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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. You have made a significant point, although the Thai board of Investment - BOI does provide a split. Mind blowing. because of the overwhelming dominance of Chinese investment. I didn't appreciate how powerful and influential the Chinese were until you mentioned this. To be honest, I now get it why China holds so much influence over Thailand. I would even go so far to say that Thailand is becoming a puppet state. As of 2024 Approved Foreign Investment Projects in Thailand (Source Thailand BOI) - Top 4 International Investment Projects -Mainland China has 164 projects worth 69.283 billion baht and Hong Kong has 30 projects worth 24.287 billion baht for a combined Chinese total of 194 projects 93.607 billion baht -Singapore has 63 projects worth 53.683 billion -Australia has 5 projects worth 14.840 billion baht -Japan has 87 projects worth 12.885 billion baht
  2. Russian religion is Russian Orthodox interpretation of Christianity. It looks down on other religions. They won't care about the Buddhist rites, so I don't know where you would come up with there being a proper ceremony. Russia is the country which is famous for its pogroms of jews and for its systemic discrimination against Polish and Lithuanian Catholics and Jehovah Witnesses. Today, Russia uses its Yarovaya law to persecute and to imprison protestants. The Russian mentality hasn't changed since the time it used to send its cossacks to massacre jews in the rural villages whenever the state needed an excuse to distract from the failures of the Russian state. The only thing that changed is the victims.
  3. Ever notice that the proponents of the claim of a stolen election never mention; - The Republican gerrymandering of congressional districts to facilitate the election of GOP candidates - The efforts to prevent voting by afro americans - There were over 60 court cases where judges, including judges appointed by President Trump and other Republican presidents, looked at the evidence and either found that there was no evidence to support a claim of fraud or that the plaintiffs upon realizing that they were going to lose their case, dropped the case. Why can't the proponents of the claim substantiate the claim? Whenever they get to court they have to admit that they have no evidence or that they were merely advocating on behalf of their client and suggesting that there was a possibility.
  4. Honestly, in all the years of reading crime news in Thailand, I have come to the belief that Thailand's foreign tourist destinations are associated with specific types of crime. If it is any consolation, Phuket is probably the foreign crime hub of Thailand, and that the likelihood of violent crime in Pattaya is much less than on Phuket. And despite all the negative imagery tied to minors in the sex trade in Pattaya, I offer that Udon Thani is much worse. If one stays out of the sex trade district, Pattaya is a relatively safe destination. Almost all of the serious crime reported for Pattaya ties back to the seedy walking street beer bars & clubs and to the gay ghetto section. Pattaya would be a much more economically vibrant city if it got rid of the seedy sex industry strip and went upscale.
  5. Threads like this bring out the self proclaimed medical experts and insurance litigation experts. Of course none of whom are actually educated or have had matter in dealing with the subject matter. Taking statins is not in itself grounds for refusing a health insurance claim. All policies have exclusionary language and it typically refers to whether or not a condition is stable. Changing doses, or adding additional medications is usually interpreted as a new or unstable condition. In a worse case scenario, a heart attack itself may be excluded. However, kidney stones, a brain bleed, a slip and fall would all continue to be covered. Older people are more likely to be injured from a slip and fall or motor vehicle incident than they are from a heart attack. And yes there is a direct proven link between LDL cholesterol and plaque build up in arteries. High LDL cholesterol has a proven direct relationship with negative health outcomes. All the youtube videos claiming otherwise from miracle cure salesmen are worthless. It boggles the mind that some people insist that they should be covered for chronic health issues, and they expect it at the equivalent of 200 dollars or Euros a month. A day in an ICU a a decent Bangkok hospital starts at around 25,000 baht ( 790 USD/700Euro) . The argument is that the insurers are stealing their money. When you ask them if they feel that strongly about the issue, why they don't self insure, they are offended.
  6. I don't have to work. I both want to work and choose to work. The job provides me with with some wonderful advantages. I am very fortunate and grateful in that regard.
  7. Two items need clarification. 1. For people age 65 and younger- The old guideline of 120/80 has been revised. BP should be lower than this. This is the top end of acceptable. 121/81 is elevated. 2. It is normal for the elderly to have a higher blood pressure. That doesn't mean it is desirable. but it is acceptable. In the USA, the revised acceptable top limit for age 65+ is 130/80. Ideally it should be lower. If someone age 65+ has elevated blood pressure aside from the heart and stroke risks, it can damage the kidneys. Aside from staying hydrated, one really should see a physician and not second guess it here or hope for a miracle. One caveat when measuring BP at home: Sometimes the arm cuff is too tight or too small. This can inflate the reading. See your primary care physician.
  8. I have no debt. I do have credit cards which are settled when due.I must have a credit card because I am reimbursed for work related expenses and have to be able to document the expense. The kicker is that I have a mediocre credit score, despite being classified as financially well off and having no debt. It is all because I have not borrowed or leased anything.
