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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. In respect to the house. that was relatively undamaged, it had a fire resistant roof (falling embers could not ignite the structure), and its outer structure was built to resist a fire. Easily combustible vegetation was minimized. National Homebuilder's Association has fought to prevent such requirements in high fire risk zones. The takeaway is that the fire damage and spread could have been minimized if the buildings were not so easily ignited. Instead of realizing that the quality of construction is a factor, the vested interests will seek to blame "politicians". No one in the building trades will accept their responsibility, nor will the people who demanded the cheap quality of builds accept that they made a mistake. In the world today, it is easier to blame a third party rather than take responsibility.
  2. How about the big picture. Israel is doing the dirty work of the western governments and several Arab countries, none of whom wants to be the target of the Islamic jihadis. The Ottoman Turks left the region in an absolute mess. The Europeans made it worse with their colonial disruption in North Africa. Also, Israel is fighting against overwhelming odds against hundreds of millions of people with more money and more power.
  3. Pandering to the financier of the panderers? No. It is just the convenient excuse of blaming someone for the failures of their own government and the greed of their own people. Italy has a migrant problem now because of Italians, not Soros. It was Italy that left a mess in North Africa and it was Libya that created the mess that Libya is today. It was Italian lust for Libyan oil that financed the Ghaddaffi regime and which now finances the tribal war that consumes Libya and facilitates the migrant flow. Those are Italians prowling the Mediterranean "rescuing" migrants and bringing suit when Italy seeks to prevent their entry. Those are Italians who are engaged in the smuggling of people into Europe from North Africa, and it is the network of corrupt officials and port workers and others who facilitatete the free flow of drugs into the USA. Let her clean up her nation first and hold her ciitizenry responsible for their own actions. Italy has one of the lower NATO expenditures at 1.49%, so let's see if Trump can show some consistency and hold her nation accountable. Meloni's foreign policy certainly has not supported US foreign policy, so let's see how that shakes out going forward. Blaming Soros is a nice attempt to distract from what is ultimately Italian doing.
  4. The truckers did not take over Ottawa. 80 bullies parked their trucks in residential neighborhoods poisoning the locals with fumes and harrassing people by sounding their horns every 30 minutes. They blocked some major intersections. The federal government has no control over the local policing. The locals wanted the vehicles towed and action taken, but the municipal and provincial governments were slow to act. It cost the Ottawa police chief his job as citizens became furious. The truck and affiliated protestors were a small and vocal group of obnoxious vandals. It was evident early on, with the desecration of both the Terry Fox monument and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, that the passive approach to the protests was an ill-thought out strategy. Locals started to form vigelante groups to fight back and intervention was finally forced as locals wanted to set the protestor vehicles on fire. As it was, some of the vehicles had tires slashed and paint keyed. Had the police not finally intervened, some of the idiot protestors would have been killed or seriously injured as peoples' patience had run out. The federal government acted because the people wanted an intervention. If anything, the response was far too accommodating to a group of ignorant bullies. Let's see how the organisers of the Freedom Convoy (sic) manage the C$300m (US $222m; £175m) civil lawsuit brought against them by Ottawa residents over the disruptions they caused in the city. Personally, I hope they are bankrupted.
  5. Canada has been an epicentre of international crime and narco terrorism for decades dating back to the money laundering activities of the major banks in the West Indies. Some Canadian banks activities in the 1970's and 1980's were well reflected by movies like Casino and Scarface. Canada was selling citizenship for decades with its investor program that allowed people to "invest" $250,000, then $500,000 to gain a fast track to citizenship. It also had a temporary foreign worker program that was out of control such that there are 5 million temporary canadians now with little attachment or loyalty to the country. The country took in hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees without much background verification and it rarely successfully deports people. Canada was a safe haven for war criminals from Serbia, Croatia, Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. Canada is also the epicenter of Sikh terrorism. The Arab spring brought an influx of hundreds of thousands of North Africans , many of whom are followers of political views that can be considered sympathetic to terrorism.
