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Everything posted by foreverlomsak

  1. Pity we can't see the entry to the "tricky bend", good chance it's as good as the straight just after
  2. If memory serves correct, a few years ago there was a local government official reported that somebody had stolen a couple of million from his wardrobe, the police uncovered that is was more like 10 to 12 million. In a wardrobe, presumably to keep it away from the banks eyes so that questions would not be asked re where did it come from
  3. Especially if your sitting on a bar stool at the bar, up to the waist in pool water (sorry meant flood water)
  4. That's as maybe, but it is the law of the land and Immigration are allowed to enforce it. The farang is the one in front of them, and the farang is the one that has to provide proof of residence, whether its up to them to do the registration or not. I nearly had a 1 year Retirement Extension bounced 2 years ago for lack of TM30 receipt in passport ( I was recorded in their system, had lived in the same house for 14 years, but didn't have the receipt).
  5. I remember when I relocated here in 2005, there was no mention of having to do 90 day reports by Immigration HQ officers (pre CW) or those at Nong Khai, I found out by being bored and starting to read their noticeboard, and guess what the notice was in Thai only.
  6. Immigration will probably insist on 90 day reports, as without them they do not know where the foreigners are, that's why there are so many have been caught with multiyear overstays.
  7. buy new t-shirts that are colored not white, the marks won't show
  8. Debit cards are the best way to go imho. Credit cards are dangerous, if you don't keep in mind you need to pay them off eventually!
  9. I'm going to be told I'm wrong, but this is my understanding In the UK a Credit Card has an available balance you can spend of their money, whereas a debit card uses your money in your account to generate the available balance. In Thailand both appear to work the same way, the available balance is dependent on how much you have in the associated account (i.e. you can only spend your money).
  10. Go to your local Immigration Office and apply for a 90 Day Non-O Retirement Extension, then towards the end of this period apply for a 1 year Retirement Extension of Stay. No need to go anywhere unless you wish to.
  11. as I said in my previous post "after all the police are part of the problem, riding there themselves and also with their "no see" attitude"
  12. Easy solution get the motorcycle police to ride on the pavements/sidewalks to catch them, after all the police are part of the problem, riding there themselves and also with their "no see" attitude unless you pay them.
  13. he doesn't he just runs in a new wire is easier
  14. But 2050 was 515 years ago and it didn't happen, why should we be worried now or in the future.
  15. My American friend has done at least 2 by post through an agent, first was issued in Nan, second in the south (I forget where but he did show me the stamp in his passport).
  16. if you have returned to your previous address - No If you have changed address - Yes
  17. I thought that option had disappeared due to differing tax levels on cooking gas as from fuel gas.
  18. I thought the country was here to support Bangkok not the other way round, at least that appears to be the attitude of Bangkok
  19. I have been looking at the possibility of replacing my Kindle, and both Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com state that they do not deliver to Thailand. Years ago B2S in Central World Bangkok appeared to be the only source in Thailand, I managed to obtain mine through a friend who bought them in the UK and hand carried them here.
  20. No solution as I have had no real problems in the last year with OTP codes from both Wise and Lloyds Offshore on either True or DTAC sims, occasionally one trips over but the alternative sim works.
  21. At least my office, despite all the criticism I make, provided you've given them the right copies, forms, etc, give out the stamp while your there. Now I've said that the are probably going to change to come back tomorrow.... or the day after
  22. I always find Wednesdays best for all things, be it Immigration, Post Office, Driving License, Banks, anything to do with offialdom
  23. In my experience yes, but I do not have internet banking, was told originally Farang cannot have, now it's different, but I've done nothing about getting access.
  24. assume from the problem he didn't bother with a re-entry permit, as leaving without one cancels the previous visa/entension.
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