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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You would be amazed by the number of Trump supporters here who don't recognize how much women resent the Harvey Weinstein approach of coercing women into sex. "Woke" began when women became vocal about men using their position of power to extort women for sex. To be fair, some women do it, too.
  2. Trump invited her testimony by claiming he never had sex with her.
  3. Yeah, they really don't need her at this point. Either the jury believes Trump or not.
  4. Vaccinateds are much less likely to suffer from Long COVID
  5. You were lucky. I knew young healthy people who caught it and died. I never got it. I think some people have natural immunity, maybe it's the Neanderthal DNA some people have.
  6. I agree with you. Until and unless COVID evolves into a lethal form, it's just not that big a deal. I don't know of any "weak" virus that suddenly evolved into a killer.
  7. No, he just threw a string of MAGA buzzwords. "Woke" had a specific meaning when it was coined, referring to people aware of racial discrimination and/or sexual harassment.
  8. Okay, I took one for the team, and used the automated gate to go through Immigration. No idea what will happen when I return to Thailand, whether my re-entry permit is still valid.
  9. Always remember that the Shan state in Myanmar used to belong to Thailand, and most people there speak Tai Yai. One solution for the civil war is to return the Shan state to Thailand.
  10. So, how many here believe that weed shops will really close on April 1, 2025?
  11. April 2024 was hottest on record, marking 11 months of new highs The common thread among Climate Change Deniers is that reality always proves them wrong.
  12. There is some logic in providing immunity to presidents and their staffs for official acts, as long as they don't violate any legal statutes. In the example of Bush the Younger, should he have been prosecuted for starting the Iraq war? I don't think so. I don't know what legal statute he violated. Conversely, in the case of a President shooting someone on Fifth Avenue, that is clearly not an official act.
  13. It seems very easy for you to ignore the biggest insurrection against our country since the Civil War. When and if Trump goes to trial over January 6, you will be fixated on the insurrection.
  14. Trump was indicted for it. No idea when the trial is going to happen.
  15. No. The insurrectionists didn't guns to stop the vote certification or to capture members of Congress, so your point is irrelevant.
  16. Never. It sounds like what was just a proposal was reported as a decision.
  17. So why would Accounts Payable "gross up" an invoice for legal services?
  18. Irrelevant to this case. She got paid to not reveal her story, just before the election. The money given to her was a campaign expense, but an unreported one
  19. So Trump didn't care if Melania found in 2006, and therefore no reason to ask Stormy Daniels to keep quiet in 2016. So why was it so urgent to pay her to keep quiet just before the election? BTW, paying someone for an NDA in support of a political campaign, but not reporting it is a campaign finance violation. The FEC has already ruled on this issue, and I have posted their statement.
  20. You don't seem clear on the concept that it's against the law to hide campaign funds. On the other hand, once money changes hands within the campaign, accounting violations are minor. The main goal is to stop illicit campaign donations.
  21. The closing arguments and verdict could be a big surprise for you.
  22. Yep. If a rape victim (as an example) testifies that she hates her attacker, her testimony is questionable.
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