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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Many of these same people claim that the 2020 election was stolen via voter fraud. Although they have no idea how or where or when.
  2. Trump wasn't yawning, he was sleeping. Because of the "old man" thing.
  3. Because the election is so far away, most people aren't paying much attention to it it. So when they are contacted by a pollster, they respond to the name they are most familiar with. So, for the next month, Trump will get a bump in the polls, even if all the news about him is bad, because of the name recognition factor. Bad news only impacts the outcome of an election if it is published immediately before the elections. So a guilty verdict in this trial won't impact the election much. But that's why there are political campaigns. Joe Biden will respond after the political conventions with a barrage of publicity.
  4. Star Wars was a scheme to develop an orbital X-Ray laser powered by a nuclear explosion. A bit of a pipe dream. The proposed alternative was "point defense" - short range missiles located at areas to be defended. Places like Israel.
  5. There *was* a campaign finance violation - Michael Cohen went to jail over it. That's been pointed out repeatedly. This is not a legal discussion, it's a cognitive breakdown on your part.
  6. Trump is not accused of a campaign finance violation. You don't seem to understand that. He committed business fraud to cover up a campaign finance violation.
  7. Wow! This stock is dropping 17% in pre-trading today. I have never seen that before. Trump lost something like half a 💸 billion dollars before breakfast today. He's going to be in fine form at the trial today.
  8. Deflection. Fani Willis did not charge her trips as a campaign expense. The trial is coming soon enough, you don't have to make up stuff to confuse people about the facts of this or any other case. Nobody is going to remember your trolling when these trials happen.
  9. DOJ put Michael Cohen in prison for that nothing.
  10. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But Trump's appeal is going to be about application of state law, not about a conflict between state and federal statutes.
  11. Unless it's a case where a minority or illegal immigrant is the alleged killer.
  12. One of the crimes for which Michael Cohen was convicted. This was discussed just yesterday, please try to keep up.
  13. Trump will be dead of old age by the time that happens.
  14. I am not sure if conviction in a county or state court can be appealed to the Supreme Court if the appeal is about state law.
  15. As you may have noticed, my opinion is that Trump has a good chance of being acquitted of a felony, if his lawyers make the case that Trump did not commit an underlying crime. Do you disagree?
  16. Wow. Your understanding of the charges is way out there. The payments were made just before the 2016 election, but you don't think they were made to support Trump's campaign?
  17. I've been on a jury. Everyone has biases, the trick is to not let them impact your decision.
  18. I don't think there will be a problem proving the facts of the case - the problem will be proving the elements of the felony charge, I've that the fraudulent business records were intended to cover up a crime. Tying Trump to the underlying crime is the task of the Prosecution and it won't be easy.
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