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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Trump floats green cards for noncitizen college graduates
  2. The initial post was a Trump supporter stating that Trump had not been convicted of rape, ie he was only a adjudicated rapist. Tell me how Biden supporters have lower standards than someone who supports Trump despite his 34 felonies, his adjudicated rape, stealing from Childrens charities, a scam Trump university, geez, any number of distasteful acts.
  3. So, you are okay with Trump giving any immigrant who graduates from college a green card?
  4. I am sure you believe the US is in a Great Depression.
  5. Trump wants to give green cards to immigrants who get college diplomas. You okay with that?
  6. As a hack, you can use any time as a baseline. In real life, employment numbers vary every month. If you take 2022 as a baseline, employment is way up. Next month, employment may be up, and you won't talk about it anymore.
  7. The poll numbers with his base may have improved, but numbers with swing voters have crashed.
  8. You are gaslighting. I have posted the data. More to the point, the US economy is robust. Unemployment is down, the stock market is up, things are looking good. Too bad for you.
  9. Are you counting your earnings at the troll farm?
  10. https://www.statista.com/statistics/192361/unadjusted-monthly-number-of-full-time-employees-in-the-us/ Reality must be so difficult for you. Full time employment has been flat for the last year. Are they giving you misinformation at the troll farm, or are you paid by the lie?
  11. I guess they didn't tell you at the troll farm that Biden still rides his bike. And full time job figures are way up from when Trump was presiding over the biggest drop in employment since the Great Depression. Now I remember your former username(s) here. No idea why you are pretending to be a woman now. What's up with that?
  12. Your chart shows that full time employment was up in April, down in May, but by 0.4%, barely a change. Only a troll would get excited by such a small number.
  13. Joe Biden has presided over the highest GDP growth of any major country. Thank you for your support.
  14. No. You were wrong. Not the first time, either. Biden created the lowest unemployment rate in recent US history. Thanks for letting me point that out.
  15. Projection. Tell us about Trump's hobbies
  16. Of the major countries, the US has the highest GDP growth. Your article talks about tiny poor countries.
  17. From the link: 2019 3.7% (Trump) 2022-23: 3.6% (Biden) It looks like your Internet friends gave you the link, but you never actually looked at it.
  18. You're repeating the same opinion piece by a convict who intentionally disclosed national security classified information. Shampoo, rinse, repeat. Do you believe that Joe Biden stole the 2020 election from Donald Trump?
  19. That's not an argument, that's a fact.
  20. That's an easy one, the writer intentionally disclosed classified information. That's about a 100% shot at being indicted. Biden's staff inadvertently mixed in a handful of classified documents in with other official papers. When discovered, the classified documents were immediately returned. There's about a 100% chance of *not* being indicted in that circumstances. At this point, the issue on the table is your grip on reality. This is a very well understood area of criminal investigation, with plenty of precedent. You can recognize reality, or, do what a lot of crazy people do, which is ignore data that doesn't fit into your worldview. Let's see how you react.
  21. Are you talking about a handful of doctors, or thousands?
  22. If Biden has dementia, but can appear normal if provided drugs, how can other people with dementia obtain the same drugs?
  23. Could you list the criminal statutes that Biden has violated?
  24. How many doctors do you think participated in the COVID "scam"?
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