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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I am looking at some now. But I won't pollute this topic with a bunch of off-topic content.
  2. England never really recovered from the unchecked migration of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. It's been all downhill since they let that lot in
  3. Are you really unaware of the many Christian pastors and other staff caught molesting children? It's off-topic, but I am surprised you don't know about it
  4. You are flailing at this. Let Trump's defense team handle this, they are much better at it than you.
  5. @Yellowtailclearly doesn't understand the transaction. One thing he loves to do is misconstrue the term "legal expense".
  6. You've got the facts all screwed up. The jury understands the transaction, no need to explain to you again.
  7. Layman's term. You see, we all laymen in this topic, so that using common terminology is appropriate. And there's really no point defending Trump here, the jury will decide. I comment on the proceedings, and my prediction is conviction absent a holdout juror. The Trump fans make claims that contradict the witness testimony, I suspect some of them don't even know what the witnesses are saying.
  8. There is plenty of testimony stating that Stormy Daniels payment was connected to the election.
  9. I am sorry you don't understand that Cohen wasn't paid for his legal services. You probably knew this last week but forgot.
  10. Why didn't Stormy Daniels want to wait until after the election to be paid?
  11. Hey Trump fans: Why isn't Trump calling Weisellberg as a witness?
  12. Yes, the accountants provided key testimony. The remaining testimony is not that significant.
  13. You are correct. But this case centers on unreported campaign finances, not campaign rhetoric.
  14. Why didn't Trump care when the story came out after the election?
  15. There will be an appeal to the full court. Then an appeal to the Supreme Court.
  16. So Trump could have paid her after the election. What was the big rush?
  17. Actually, no. Trump only declared his candidacy after the news broke that he was being investigated.
  18. Why the big rush to pay her before the election? Why didn't he tell her to keep quiet back in 2006?
  19. I was referring to the labeling of Cohen's payment as "legal services" rather than reimbursement for Stormy Daniels as the business fraud. In a layman's sense.
  20. I understand that this case is very confusing for you. Unfortunately, there is no benefit to forum members to having me walk you through the case. And you would just forget the next day. Trump has clearly committed business fraud to cover up a payment in support of his campaign that was never reported. Barring a holdout juror, Trump will be convicted. The question is whether the judge will allow a verdict of a misdemeanor rather than a felony.
  21. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/^DJI Trump was president when the market bottomed out in 2020. Biden is president now when the stock market is at record heights. People's pensions depend on stock market performance. Remember that. Oh, yeah: "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." So, if you're a Trump follower, you will ignore the data.
  22. Reimbursement for his payment to Stormy Daniels, not for legal services. I can't believe you don't remember any of this. I would write yet another summary of the case, but you would forget it tomorrow.
  23. I am sorry for your memory problems. Or perhaps you think you can help Trump by this weird trolling. But, the invoice was fake because Cohen never provided any legal services. Do you understand that? Or are you really not understanding any of this case?
  24. I have already posted the link that explains that Biden's handwritten notes were not classified and were his personal property. You are confusing comments about different documents, you are too foggy today to understand.
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