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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You have lost your common sense. Putin wants chaos in America, but you don't understand what he is doing.
  2. There are three main groups of border-crossers: Desert crossers who cross the border illegally. Asylum seekers who enter via legal ports of entry. Agricultural workers who come in buses using fake IDs. Which group bothers you the most?
  3. Totals go up when there are more illegals, yes. You seem to be very concerned about the Scary Brown People.
  4. What's it to you? Don't want Scary Brown People to get minimal benefits? Go to Europe, get sick, and you will get free medical care. Are you cool with that?
  5. That's because you didn't actually read the linked article: There is also state level research, that shows similar results: researchers at the CATO Institute, a libertarian think tank, looked into Texas in 2019. They found that undocumented immigrants were 37.1% less likely to be convicted of a crime. Beyond incarceration rates, research also shows that there is no correlation between undocumented people and a rise in crime. Recent investigations by The New York Times and The Marshall Project found that between 2007 and 2016, there was no link between undocumented immigrants and a rise in violent or property crime in those communities.
  6. I was responding to the list of Federal benefits you supplied, and explained that illegals were not eligible for those particular benefits. Then you went off on a tangent and lost the plot.
  7. Trump Being Sued Over Mexico Condo-Hotel Project A lawsuit filed Monday by a group of buyers who lost their deposits in a Baja California resort charges Donald Trump and his executive children with fraud and negligence. The seven plaintiffs say they were "duped" into buying hotel-condo units in the Trump Ocean Resort Baja, a 526-unit, twin-tower project planned for 17 coastal acres a short drive south of the Mexican border. When the project collapsed in 2009, dozens of buyers lost their deposits, totaling more than $32 million.
  8. Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born Americans, studies find
  9. In California, illegals are eligible for some minimal benefits. I guess that makes you angry, since illegals are poisoning the blood of America.
  10. Nope. You have no evidence that crime committed by illegals is rising. You think it is because you see more stories about it on FOX News, but their job is to confuse you about reality. And make you worry about Scary Brown People. Meanwhile, the people funding the Republicans are bringing in more illegals to work on their farms. You are being scammed.
  11. I suspect you won't be able to find it. Surprising you could quote such a long passage from memory after seeing it once. Perhaps it came to you in a dream.
  12. Did you know that illegals can't collect any of those benefits? And, to work most jobs, they have to pay into Social Security, but can't get benefits. That's right - *your* Social Security is funded by illegals.
  13. At 84 years old, you should know that anecdotes are not evidence. It seems difficult for you guys to understand that illegals, once in the US, commit fewer crimes than the general population. It's almost as if someone has been lying to you so long about this that you can't accept the truth
  14. If so, they commit fewer crimes not related to immigration than Americans.
  15. Do you have a link to that Comey quote? Trump committed crimes and got convicted. It speaks volumes about you that you support a criminal.
  16. Nuclear war next year, for sure. Sell your house and everything now, they won't be any use to you next year.
  17. You have raised your deflection shields, and are posting nonsense.
  18. That talking point was obviated during the closing arguments. You Trump fans get your talking points from Trump, but he was sleeping during the trial, so he had no idea what was going on. If you really want to know the specific charges, I will post them, but I suspect you don't care, you just need to feed your frustration about your Dear Leader being a felon.
  19. In other words, you get paid by the post. Posting actual content is not a requirement.
  20. Joe Biden is about to announce an Executive Order to limit the number of legal immigrants who can enter the country (asylum seekers).
  21. Trump can't remember Biden's name now. Or, Trump is confused who is the current president.
  22. If you are trying to defend Trump's actions on January 6, give it up. He has been impeached and indicted for January 6.
  23. The Trump fans here cannot even see your post. They don't have any talking points, so they will just ignore it.
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