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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Clearly, there was Russian collusion in 2016, but that has nothing to do with this case. And what does Hunter Biden's laptop have to do with how he filled out a form pertaining to gun ownership?
  2. There are Ukrainian losses, just not as many as the Russian losses, due to the nature of the war. Russian officers demand their soldiers advance at all costs, resulting in heavy combat losses. Ukraine is happy to slowly retreat, as long as Russia incurs those heavy losses. At some point, Russia will not be able to sustain the losses. We saw that in 2022, when the initial Russian invasion force of 180,000 was practically eliminated, and Ukraine walked through Kharkhiv and Kherson.
  3. NATO always makes such plans. That is their reason for existence.
  4. Wow, you seem very disconnected from reality today. You really think that Ukrainians want to surrender? Is that what your Russian friends tell you?
  5. Since vaccinated individuals are less likely to be infected, and, if infected, have milder symptoms... AND The study suggests that severe COVID leads to reduced IQ, Your post makes little sense.
  6. Farage is very well spoken on TV. But his stock in trade is to use anecdotes to convince low information voters that reality isn't real. It's a common tactic of demagogues.
  7. These people refer to the former British Mandate (minus Jordan) as "Palestine". You can find it on old maps.
  8. Or you might want to put them in concentration camps while awaiting a final solution.
  9. It's simply a police matter. With some of the perps in custody, the police will round up the remaining conspirators, and this particular criminal tactic will peter out.
  10. And I could living on Mars. My question remains: how many more destroyed oil refineries before Russia runs out of fuel for their war machine?
  11. The question is how many Russian oil refineries have to be attacked before there is noticeable disruption to supply?
  12. There is a simple explanation why Bill Clinton wasn't prosecuted: he didn't commit a crime. If you disagree, post the criminal statute he violated. If you agree, talk about Joe or Hunter Biden. Or the laptop.
  13. There is a lot of difference between a Soviet era aircraft and a modern F-16. I don't think that F-16s will augment the Ukrainian offensive capability much, but will be useful defensively.
  14. There is no evidence that Azov is a Nazi battalion, although some nutter members may have been Nazi. Conversely, Wagner leadership had some Nazis.
  15. Because you want your Russian countrymen to "win" the invasion of Ukraine?
  16. Are those climate change politicians in the room with you right now? You have been fooled by online trolls into believing a giant conspiracy theory. Most scientists support the Global Warming hypothesis. The few that don't are often funded by the oil industry.
  17. Political persecution would be bad, but the awful policies the Trump mooks are considering are bad, too. Like reversing Brown vs the Board of Education.
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