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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I had a conversation with a bar manager about the 2024 tax rule changes. He had no idea what I was talking about, and could care less. Since the manager knows hundreds of Farang residents, I was surprised that he didn't know about the rule changes. He certainly had no plans to file a tax return. This seems to be typical of many Farang s.
  2. DOJ doesn't prosecute people who find classified documents and return them promptly. You know, like Mike Pence. If you think Joe Biden should have been prosecuted, how about Trump, who didn't return classified documents, and tried to hide them?
  3. Maybe it's my imagination, but there seem to be a lot baht buses passing me by empty, or with taxi customers on board. Which means fewer actual baht buses picking up passengers on a fixed route. While waiting for a baht bus this morning, I noticed an astounding number of tour buses on the streets, a lot more tour buses than baht buses. And loads just parked on city streets, constricting the traffic lanes. The City of Pattaya should do something about that.
  4. Are there agents who can handle renewal of US passports in Pattaya? I am aware of the mail in process, but am looking for agent to make it easier.
  5. If you believe Tara Reade, you are really far gone. So why couldn't the Republicans in Congress pin a crime on Biden?
  6. The common denominator among the trials is the delay tactics used by the Trump attorneys. Perhaps rather than conspiracy theories, you should think about Trump's actual defenses against the charges.
  7. The current DA was elected in 2022. The prior DA declined to prosecute because he was leaving office. These are basic facts, posted here frequently, but you just don't seem to get it.
  8. Don't beat around the bush: do you believe Dominion voting machines were hacked during the 2020 Georgia election? Just talking about potential hacking techniques is pointless. I could claim that someone installed counterfeit voting machines, theoretically.
  9. Your posts have very little predictive value
  10. Early polls have little predictive value.
  11. The Supremes indeed may rule in a way that delays his DC trial. Hard to believe they would give Trump full immunity, but they could delay in making their decision, and then provide a ruling that creates more delay.
  12. The Supremes indeed may rule in a way that delays his DC trial. Hard to believe they would give Trump full immunity, but they could delay in making their decision, and then provide a ruling that creates more delay.
  13. Back in the day, it had a big impact on stupid people.
  14. That's actually unlikely. Trump's best chance is to claim there was no underlying crime. He's dead meat on the Stormy Daniels stuff.
  15. Since you won't admit your position on this issue, it's obvious what your opinion is: working people and the poor should pay more taxes. And billionaires should pay less. Cue the rants and personal attacks, designed to hide your true opinion.
  16. You love your millionaires, too. It's working people and the poor who you think should pay more taxes.
  17. Trump still might beat the rap in the NY case, or be found guilty of misdemeanors, if that's a possibility. Also, the Georgia case is complicated, and he's up against a county DA, not the Feds. In the Federal cases, he's dead meat, if they happen.
  18. The point is that the states are getting serious about elector fraud, and Trump's minions are going down.
  19. Actually, Elon claims he is going to die on Mars. Just not on impact.
  20. Your post was striking for its' bad timing. Right after you posted about there not being a connection between Trump and the fake electors, Trump was named an unindicted co-conspirator for the elector fraud case in Arizona.
  21. This post did not age well, and the day is still young.
  22. Whatever your sources, you post a lot of disinformation. Why is that?
  23. Crime is way down under Biden. You have been conned into believing a lie. There was another guy who posted long Gish Gallops filled with lies, in the hopes that nobody would bother to correct him. I told him that a long post with just one lie would be ignored when people notice the lie. Your post was filled with disinformation. The question is whether you know that you are posting lies, or whether you have dementia.
  24. You must have dementia if you believe the Trump claims about Joe Biden. Here's a pro tip for you: never believe Donald Trump, he always lies. If you don't understand that Trump constantly lies, then you may have dementia. If you do understand that Trump lies all the time, but you don't care, then there is something else going on with you. And that's what this election is about: sane people vs deluded people.
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