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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. The particulate is always heavy along Phet Kasem because of the vehicle traffic. However, the dust levels are high all over from the railway road down to Phet Kasem. It seems worse, especially inside from the night market on down to the Hilton. It is not as bad on the beach.
  2. Well, since you have brought the subject up, there is a stark difference in the condition of LA County (or even the tourist destinations of North Carolina, Virginia, Florida et al) beaches and those of Thailand. There is no trash on the US beaches. They have garbage cans regularly spaced and people have been taught not to litter. There are also restrooms on their beaches. My walk on the Hua Hin beach this afternoon was distinguished by dead fish, horse manure, plastic cups/containers/straws and plastic bottles. You don't see that in the US beach locations you were mentioning. Yes, there is a hygiene problem with parts of LA. Most people don't visit skid row so don't have to deal with it. The city does hose the place down with disinfectant. Yes, the vagrants and mentally ill cause a mess in LA and elsewhere however, they are not destroying public beaches, not even in Venice, CA. India doesn't clean anything period. It is a nation where people throw their trash over a neighbor's wall and think nothing of it. And please don't mention the quality of Thailand's beach water. When is the last time the government released a water quality reading? There is a reason why they won't do it. You need only look at Patong Bay to understand why.
  3. Trump did not win in a landslide. Trump did not even win a majority of the votes. Are you illiterate and do not understand what a landslide win is? Harris 75,019,257 votes (48.4%) Trump 77,303,573 votes (49.9%) Yes, Trump received more votes that Harris and won the electoral college allocation of votes. This does not make it a landslide victory. For reference sake a landslide presidential election result was; Lincoln v. McClellan Reagan v. Carter Nixon v. McGovern Reagan v. Mondale FDR v. Landon
  4. I don't think people realize how bad it is until they get here and then it is too late, and even they most probably don't notice. I walked around Hua Hin last night and the number of older tourists sitting in the entertainment areas surrounded by dust and vehicle fumes, and puffing away on their cigarettes suggests they don't care. The Indians and Chinese probably think Thailand is great because the air quality is better than what they are used to. There's a been a gray haze hanging over Hua Hin since New Years. I guess it's a gift from Bangkok that has blown down.
  5. There has been no genocide. If there had been one we would not have had this farce of a confrontaion drag on for months. Israel would have gone in and laid waste to Gaza in 3 months, much as the Arabs do when they have a similar event.
  6. Mr. Blumenthal's parents were nominally jewish. However, he neither practices judaism, nor identifies as Jewish. He is a jew of convenience when it provides cover for some of his more hateful positions. This is a man who in the past decade was a staunch supporter of Syria's Assad, who denied the presence of torture facilities right up until they were documented after the departure of Assad. He is a mouthpiece for Russian propaganda and is compensated for it. Because someone is born with a heritage, does not necessarily make them a practioner of a religious faith. Understandably for some, the Nuremburg laws should apply, but in today'sreality, the best that can be said is that he is a person who is compensated to attack Israel, the USA and the rest of the free world. He is entitled to his views, but he should not be held out as a jew,because he isn't.
  7. Did the Patong Police enforce the helmet and license requirement? So many people distressed. Try and live or work with them. Been there, done that. All I can say, is bon appetit. France brought this upon itself, but I wish France kept their creation to themselves.
  8. If there is any spare outrage please send some to Hua Hin. The Beach horse handlers piss in the beach sois. Their horses also leave alot of debris on the beach. Too many horses now, so there is lots of manure. I recall inadvertently stepping on human feces at the Delhi railway station. They are not a clean society. If they spent just a bit of their nuclear weapons budget on public hygiene, they might not be so dirty.
  9. Rubbish, because you cannot offer one intelligent counter argument.
  10. People with something to lose, have a different approach, They will take into consideration the following in no particular order; - Impact on family (inclusing childcare and education) - Access to quality healthcare -Tax implications - Cost of maintaining the desired lifestyle including housing Thailand attracts alot of lower income and lower social positioned people. They are not going to do better elsewhere.
  11. So you have never used or benefited from the Thai transportation infrastructure? You know, the airports, roads, BTS, SRT and domestic airlines? You may have not had to use the services of the Thai healthcare, fire or police services but they are all there and will benefit you if you need them. The people who service your demands at the retailers, government offices, restuarants, hotels et al all have to be educated and assisted like any other nation does. The cost to deliver the electricity and water you receive and use are not covered by the user fees. It's the government that pays for the dams and electricity and water delivery network. And so on. Unless you are already paying coprorate and personal income tax, you are most likely one of the majority to takes more than he pays.
  12. Nice try. VAT does not cover anywhere close to what the government is spending for your benefit. In Thailand, VAT represents 33% of tax revenues. You receive far more in services than you contribute in VAT.
  13. There are tax treaties that address the risk of double taxation. As you state, paying tax in the appropriate jurisdiction removes the risk of paying it again in another jurisdiction.
  14. The only people who are resisting are those who are trying to avoid paying taxes, or who did not read the procedures and explanations. Thailand has a tax treaty with Canada and double taxation is prevented by the treaty. People who meet a specified period of residency in Thailand are required to file a tax return because they are benefiting from staying in Thailand and from Thai government spending. There are also many people who refuse to pay taxes in their homelands and who use Thailand as a means of evading tax. The filing requirement addresses the freeloaders and international criminals who evade taxes. You are obliged to file a tax declaration in Canada because you earn income in Canada from your rental property . The property benefits from the spending of governments at the municipal, provincial and federal levels. Infrastructure, such as roads, fire protection, electrical supply etc. are all supported by those 3 governments. You hold a Canadian passport and benefit from it. If you don't believe you do, renounce the citizenship and return the passport.
