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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. To recap the bidding: Starting January 1, 2024, the Thai government will monitor and tax (at a later date) money transferred into Thailand by anyone classified as a tax resident (Thai citizens and foreigners residing in Thailand more than 180 days in any given year). Much of how this will be implemented is TBD. For example, different nations have different tax treaties with Thailand, how this will be resolver is TBD. Current Thai tax forms are available in English, but these forms cannot be used as is for this new tax scheme. 2 ways to avoid having to fill out a bunch of Thai tax forms: 1. Don't transfer any money to Thailand after January 1, 2024. 2 Don't stay in Thailand more than 180 days in 2024. A third option is to hope that this all goes away, like so many similar proposals. Given that we are already in December, and they still haven't figured this out is a hopeful sign.
  2. What an insightful post. The reason that Trump has a chance to be a dictator is that he has a large following of low information acolytes. For example, Trump claims that "foreign interference " helped steal the 2020 election. But, virtually all intelligence services officials serving under Trump deny there was any significant foreign interference. So, it's Trump vs a plethora of his officials. Who do you believe?
  3. Israel is not creating settlements in Gaza. And, yes, eliminating Hamas is the optimal solution for the people of Gaza.
  4. Why are you trashing the US for opposing a ceasefire, but you are okay with Hamas committing atrocities in Israel?
  5. If you are asking me if I have proof that bargirls go with underage men, I don't. But I do know that bargirls compete to have the youngest "boyfriend".
  6. I was using the 19 year old boy as an example of older women I know lusting after young boys. But, just like some underaged women work bar, some underaged boys work bar, too, given that older women often desire young flesh.
  7. You do know that a huge number of bargirls go to karaoke bars after they finish work? And they spend whatever cash they have on the boys? I knew a 35 year old bargirl who had a 19 karaoke boy as her "boyfriend", and loads of 40 year olds with karaoke boys in their 20s. If you go down Sai 3, you will find the karaoke bars, typically opening at 1 or 2 in the morning. The younger the boy, the more popular. Someone commented earlier that Thai women dote on their sons, so for bargirls to go with men the same age as their sons is natural.
  8. That first paragraph doesn't make any sense. If you transfer in money from abroad in 2024, RD is going to flag it, and you will have to fill out a tax form. Presumably, while filling out the form, you can inform RD that the money came from income earned in 2023 or earlier. I am giving myself a headache, so I will stop here.
  9. The 1 million baht threshold is for the 25% tax bracket, but there are lower tax brackets that are still not fun. I am sure there are a lot of farangs who are not up to filling out the forms or paying any tax at all.
  10. By your definition "taxable income" = money transferred into Thailand from abroad. So, my plan is to avoid being deemed a tax resident by not living in Thailand more than 180 days. But, if that plan fails (ie, I get stuck in Thailand for some reason), then the backup plan is not to transmit any money into Thailand in 2024. Because if I transfer just $1 from abroad while being a Tax Resident (ie I remain in Thailand more than 180 days), then I must fill out tax forms. It's like being a little bit pregnant.
  11. I guess the tax scheme has evolved. If so, everyone will jam through their transfers before January 1 (as I am doing). If I need to add more funds into Thailand, I will carry $9,999 with me every time I come from my home country. Hmmmm... if I deposit that cash into my Bangkok Bank savings account, does that count as an international transfer subject to taxation?
  12. You are talking about funds transferred from abroad into Thailand, but the new tax scheme focuses on all income earned by tax residents *anywhere in the world*, not just transfers into Thailand.
  13. My point is that doing the work to calculate your Thai tax liability is difficult and laborious. I came to Thailand to stop working, not learn a new tax system. But I can avoid all that work by taking longer holidays abroad.
  14. This discussion is not about income of Thai citizens, but rather, foreign tax residents, many of whom earn 1M Thai baht as a minimum. A 25% tax levy would not be fun for those people.
  15. First pics ‘show Israeli soldiers preparing pumps’ to flood 300 MILES of Hamas tunnels under Gaza & flush out terrorists
  16. So, if I remain in Thailand less than 180 days, when my visa is renewed, Immigration won't impose the new tax scheme on me, ie they won't alert RD of any tax liability for me. Sounds like a plan. Meanwhile, just in case, I will transmit money from my home country to Thailand before January 1, and zero in 2024, just in case RD decides to tax those cash flows directly for all foreigners, tax resident or not.
  17. You are already paying taxes in Thailand, so the new scheme will have little impact on you. And I am not talking about leaving Thailand, merely taking longer holidays. Avoidance of the new tax is like having a paid holiday.
  18. Israel to hold Nuremberg-style war crimes trials for Hamas terrorists behind the October 7 massacre Israel is going hold trials for those behind the October 7 terrorism.
  19. For people who are currently tax residents and who currently pay Thai income tax, the new scheme will have little impact. For the rest of us, the new scheme will be a big problem.
  20. One obvious example will be retirement visa holders staying in Thailand less than 180 days in order to be exempt from the tax.
  21. It's a bigger problem than just the money - the labor involved in calculating the tax would be enormous. Will the tax forms and instructions be in English? Will the tax forms provide reductions in taxable income due to bilateral tax treaties? I have seen a lot of discussion about the theory of how this new tax would work, but very little about actual practice. The danger is at visa renewal time, the government demands a full accounting of all my income anywhere in the world, and no visa renewal if I don't provide it. Right now, my plan is to remain in Thailand less than 180 days next year, starting January 4. If, as usually happens, the new scheme fails, then I will return to Thailand.
  22. do you think that older women don't go with underage men? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.insideedition.com/melissa-curtis-teacher-sex-student-school%3famp https://www.wafb.com/2023/10/03/former-teacher-arrested-following-alleged-sexual-misconduct-with-minor-deputies-say/ https://news.yahoo.com/just-divorced-former-idaho-high-001520978.html
  23. Yes, exactly. Lots of women go with underage men. You assume that the police were only looking for men going with underage women. Its a badge of honor for some bargirls to go with the youngest boy. I know some bargirls who shop around their sons to the other bargirls.
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