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Everything posted by foreverlomsak

  1. Check your facts, there were Thai Forces involved in the Korean War, see Thailand in the Korean War - Wikipedia
  2. does that include teenage students sitting on the roof of the school bus and those hanging off the rear platform?
  3. Bangkok Bank will provide you with a Mastercard Debit Card no problems., it is also your ATM card.
  4. OK different. When my Thai wife came to England, with a Thai passport in her maiden name, we went to the Thai Embassy, they added an endorsement stamp to her passport stating that she now wished to be known as ##### #######, had to prove marriage, etc., never had any difficulties after with flights or Immigration either end using her existing Thai passport with the endorsement. Don't know if this is possible with a UK passport, but if possible would retain your stamps and passport no until such time as you need a new passport. Just a thought.
  5. Yesterday after collecting my daughter from school I noticed a pick-up which had been converted to a school bus, there were 3 pre-teen kids hanging off the back platform, no room inside or even on the platform, every time the bus stopped they stepped down onto the road and had to jump back on as soon as the bus moved again. That's bad enough but there were also 4 teens sitting on the roof. Where were the police - looking the other way.
  6. I've seen not only motorcy but cars, school buses and trucks also police vehicles without emergency lights on. Slight divergent I've seen a police officer on a motorcycle, wearing a beret only, writing a ticket to another motorcyclist for not wearing a crash helmet, there's laws for some and not for others.
  7. You mean he doesn't know when he flew into Thailand. Surely he can remember the date he went to the airport to come here or did he rely on a stamp in his passport to tell him it was time to fly to Thailand.
  8. he had to be different he managed to catch a stationary pickup, or maybe he thought the pick-up was in Colorado and he didn't need to avoid it
  9. About 10/12 years ago (can't check when as he has since passed away) my American friend was using a joint account with his wife for both their US pensions. He was told by Immigration (Phitsanulok I think) that the account must be single name only, using joint accounts for retirement was not allowed, I have been told the same by Immigration, even though my account is single name and always has been even when I was on marriage extensions.
  10. When I bought mine on finance (in my wife's name obviously), only the first year of No 1 insurance was provided, after that it was up to me. The provision of the tax disc (for want of a better term) and the statutory minimum insurance was covered by the finance company. Maybe things have changed.
  11. Go see the local Labor Department to get advice, as they issue Work Permits not the Company. They will be able to tell you precisely what documentation is required from the Company, from Financial status to no of employees.
  12. If she has full insurance and not just the statutory minimum. In the UK the insurer would be dealing direct with the garage, not sure on Thailand as I have heard stories otherwise, like he was not insured so it's up to you to get the money for the repairs, and by the way your premium has just gone up.
  13. Why I use SCB for my Immigration funds. I take out 1,900 Baht from the ATM and update the passbook while waiting for the bank to open. When it does go in and get the bank letter (balance agrees with passbook) and the statement, which doesn't. Immigration seem to be happy with this.
  14. If they are anything like the office I deal with, you can pick up the list on Friday afternoon, submit your application on Monday morning and find that you are missing 2 or 3 items.
  15. I started to make monthly transfers with the intention of moving to this in lieu of 800K in the bank, but in my case the vagaries of the banking system did not guarantee the deposit will show as FTT (Foreign Transfer) every time even using the Wise dedicated "long stay" reason and a Bangkok Bank account only - 2 transfers out of 8 failed to show as FTT in the passbook.
  16. I thought that the WHO determined that this was a "male to male" problem
  17. Can't do that, we need them for early warning of rain and snow showers???? Just for the record I'm about 179cm.
  18. About 12 years since I last did one, at that time I just went to the tax office, handed over the papers, waited 5 mins, was given a tax receipt which said zero tax due, zero tax paid.
  19. Depends on your income, e.g. I currently have 2 works pensions and am not taxed as I am below the Personal Allowance, however my DWP pension will put me over the allowance and therefore I will be taxed.
  20. With Phetchabun it is on the day of application, Phitsanulok was up to 7 days, last time I used them (6 hour round trip + waiting time in the office) my letter was 8 days old not acceptable
  21. They used to sent me assessment forms (PND 90 or PND 91 I forget which) to complete, until I stopped working, then the forms stopped coming, I didn't even have to get a salary letter from the school, I made up my own record and it was accepted. No accountant needed, unless your returns are really complicated.
  22. Not the case in Thailand, reports in the paper that cannot be mentioned state that approx. 80% of Thai's do not have a tax ID and therefore do not pay tax (you need to actively obtain a Tax ID, and Thai attitude is "if I don't have to why should I"). I had an ID but they changed the system and mine is no longer acceptable, as my only income now in Thailand is interest on my bank accounts (for which they withhold 15%), it is not worth the hassle of obtaining a new ID and submitting annual tax returns as this would highlight to the Thai Tax authorities that I bring money into the country every year, and they may decide they are taxable in addition to being taxed in the UK (which would be in accordance with the Double Taxation Agreement).
  23. I withdraw 1,900 Baht from the ATM, update book on same machine, then go into the bank as soon as they open to get the letter, and now a statement.
  24. On retirement extension and money in the bank. Phetchabun have required me to provide a 12 month bank statement and copies of passbook for the last 3 years (all pages right back to 2014, what the h### 2014 has to do with a 2022 extension don't know), previously, back as far as 2006, only the book was required.
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