  15. Hamas agreed to a detailed agreement. Now it wishes to change conditions. This is typical of arab culture and mentality. The PLO did this when it had agreed to a peace deal in its hands 25 years ago, and then backed out at the last minute. It is difficult to enter into any peace agreement with the Palestinian arabs if they act in bad faith.
  16. It is not recommended to split medications 3X or more. Even 2X has a risk, albeit much lower. Dividing pills assumes that there is a consistent spread of the dose in the pill. Unfortunately, the manufacturing process of a pill does not guarantee that the dose will be consistent through the entire pill. It could be more concentrated in one part of the pill. This matters if there is a need to maintain a set amount of medication because of the drug's pharmacokinetics. Statins can come in increments of 5. Because Tadalafil can be used to treat specific illnesses, an accurate dose may be more important than if it is to treat ED. It's not a critical issue for most people, but I do mention it as a caution.
  17. And not to disagree, but I believe the saying of low hanging fruit applies here. Easy to identify and to apprehend. Easier to extract a guilty plea and financial settlement from a foreigner subject to time constraints compared to a local who is probably in debt and couldn't care. And a convenient opportunity to make a public specttacle of this. And to add to your list, if only they showed as much diligence in pursuing rapists, child abusers and domestic violence perps. Maybe. Sometimes they have been getting away with bullying for so long, that they think they are untouchable.
  18. I stand corrected. The funny part is that my young nephew who is given to embracing "progressive" causes has labeled me a right wing obstacle to change. 😛.
  19. The SARS Cov-19 has been identified and its genome mapped. The influenza viruses have been identified and many of them have had their genomes mapped. You deny that they exist. This is why you are profoundly ignorant. You are denying established fact. Irrefutable fact. No one can be this wrong, unless it is intentional, or is the result of a mental illness. I am not trained in managing the mentally ill, nor do I have the patience to do so. I do not wish to play your game. Have fun.
  20. Absolute rubbish. The curriculum of accredited medical schools is intended to provide the basics in its 4 year program. One adds to those skills during the 3-7 year residency and then, during the Fellowship training if one goes onto for further specialization. There is a reason why there are additional programs for the subjects you reference. Nutrition knowledge is common sense and does not need the formal classroom setting. It can be pursued through the CME requirements and during the residency. There are trained health professionals called nutritionists and dieticians who will work with a physician and who are better placed to offer the counseling and guidance you claim is missing. This is why patients are referred to them. You are so full of BS that it is infuriating. Everything can be toxic depending on its concentration. Vitamins are toxic if consumed in excessive quantities. You have no experience as a medical doctor and are not licensed as one, so do not carry on as if you are a medical expert. Because Naturopaths, chiropractors and others call themselves doctors, does not make them health care professionals. You don't like the WHO, but have no idea who and what they are. It is the only organization that is able to get into high risk regions and to intervene. Whether it is ebola in the Congo, or Polio in Pakistan, it is the WHO that intervenes. We may not like their politics, but if a deadly infectious disease is to be contained, they are the only option.
  21. Coleman is not a "dr." He lost his license due to his behavior. Uttering death threats and engaging in what can be politely called "outbursts" does not suggest stability. Nor is he qulifed as an expert on infectious disease or immunology or virus pathology. Covid is not a rebranded flu. The two viruses are different. The SARS Cov-19 illness is an INFLAMMATORY event. Influenza results in a different condition. You go right ahead and keep on believing your "detox" invention. You can cure yourself with a coffee enema or maybe an ivermectin cocktail. It is quite obvious that you have had no formal education, particularly in the sciences. No point in engaging with you because you are so profoundly ignorant.
  22. The self delusions can be startling. If a foreign male does not already occupy a high position in the social hierarchy, then he has almost no chance of ever having a stable relationship with a woman who is considered to be hi so. The exceptions are for very good looking Japanese or South Koreans. Thailand has a pecking order and while some westerners don't see it, there is a very strong social hierarchy.
  23. To those who have managed workplaces and had troublesome personnel, this man is a drunk, sex pest , untrustworthy and given to delusions of grandeur. He will at some point screw up and then attempt to cover up the mess. This man isn't fit to be a clerk for secretaries like Jimmy Forrestal, or George Marshall, or Bill Perry or Bill Cohen. The characterization of senior officers at the deaprtment of defense as woke liberals is so far off the mark as to be an insult. The US military has some of the best educated and trained leadership and command officers in the world. Many if not most of the senior command have had combat experience. Multiple false claims about DEI in the military have been made. The reality is that the military is facing a shortage of educated, qualified personnel. Hegseth won't change that. On the contrary, he may cause a large number of personnel to leave . The reason women are serving is because they fill an important gap in the personnel needs. Without women in their roles, the US would have 16% shortage in available personnel. The warrior mentality is what causes multi million dollar losses of aircraft, and unnecessary actions. This job requires a person who is able to manage a multi billion dollar multi national operation.
  24. That's the best you can offer; a pathetic attempt at labeling, when confronted with reality. Anyone who disagree with the dissemination of lies and disinformation is a "lefty". Tell you what, go and have an ivermectin enemas because Mel Gibson tells you it not only cures cancer but prevents it, and then you can cover yourself with cow dung because a Hindu holy man says it is a cure all, and you will qualify to work in Kennedy's new improved Health department.
  25. I have said it previously, and I say it again after the latest blasts in tatarstan, this war is creating a terrible environmental catastrophe. Both Russia and Ukraine were never much for environmental responsibility, but the targeting of chemical and petroleum facilities is going to leave a legacy of environmental tragedy and the birth defects that will accompany it.
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