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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. Translation: The people who are complaining now about the failure of the state government to be more interventionist are the same people who complain when the state government does just that.
  2. Don't bet on that. You need only look at Florida to see what happens. Good old Republican Florida has an issue with windstorms. Instead of really toughening building codes and requiring that rebuilding and new builds be restricted in tidal surge zones, the state created its insurance pool. It was supposed to be an insurer of last resort, but the citizenry forced the legislature to slowly push the pool into taking on more and more of uninsurable risks. The state said to the reaining propertyu insurers that if they wanted to remain in the state they had to accept more lower quality risks. The insurers said ok and then proceeded to price premiums so that even moderate risks got stuck subsidizing the high risk properties. California will force insurers to write high risk properties and those insurers will spread their risk amongst all policy holders such that people who shouldn't have to pay a high premium will. The insurance agents and brokers will not be crying over this. The comission on a homeowner's policy typically ranges from 10% to 20%.
  3. You have no idea what has occurred. A state governor has no control over local fire mitigation. State policy and directives can be issued with the approval of the state legislature, but it is up to the counties and municpalities to undertake local mitigation. They also set and apply local building codes. Everytime the state has tried to change the building codes to make buildings more fire resistant, the construction and real estate developers fight back. When the state tries to undertake local burns and brush clearing, local homeowners will file injunctions to stop the activity. Anti capitalism, socialism is what is claimed. The same people screaming here and blaming the governor are the first to complain when a state attempts to prevent these events through building codes and restricting development in the high risk fire zones. Not a word from anyone holding the The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) responsible for their lobbying in 2023 to prevent toughened building codes. These are the same people who demanded that they be allowed to keep building in flood plains and have the customers access taxpayer subsidized flood insurance. They resisted the improved electrical transformer regulations that would respond to the electrical fire risks that accompany the increased. electricity demands on transformers not designed to handle current demands. How greedy does one have to be to demand that, and how stupid is the person who buys a home in a flood plain? How many people forget the. warnings that many of the areas where there are homes newly built that these were historic fire zones? How many are ignoring the recommendations not to plant highly flammable decorative foilage around homes and instea duse local fire resistant species? How many are ignoring the increased demands for water from the agricultural lobby to the detriement of local citizenry? Yes, sure, blame the state governor for. individual actions. It is always easier to blame someone than to accept personal responsibility.
  4. How about we deal with what actually occurred first? The woman did not order "3 basic sandwiches". She ordered the equivalent of 6 foot long sandwiches. Drinks and cookies were extra. The woman has misrepresented the event as only ordering 3 sandwiches, and in the course of being an out of control eater, she has blamed the franchise for her own gluttony. There is always a premium to be paid at an airport location. That is the reality. I used this franchise last year and the price was not unreasonable. The takeaway is to look at the posted price first, and Subway has its price posted, and to not junket travel if you are not prepared for the expense. My takeaway is that she is an irresponsible ignorant woman who should just stick to her greasy chips and blood pudding when she gets home.
  5. Pushing a lie knowing it is a lie is reprehensible. Intentionally targeting the feeble minded and the mentally ill in an attempt to provoke a violent outcome is evil. Continuing to repeat a malicious falsehood under the guise of exploring "possibilities" speaks to the malicious intent of the person circulating false information. The people who make these false claims should be held liable for the damages that they cause. If their actions result in injuries to others, they should face the most severe of penalties. Stringing up one of these cowards may be somewhat harsh, but it does convey what a lot of people would like to see happen to the spineless coward losers who do this. Just saying. 🙂
  6. No it is not. It is used to facilitate anesthesia. It is injected into patients who are carefully screened to ensure that at risk patients are not exposed. The amount administered is controlled and is of guaranteed quality, free of contaminants. The ketamine that is dealt by people like this person is contaminated, of unknown concentration and is often consumed in unsafe doses by people who should avoid it, i.e. people with high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney dysfunction. Users do not consider its interaction with other substances. This dealer is scum, and he finally got a dose of reality.
  7. Beauty? I suppose that glossy sheen in Patong Bay from the 100 or so jet skis and motorboats gasoline runoff is beautiful to some. Perhaps others like the brown and black shades that appear when there is runoff into the bay. Or maybe its the delightful aroma of car fumes in the choked streets of the tourist towns. Phuket is ruined, destroyed, damaged for the forseable future. It is over developed, crrowded and unpeasant.
  8. Not exactly. Read the definition of a pre-existing condition. If the condition meets the satbility definition 6-12 months, no issues, no changes in medication, no visits to physician to address related issues, then it is difficult to deny unrelated injuries. If you already have a damaged body part, it will not be insured, since it can be expected to sustain further injury. If you have an unrelated injury such as poking your eye, dog bite, being run over, falling down the stairs because you slipped, those injuries' claims cannot be denied.
  9. You obviously have little experience with these apps. Please do the research before posting. The driver does not know the origin of a rating and the ratings are not immediately shared. This is intended to protect the passenger.
  10. Perhaps the next time, the. FAs should say nyet, nyet.
  11. Yes, the vape discharge can and will make some people ill. These people will be located within the 3 adjacent rows of seats. This is the same distance as is used for alerting people who have been exposed to a respiratory infection, because this is the distance when there is an obvious risk of exposure. Yes, passengers who do not wear seatbelts on an aircraft present a risk to others. These are the people who get tossed around whenm something goes wrong. The often end up falling on others, injuring them. They also sustain injuries and then cry about it.
  12. Perhaps if they had been from Israel, Lammy would be beside himself with anger and milions in the UK would be on the streets demanding their collective punishment. The worst part of this affair is that it is still going on and absolutely no one in the UK wants to deal with the big picture, not even Farage and Reform.
