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Everything posted by foreverlomsak

  1. some people will fall for it.
  2. had no need to open that particular box in 5 years maybe, plenty more elsewhere, and found it was a little light in contents.
  3. yes there is, and it's also printed in English, have had DLT copies in my hands a few times, but many think the money is better spent on phones, cigarettes and whisky, besides once on the road you don't need it anyway, it all "me first".
  4. agree with idea of speed bumps however restrictive they are to travel flow, will only slow cars/trucks, etc., as motorcycles will probably just take to the sidewalk.
  5. except as a shaded area to cross the road and to park their motorcycles out of the sun
  6. a sidewalk is made for pedestrians to walk on, what a novel idea I thought it was shop expansion room to slow you down to look at their goods, motorcycles and food carts do a similar job.
  7. When I pay bills through the ATM it always comes up with a similar statement
  8. Gullible and greedy has a lot to do with it A friend has paid many times for delivery of various "free" gifts, from various organizations, 2 that come to mind are a "UN rebate from the US IRS" and a so called "Samsung anniversary draw". There have been many others including 1 in which apparently he won 4,000,000 USD (to be delivered in cash along with a Bently Continental and numerous other prizes), during the process of paying for delivery, re-delivery, repairs to a broken down vehicle, accommodation for the delivery personnel, he received a phone call from a supposedly Senior Thai Police Officer threatening him with jail if he didn't pay the next instalment. Another time was the imminent arrival of the FBI to arrest him for failure to pay the delivery charges. He has also been threatened with the removal of his name from the pension roll. To this day he has paid out much, received nothing except more requests for money and more threats and doesn't listen to advice, he wants to ensure his son has money after he dies is his justification for doing it. Simple approach "if it sounds too good to be true then it probably isn't".
  9. when were they last cleaned / serviced
  10. It didn't in my case at Nong Khai, it was dated to end on the day I arrived in Thailand, admittedly that was early 2006 and maybe things have changed since.
  11. sure you've measured right that's only just over 6 inches
  12. He stated If he didn't want Thai standards should not have bought an existing house.
  13. Suggest that you check that information again. Recommended to me by US builder, stairs should be 7-11, 7 inches rise up and 11 inch flat. don't understand why you are trying to apply US standards to something built in Thailand where the general population is not as tall as us imports.
  14. I was informed by the labor department at 58 that there was no upper limit, however the private school I was at did not issue a further yearly contract after I reached 60. This was general practice as 2 Thai teachers were also finished at the same time.
  15. The first medical certificate I got cost 30 B (circa 2007) and didn't need to see doctor, last clinic on the Q/A session (circa 2015) went as follows Q1 - Any health problems - Answer - Nope Q2 - Can you tell red from green - Answer - Reds the top light and greens at the bottom Passed fit same 30 B better clinic and larger queues.
  16. Most if not all state hospitals run a "clinic", and also there are also clinics in local areas for them to go to.
  17. It would probably help if there was a TM30 registered with the local office for him at that address
  18. Tried that, exactly as I said before no bank account = no name on utility bill, probably somebody else has managed but I didn't.
  19. When my Thai wife came to live with me in England in 20 years ago, my UK High Street bank wouldn't allow me to open a joint account with her unless she could provide Utility Bills in her name and of course no bank account = no utility bill, catch 22. So it's not something new.
  20. The newspaper reports indicated that this was only a temporary suspension for people arriving by air, if arriving by land they are still required.
  21. my previous experience shows you'll still be missing something, don't understand TM30 being out of date and having to copy 1,900 B receipt, did she keep the original.
  22. Ah, but if everybody went the wrong way, it would mean less accidents/deaths, maybe
  23. More like "In the year 2525 if man man is still alive" as the song goes
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