  6. The claim is fabricated and unsubstantiated. Because a right wing group makes a claim does not make it true. Mr. Soros has not been involved in any political activity for years. Please explain how this incapacitated man has been able to control the election of district attorneys. Aren't these people elected by the voters? What does Mr. Soros do? Does he roll through the districts handing out beef jerkey and malt liquor in support of the DAs?
  7. Poor deluded woman. Someone should remind her that 94 1/2 year old Mr. Soros is infirm and is close to death. He is incapacitated such that he could not attend the Medal of Freedom ceremony. He hasn't been seen at any public event in some time and has had no participation for years in the activities his detractors claim he is involved in. How does she believe a man in a wheelchair who sleeps much of the day is engineering this plot of world domination? Is he tooting a secret code as he sleeps and farts? It is fascinating that some people are so easily manipulated that they will suspend reality and common sense and embrace the claims of self serving political panderers.
  8. That kind of loyalty would get her a job in a certain US President's office 😃 Yes, she is wrong, but I do admire her loyalty to her man. I really do.
  9. How would you characterize the UK market? Volatile? Depressed? Flat? I sense a bit of a despair and the beginning of a panic, but not the type we see when banks have a run. What do you think will happen in the markets in the next 3 months? Was it ever this bad back in the pre Thatcher period? All I know was that when I was a kid, English made shoes were considered top quality and then it just stopped and they were no more shoes made in England.
  10. Come on. Your sympathetic stance requires that we abandon common sense and our own personal experience at Subway. The woman was engaged in gluttony, the kind we see at the cheap buffets. except, here there was a posted price to pay. She was literally ordering multiple sandwiches with her additional toppings. And to be honest, I have never seen anyone order like that ever. I don't even take cheese on my sandwich. The footlongs are packed with the ingredients so, ordering 2-3-4X the ingredients is truly excessive and it should be expected that there will be a cost reflective of that.
  11. In gloom and despair, visionaries (or opportunists depending on your view) will move in to fill the void. That's how the US Vulture Funds grew in popularity and power in the USA. The financial pain and misery of some is the great opportunity for those prepared to take on risk, with other people's money, of course. 🙂 I am fairly certain that there are some well capitalized investment funds hoping for more financial ruin in the UK. This will allow them to pick up some distressed assets at a bargain. The Gulf Arab funds, and the holding companies for the Russian Oligarch diaspora is looking for investment opportunities and the London financiers have been servicing them for decades, so it will be an easy bit of profit taking. It seems that Labour and its supporters won't be happy until everyone is impoverished equally and those who work hard and are entrpreneurial are crushed. Sucks to be one of the 20% of the UK population who carry the tax burden for 80% of the country. So, as an aside, how long will Rachel Reeves survive in her position? Will she burn out in 2025, be shuffled out or just give up as she destroys the national economy? People want to blame Starmer, but he is only the titular leader. He is helped and enabled by a long list of very dangerous and nasty ministers who all seem to have personal grudges and chips on their shoulders.
  12. And yet the junketeers and suckers still go, in ever increasing numbers. At some point the. bubble will burst.
  13. Sometimes a lost cause is best just left alone. Perhaps the intent is to leave Pattaya as the go to destination for Indians and financially limited foreigners. Sort of like what Reno is to Las Vegas, what Ibiza is to Nice and St. Tropez etc.
  14. Translation: The people who are complaining now about the failure of the state government to be more interventionist are the same people who complain when the state government does just that.
  15. Don't bet on that. You need only look at Florida to see what happens. Good old Republican Florida has an issue with windstorms. Instead of really toughening building codes and requiring that rebuilding and new builds be restricted in tidal surge zones, the state created its insurance pool. It was supposed to be an insurer of last resort, but the citizenry forced the legislature to slowly push the pool into taking on more and more of uninsurable risks. The state said to the reaining propertyu insurers that if they wanted to remain in the state they had to accept more lower quality risks. The insurers said ok and then proceeded to price premiums so that even moderate risks got stuck subsidizing the high risk properties. California will force insurers to write high risk properties and those insurers will spread their risk amongst all policy holders such that people who shouldn't have to pay a high premium will. The insurance agents and brokers will not be crying over this. The comission on a homeowner's policy typically ranges from 10% to 20%.