  13. I was going to suggest Tops. Saw some lovely, packaged loins yesterday. I also found decaffeinated coffee for brewing (Hallaleujah) as I had run out.
  14. Defeated by his own delaying strategy and by the original SCOTUS ruling itself. Even the 2 biased justices could not help him.
  15. To the attention of General Blowhard: The OP article mentioned an APC. The IDF has fitted its at risk Bradley class vehicles with the design. Many years ago it was reported that The Israeli Military Industries has developed a set of new armor protection components comprised of a high-explosive reactive armor and a composite structure of armored steel, rubber and ballistic ceramics. It has used smaller systems on other at risk vehicle classes. This approach has been used by other militaries. The primary use is for tanks, but multiple vehicles had adapted versions for designated purposes. However, the use of this type of armor will be obsolete as the new armor technology is fully deployed. Since you are a self appointed military procurement expert you will be aware that the US military awarded BAE a full-rate production contract in August 2023 to continue manufacturing the AMPV Family of Vehicles (FoV) at a high and sustained rate. The AMPV FOV consists of five, multi-mission variants including the General Purpose, Mortar Carrier, Mission Command, Medical Treatment and Medical Evacuation vehicles. The new armor surpasses the survivability of HERA.
  16. Truly one of the most idiotic demands of the past week. Do you really believe that Canadians are going to export water to the USA after Trump's threats and bullying? When he imposes 25% tariffs, the only thing Canadians will send him is their piss. There is no support for the export of water from canada to the USA, particularly since western Canada is experiencing a drought in several regions. There is not enough water in southern Canada to satisfy US demand. The Americans should learn to conserve water and not waste it. Ask North Dakota to channel its polluted Devils Lake filthy water to the USA instead of dumping it into the Canadian red River system and causing catastrophic flooding in Manitoba. Anyone who thinks they are going to get water from Canada is going to get a backside of buckshot from an angry Canadian farmer or rancher, and yes they have firearms in Canada.
  17. One of the best state educational systems in the USA One of the best health care systems in the USA Some of the best social services in the USA Some of the best municipal services in the USA Sure, California could cut taxes, but then it would be like Louisiana or Mississippi with high rates of illiteracy, low wages, poor education, high infant mortality and reduced life spans.
  18. He didn't demolish dams. There hasn't been anything done by the state in years. 4 dams were removed because they were illegal and encroached on native sovereign land and negatively impacted the people who lived on the land. Ever hear of the rule of law? The state was at the losing end because they lost the court cases. Most of the dams removed over the past 20 years were at the end of their useful lives and were not used for water storage. They often were 1-4 feet in height. Some were removed because they were at risk of collapse and had already been replaced in other areas. Only a handful were used for water storage and that was specific to vineyards, or manufacturing use. These dams prevented others from free access to the water. You can only have a number of dams on a river before you turn it into a dead zone. You do know that people sued to prevent that don't you? California has more than enough dams. Agriculture, and recreational use are the two largest consumers of the water. You go tell the powerful farm lobby not to grow almons and see what they do.
  19. Get back to us when you have the engineering worked out and have a mitigation plan in place to address the contamination and destruction of the land that will result when it is soaked with salt water. Perhaps if you had a basic education you would understand this. Salting land destroys the local ecosystem, causes building problems, pollutes the water table and corrodes infrastructure, but sure go right ahead with your brilliant plan.
  20. The fire hydrants were not dry. They delivered water as intended. Go back and take a basic physics course. You cannot maintain water pressure if all the hydrants are in use and the size of teh pipes limits the amount of water that can be transported.
  21. Trump should not be spreading false information and blaming a state governor something the governor has no control over. Trump should look to Governor DeSantis for a lesson in leadership and civics.
  22. What? No one is to blame, other than the population of California for building in high risk zones. And what happens when a state tries to block land development? Cries of socialist meddling. How would you have built a water delivery system that would supply water that could extinguish hundreds of buildings burning at once under gale force winds? There isn't a city in the world that has that capability. Even cities built on waterways don't have the ability to pump the amounts of water needed to supress this kind of conflaguration. People want to blame someone, anyone for thei rown poor choices. People have been told for decades that building on steep slopes in earthquake zones isn't a good idea. They are told not to build in flood zones and in hurricane zones, but they do. When governments try to enact building codes that do not allow ceder shake and shingle rooves or high flammable decorative vegetation, people claim that their property rights are being infringed. When people are told to remove scrub bush, they protest. There is just so much a government can do, or should do.
  23. Mr. trump is taking cheap shots at a political adversary. The correct action would have been to offer support for the victims of the catastrophe and to try and be positive. It is what every President has done for 150+ years. Making false claims does not help anyone. People at some point will tire of this. Governor De Santis showed class when he offered moral support to Californians. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) offered assistance to California on Wednesday as the state grapples with severe wildfires in the greater Los Angeles area. “Our prayers are with everyone affected by the horrific fires in Southern California,” DeSantis said in a post on social platform X. “When disaster strikes, we must come together to help our fellow Americans in any way we can.” “The state of Florida has offered help to assist the people of California in responding to these fires and in rebuilding communities that have been devastated,” he wrote. DeSantis and Newsom have a rivalry going back to the coronavirus pandemic, yet DeSantis put his country before politics. That's the right thing to do.
  24. A small number of people have moved elsewhere. For such a failed stated, it seems to have the largest GDP in the USA and contributes 14%+ of the US GDP. For some strange reason, Republican states. don't have the same contribution. Maybe it is because they are filled with people, MAGA stalwarts Laura Loomer , Elon Musk and Donald Trump Jr. call "retards".
  25. The Governor has not failed. He didn't create the Santa Anna winds. Nor is he responsible for a multi year drought. No amount of money spent could have stopped this tragedy.
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