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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Nope. The Dems listed the expense in question in the campaign books. They didn't try to claim as a business expense. Trump claimed a campaign expense as a business expense.
  2. You seem very confused today. The testimony is very clear that Trump arranged to have the $130,000 paid before the election to support his candidacy. And it was never entered into the books as a campaign item, but for his business.
  3. My point is if Trump wanted to keep Stormy Daniels from telling Melania, why didn't he tell her to keep quiet in 2006? Why was it so important to keep her quiet in 2016, but not 2006?
  4. Why did Trump wait until he ran for President that he sought an NDA from Stormy Daniels? If he simply wanted to hide the affair from Melania, why didn't he tell Stormy Daniels to keep quiet from Day One?
  5. I'll type slowly so you understand. The Clinton campaign did label the Fusion payments as campaign expenses, but the subcategory was legal expenses rather than opposition research. Trump, however, attempted to disguise a campaign expense as a business expense.
  6. Remember that some did not believe her going into today. So details are important to establish credibility.
  7. So, you think any of Trump's adulterous acts are okay, because someone else somewhere else committed sex crimes? Really?
  8. So why would accounts payable "gross up" an invoice for legal services?
  9. It would be interesting to see polling about who is telling the truth, Trump or Ms. Daniels.
  10. They blocked the certification of the Electoral vote. I guess you weren't paying attention.
  11. Trump’s vow to only be a dictator on ‘day one’ follows growing worry over his authoritarian rhetoric
  12. Judge in hush money case told defense attorney to stop Trump from 'audibly cursing' during Stormy Daniels' testimony
  13. The micro-targeting from the Trump campaign polling data enabled them to eke out wins in swing states - barely. Which is the point of micro-targeting voters, you do it if you don't think you are going to win the popular vote.
  14. So, things are looking grim for Trump. He told his lawyers to claim he never had sex with Stormy Daniels. That was a bad move.
  15. IMHO, Trump's appeals are the real show, that's how he avoids jail or big fines.
  16. Meanwhile your idol sits docilely in the courtroom, sometimes sleeping, while his lawyers provide a weak defense. Do you think he'll testify?
  17. And Trump's mooks got convicted for their role in the Russian assistance plot.
  18. It is likely that Trump won't violate the gag order anymore. Because he dreads going to jail. If he does, the Judge will put him in jail for a short time.
  19. Given that Trump's margin in key states was 77,000 votes, you are probably correct.
  20. Because our legal system is based on the number of supporters of the participants.
  21. Why would Trump's campaign manager provide private polling data to the Russians?
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