  16. You have no idea what has occurred. A state governor has no control over local fire mitigation. State policy and directives can be issued with the approval of the state legislature, but it is up to the counties and municpalities to undertake local mitigation. They also set and apply local building codes. Everytime the state has tried to change the building codes to make buildings more fire resistant, the construction and real estate developers fight back. When the state tries to undertake local burns and brush clearing, local homeowners will file injunctions to stop the activity. Anti capitalism, socialism is what is claimed. The same people screaming here and blaming the governor are the first to complain when a state attempts to prevent these events through building codes and restricting development in the high risk fire zones. Not a word from anyone holding the The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) responsible for their lobbying in 2023 to prevent toughened building codes. These are the same people who demanded that they be allowed to keep building in flood plains and have the customers access taxpayer subsidized flood insurance. They resisted the improved electrical transformer regulations that would respond to the electrical fire risks that accompany the increased. electricity demands on transformers not designed to handle current demands. How greedy does one have to be to demand that, and how stupid is the person who buys a home in a flood plain? How many people forget the. warnings that many of the areas where there are homes newly built that these were historic fire zones? How many are ignoring the recommendations not to plant highly flammable decorative foilage around homes and instea duse local fire resistant species? How many are ignoring the increased demands for water from the agricultural lobby to the detriement of local citizenry? Yes, sure, blame the state governor for. individual actions. It is always easier to blame someone than to accept personal responsibility.
  17. How about we deal with what actually occurred first? The woman did not order "3 basic sandwiches". She ordered the equivalent of 6 foot long sandwiches. Drinks and cookies were extra. The woman has misrepresented the event as only ordering 3 sandwiches, and in the course of being an out of control eater, she has blamed the franchise for her own gluttony. There is always a premium to be paid at an airport location. That is the reality. I used this franchise last year and the price was not unreasonable. The takeaway is to look at the posted price first, and Subway has its price posted, and to not junket travel if you are not prepared for the expense. My takeaway is that she is an irresponsible ignorant woman who should just stick to her greasy chips and blood pudding when she gets home.
  18. Pushing a lie knowing it is a lie is reprehensible. Intentionally targeting the feeble minded and the mentally ill in an attempt to provoke a violent outcome is evil. Continuing to repeat a malicious falsehood under the guise of exploring "possibilities" speaks to the malicious intent of the person circulating false information. The people who make these false claims should be held liable for the damages that they cause. If their actions result in injuries to others, they should face the most severe of penalties. Stringing up one of these cowards may be somewhat harsh, but it does convey what a lot of people would like to see happen to the spineless coward losers who do this. Just saying. 🙂
  19. No it is not. It is used to facilitate anesthesia. It is injected into patients who are carefully screened to ensure that at risk patients are not exposed. The amount administered is controlled and is of guaranteed quality, free of contaminants. The ketamine that is dealt by people like this person is contaminated, of unknown concentration and is often consumed in unsafe doses by people who should avoid it, i.e. people with high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney dysfunction. Users do not consider its interaction with other substances. This dealer is scum, and he finally got a dose of reality.
  20. Beauty? I suppose that glossy sheen in Patong Bay from the 100 or so jet skis and motorboats gasoline runoff is beautiful to some. Perhaps others like the brown and black shades that appear when there is runoff into the bay. Or maybe its the delightful aroma of car fumes in the choked streets of the tourist towns. Phuket is ruined, destroyed, damaged for the forseable future. It is over developed, crrowded and unpeasant.
  21. Not exactly. Read the definition of a pre-existing condition. If the condition meets the satbility definition 6-12 months, no issues, no changes in medication, no visits to physician to address related issues, then it is difficult to deny unrelated injuries. If you already have a damaged body part, it will not be insured, since it can be expected to sustain further injury. If you have an unrelated injury such as poking your eye, dog bite, being run over, falling down the stairs because you slipped, those injuries' claims cannot be denied.
  22. You obviously have little experience with these apps. Please do the research before posting. The driver does not know the origin of a rating and the ratings are not immediately shared. This is intended to protect the passenger.
  23. Perhaps the next time, the. FAs should say nyet, nyet.
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