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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Rudy will appeal, and this is just the beginning. But, the handwriting is on the wall for Trump.
  2. I have served on a jury. There is enormous pressure on jurors to wrap up a case on Friday. If they finish deliberations early enough, they don't have to come back on Monday. So, it's likely that Friday will be the finish of jury deliberations. If not, it means the jury is split some way. Maybe with a MAGA holdout. But, it's a civil trial, so one deadender can be overcome.
  3. But you miss the point. The actual statute the J6 rioters were charged with is a bit ambiguous. The statute might not relate to physical obstruction of an official proceeding, but only obstruction related to influencing the proceeding, or introduction of fraudulent documents. If so, there would be no Federal statute against physical obstruction of government proceedings, which would be pretty stupid. But the government has Trump dead to rights because his fake elector scheme means his case is unaffected no matter which way the SC rules. In fact, this appeal tells Jack Smith of a new way to make his case. Bad for Trump.
  4. This SC appeal on relates to some of the many charges against the J6 rioters and Trump. But common sense usually prevails - if the SC were to rule that interrupting a government procedure were not illegal - look for people to burst into SC sessions to forestall decisions they don't like.
  5. Anyone who is not an idiot knows that Comer's offer of 2 hearings is illusory as the second public hearing would simply never happen.
  6. My question is whether tax residents will be required to fill out tax returns if they have no transfers into Thailand during a tax year. And whether ATM withdrawals in Thailand using a foreign bank card are considered transfers for income tax purposes. Or, for example, purchases on Lazada using foreign credit cards.
  7. Jurors were in tears as poll worker described defamation by Giuliani He's hosed
  8. There's 2 different components, as you suggest: How long one is resident in Thailand per year, and How much money is transferred into the country during that year. The $64K question is: does residence for more than 179 days automatically require filing a tax return, or, if the income is zero, can filing the return be waived?
  9. I am transferring money from the US to my Thai bank account, in tranches less than $10,000 per transfer. For some 2024 expenses (like hotels), I can use a US credit card, and that shouldn't be treated as an incoming transfer, I hope. I guess I can use a US credit card at the supermarket. The hope is by not transferring money into Thailand in 2024, I can stay in the country, but not be considered a tax resident.
  10. You are confused. The open mic incident occurred before the 2012 election, and was about missile defense negotiations. There was no Ukraine conflict at that time. https://www.cfr.org/blog/friday-file-obamas-open-mic-gaffe Trump, however, stopped all military assistence to Ukraine because he was extorting Ukraine to announce an investigation of Joe Biden.
  11. You really don't remember Trump withholding Javelin missiles from Ukraine unless they announced an investigation of Biden? Geez, your memory is bad, Trump got impeached over that one.
  12. except for the 91 felony charges that you seem to have forgotten about.
  13. Trump doubles down on ‘dictator’ remarks at New York Republican gala
  14. Did Trump have a career in Congress that gave him an opportunity to vote on wars? Here's a nugget for you: Fact Check: Yes, Trump did support the Iraq War
  15. You don't have an answer. You claim that Biden has implemented no reforms in 3 years, but can't think of any that Trump did in 4 years. So, when you write " you are deflecting", you mean "I got nuttin". Did your internet masters teach you that in troll school?
  16. Tell us about wars that Obama and Biden started. Was that good enough for you?
  17. But you can't think of any reforms that Trump implemented during his 4 years in office? Did he drain the swamp?
  18. Tell us about reforms that Trump implemented during his 4 years in office.
  19. Tell us about the brutal inhumane occupation of Gaza prior to October 7.
  20. More than 70 surrendering 'Hamas operatives' emerge from Gaza hospital Cognitive dissonance for Hamas fans here.
  21. "I love it': Trump supporter gushes at thought of him being a dictator Trump supporters know that Trump is serious about becoming a dictator if he is elected. There are just a few who think Trump was kidding - they aren't 100% for Trump. A real Trump supporter would say "hell yes, he is going to be a dictator because that is what America needs".
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