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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You are all worked up about opposition research, which is standard for most campaigns. Next you will get all hot and bothered over funding for voter registration. Meanwhile, Trump is going on trial for hush money payments to a porn star and then misreporting these as Trump Organization business expenses.
  2. If they had used it, it would have been legal. So, what's your point?
  3. because they paid the law firm that hired Steele, and reported it as legal services, instead of for opposition research. In either case, it was a legitimate campaign expenditure.
  4. The Steele Dossier was not released prior to the 2016 election. It was a compendium of reports about Trump, ie standard political intelligence. Most campaigns have that on hand. It contained raw, unvetted data. The Steele Dossier was initially compiled by a Republican group.
  5. In such a case, any action in support of a conspiracy to rob a bank can incur criminal charges. In the current case, Trump paid off Stormy Daniels to ensure she didn't go public before the 2016 election. Was that a crime? I don't know, but Trump wasn't indicted for it.
  6. Johnson might simply decline to have Republicans participate in the certification vote, hoping to cancel it due to a lack of quorum. On January 20, Biden's term would end, and Harris', so the 2nd in line would become president.
  7. Trump has been playing with the Russians for 40 years: In 1987, a young real estate developer traveled to the Soviet Union. The KGB almost certainly made the trip happen.
  8. I am sorry that my writing style gives you a sad. I will worry about your criticisms after you tell us when Trump tells a lie. I'm not running for Presidents, and my posts aren't significant. Conversely, he *is* running for POTUS, so fact checking him *is* significant.
  9. One factor concerning Latino voter polling data is that some polls are only conducted in English. This causes Latino numbers to skew Republican in those polls. Latinos and Asians typically vote 65% Democratic, no reason to believe this year will be any different.
  10. The problem is that Trump isn't speaking English anymore. We went through this with Reagan, he had good days and bad days. His staff was pretty good during bad days. And he never was so far gone that he wouldn't listen to his wife. Trump, on the hand, is uncontrollable.
  11. Judge Engoron is likely to rule that the bond is invalid. Then, Trump will appeal.
  12. Will Truth Social drop into the 20s by close of business today? At any point, some billionaire may decide to swoop in and buy a boatload of stock, either becauae he thinks the stock is undervalued, or he just wants to happen. If not, this going to get perilously close to zero.
  13. Billabong Bar in LK Metro reportedly for sale, 39 million baht.
  14. nope. There are Israelis calling for an immediate cease fire, too.
  15. "They put him into the state of New York, and then into the D.A.'s office to run the case," said Trump. "This is being run by Biden. They put a man into the state, Letitia Jones, 'Peekaboo,' I call her, Peekaboo Jones, Peekaboo — they put a man into that one to, Letitia. They put a man into that one to run it, and he went into the D.A.'s office." I don't know who Trump is talking about. Any Trump fan here who can tell us who they are supposed to be angry at?
  16. The Department of Justice has told lawyers for former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe that he will not face criminal charges for allegedly lying to investigators about a leak to the media, the ex-official's attorneys said Friday. Only a Trump supporter would claim that McCabe committed perjury when he was never even charged with perjury. Note that this was the Trump DOJ. Under your criteria, anyone can be alleged to have committed a crime, and the proof is that they were not indicted.
  17. The Florida abortion initiative will get 50+% of the vote (they all do). There will be very few pro-initiative voters who will also vote for Trump. The question is how much over 50% the initiative wins. If its 60+%, Trump loses.
  18. If the Democrats control Congress and the White House after the election, they will make abortion legal federally.
  19. Trump said he would leave the abortion issue up to the states. So why is he talking about Arizona's abortion laws?
  20. Typical Republican response that avoids the big issues of the day. Why is it that you ignore Trump's constant verbal screwups?
  21. Trump's problem in Florida is that there is an abortion initiative on the ballot in November. This will have electoral consequences that are not reflected in the polls today.
  22. Arizona is gone for Trump, unless aliens invade. The polls for Nevada don't matter, the Harry Reid organization and SEIU will pull it out for Biden. Trump is going to have invest resources to win in Florida. And still may lose. I don't see any states that he lost in 2020 where he may win in 2024, except maybe Georgia.
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