent cough which continued for 2-3 weeks even once back in UK, no other symptoms and I put it down to pollution in Chiang mai , BKK, etc. 2-3 weeks after that had lethargy on and off for 6-8 weeks, some days shortness of breath, walk up my stairs and thinking, that was hard work. This was all before testing too,especially when back in UK because they weren't even looking for it then. Pretty sure I had vivid, also lost brother in law from it, 49, no pre-existing conditions. It's a lottery in how it will affect you, people I know who have had it and you'd think they would suffer or die from it have hardly been affected, others like my brother in law, well, just goes to show.

  8. 11 hours ago, Sheryl said:


    Complete nonsense.


    Over 100,000 tests done in the past week. With 3% positivity rate (despite the testing being targeted to high risk groups/areas) which suggests the scope of testing is quite adequate.



    Whenevre positivity rates have risen over the generally accepted 5% threshold testing has been increased. in keeping with standard international practice.

    I wonder why these figures are different from the MOPH Thai website that lists total PCR test at laboratories? The figures published on public web equate to anywhere from 2-6 a day recently?

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  9. 1 hour ago, KhunMorris said:

    With some obvious exceptions Thailand needs to close its borders until Covid has been fully erased. 


    The world has changed, we can't justify death and despair by allowing sex tourists and backpackers to travel here to simply take pleasure with some local poo ying. This isn't just my opinion. Thais in general feel this way.


    Please respect expats and Thai people alike.





    If your waiting for covid to be eradicated your in for an extremely long wait I think so you propose stopping all travel for decades? Look how long it took to deal with smallpox, polio, and world is still struggling with TB, measles, etc, and there are vaccines for these diseases.

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  10. 11 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Brother in UK yesterday said that 26 million have had their first jabs... Thailand has a bit of catching up to do.

    Three days in a row UK breaking records for jabs administered per day. Latest 740k, one every 27 seconds they reckon. The 800k Thai gotwould last just over a day. Shows what can be done by countries where there is the political and social will.

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