  9. You call it a documentary and I call it a biased propaganda piece from Qatar's propaganda entity Al Jazeera. Lots of talking heads and suggestions, but no factual evidence to support the claim of large numbers of veterans joining far right groups. On the contrary, US military veterans remain respectful of their oath to uphold the US Constitution. I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962). The people who have claimed military experience and who have joined extremist groups fall into one of the following categories; 1. Never served in the military and/or, 2. Never saw active duty and/or, 3. Not honourably discharged and/or 4. Did not hold command officer commission or a senior Noncom position, i.e. typically very junior ranks and/or 5. Mentally ill. Former General Flynn's image is shown. As much as one may not like former President Trump, serving in the administration of Trump is not evidence of far right extremism. Al Jazeera's piece is an insult to US military veterans and disseminates innuendo and is intended to sow disunity and rumours.
  10. I don't know, Ask the question on a new thread. I am sure it will draw out the Russian bots and sympathizers, like blow flies to a corpse.
  11. Nope. It was about a fear of tampering with witnesses. The issue was not a flight risk. At his 2nd bail hearing request Combs' lawyers offered $50 million bail offer, GPS monitoring and strict limitations on visitors if he could stay at home in Miami. The judge said no and said the conditions were “insufficient” to ensure the safety of the community and the integrity of his case. The Judge was explicit in stating that "no condition or set of conditions” governing his release could guard against the risk of him threatening or harming witnesses - a central charge in his case. His passport was confiscated. He is on a no fly list. Even with a charter aircraft, he wasn't going to be able to go anywhere for long. The prosecutors must have one heck of a case.
  12. Rubbish. He was never "passed around" and was never part of the that rap scene as you intimate. His relationship was always with non "scene makers". His primary work relationship has been with Dr. Dre. There has never even been any mention or even a whisper of the activity you claim. What you wrote is libel. He he not an "angry man. On the contrary, he is recognized as work focused, disciplined and dedicated to his family, taking on the obligation of carrying for relatives that he didn't have to do. Your slurs are something one would expect to hear from poser douches like MGK.
  13. They were already dead. Fun Fact: In countries with enforced food safety regulations, the chicken would be immediately condemned and destroyed. Typically, the inspectors pour bleach on the product to prevent them from being used. I wonder if the chicken involved in this crash ended up in the market.
  14. The people in this forum passing judgement on Trump's physical health (and yes, dementia is a physical disease) are not in a position to provide a competent assessment. They have never seen his medical assessment. Nor for that matter is anyone who says Biden has a cognitive deficiency. The reality is that Trump, is much as he always was. This is is how he has always framed things and reasoned. Watch his interviews from 40 years ago. Some people are paying attention to what he is saying now and acting as if there is something sudden that happened. Nope. All that he is doing is a salesman's trick of emphasizing some words and phrases to get the audience attention. Yes, he can make outlandish statements, but it is his intent. He says wild things to garner attention. The bigger the outrage, the more attention he gets and it's worked. Look at how he has responded to the Mark Robinson crisis in NC. Not a word. No X messages. Nothing. He can be quiet when he wants to.
  15. You are confusing HSV-1 with HSV-2. The allegation is in respect to genital herpes HSV-2 and the data does not support your statement. (Beware of copying google search returns as they appear). The victims were white. Here's a nice chart. A bit outdated for today, but are valid for the period when the alleged assaults occurred. Black people high, but white people relatively low. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db304.htm
  16. Looks like Donnie didn't get the message. He loves his kanye and his 50 shades of krazee
  17. There are allegations of people becoming infected with diseases, some incurable. In respect to Mr. Combs, he is alleged to have infected people with herpes. The man has been repeatedly been denied bail. That is rare for an alleged crime where there has been no death and a low flight risk. He is currently in a high security solitary prison cell. The two reasons given are, suicide watch and a concern that other inmates will unalive him for the fame.
  18. Medication wore off and he didn't take his daily dose? Why would anyone go to Pattaya and expect to find afternoon tea? It's Thailand, not the Queen Mary 2 on a transatlantic voyage.
  19. When all else fails, revive a debunked conspiracy claim.
  20. Then I have misunderstood and should apologize.
  21. I hope no one tossing the term dementia around ever has to deal with the illness either as a patient or as a caregiver. It is a diabolical disease and should not be politicized. If and when you have experience with dementia, you will understand why the claims that Trump or Biden have it are unreasonable.
  22. Your statement is just as biased and unfounded as those that claim Trump has dementia.
  23. Hezbollah is an organization that offers excellent opportunity for advancement. Nasrallah can't be sleeping well.
  24. Your aggressive dismissal of a sexual assault victim's experience speaks to your own bias. The evidence presented in court and not disproven, does not support your claim that this is anything close to consensual snogging. The unfortunate reality is that 30 years ago, men could get away with accosting women. In the past few days we have seen another wealthy man exposed for his sexual misdeeds, Mohamed Al Fayed. You do not believe the victim. I can assure you that a majority of people under the age of 35 do. I can also assure you that women who had careers also understand the plaintiff.
  25. With some people, it is not about debate. It is is about hectoring, of fomenting disunity, of circulating misinformation, and of carrying out the dictates of a foreign master.
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