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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. and yet there are posters here who don't believe that CO2 impacts temperature. Right, @Yellowtail
  2. I'll wait until Trump loses in November. I plan to spend some time in the US working to register voters in a swing state. As opposed to just posting about Trump.
  3. I am not crazy about foreigners who hate America and want to saddle us with an obvious psychopath like Trump.
  4. Selma Blair has MS, she's not making any more movies. Islam is no more dangerous than any other religion. Plenty of Christian nut jobs out there.
  5. Yeah. High stock market, low unemployment, manufacturing up, inflation. A robust economy in America. That's a real problem - for China. Say, are you one of those foreigners who hates Biden?
  6. The Republicans have a chaotic border policy. They complain, but do nothing.
  7. In other words, the border is not a crisis, it can wait until 2025.
  8. Pretty much, except Mexico has a lot more crime.
  9. The PRA forbids an outgoing president from taking any official documents anywhere.
  10. From the same article: "On November 2, 2022, Joe Biden's personal attorneys found classified documents dating to his vice presidency, some of which were top secret sensitive compartmented information, in a locked closet while packing files at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, a think tank where Biden worked after leaving the government in 2017." Locked closet.
  11. Presidents are not allowed under the PRA to retain any official documents. Presidential archives are first placed under control of the National Archives. Trump violated the PRA by taking official documents from the White House to his residence in Florida.
  12. I don't know why you write a long post, starting with a lie. Everyone stops reading after the first sentence. On November 2, 2022, Biden's attorneys discovered the first set of classified documents in a locked closet at the Penn Biden Center; they reported them that day to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), which retrieved them the next day.
  13. Trump has installed his daughter-in-law as Vice Chair of the Republican National Committee. She has already announced that Trump will get the money that the RNC raises. This means the RNC won't be supporting candidates for the Senate and House, as they have in the past. The result is really going to hurt the GOP in November, since much of the money that Trump raises will be used to pay his lawyers.
  14. As usual, you are misstating the facts. Biden's attorneys conducted a voluntary search, just to make sure that Biden didn't still have any classified documents. When they found some, they alerted the authorities immediately. On the other hand, Trump knew he had classified documents and tried to hide them. The true test of a Trump cult member is if they can't tell the difference between the two cases. A normal person would be amazed at the confusion by the members of the Cult of Trump over the two cases.
  15. In a perfect world, Trump's lawyers will delay cases long enough that a guilty verdict comes in on November 1, or just before the election.
  16. If Fani Willis is caught in lies in her court filings, she is history.
  17. Tell you what, you can let us know if the Scott for VP buzz survives the SC primary.
  18. As always, I have to state that early polls are not very accurate. Having said that, common sense indicates that some voters will be biased against voting for a felon.
  19. and you will totally forget about your rule after this election.
  20. You just defined special people as "anyone running for presidency" who has been indicted. When your special consideration only extends to one person on the planet, they are indeed special. So, "no one is above the law" except that one special person.
  21. You want the trial delayed because Trump is special. He's not like another defendants.
  22. "Trump's trials should be delayed until after the election" and "no one is above the law" are what is called "mutually exclusive" thoughts.
  23. I will only be interested in Trump until he loses in November. Come to think of it, so will you.
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