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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. That sounds bad. There is a big contradiction between hospitals filling up, and a mild virus. There is a big contradiction between doctors saying patients in the hospital are with Covid, but not admitted due to Covid, the implication being that patients are getting infected after admission. So, why are hospitals filling up with patients admitted for something other than Covid?
  2. For young populations, it seems mild. For older Farangs, we don't know how bad it will be.
  3. The virus doesn't care about poverty. It just looks for hosts.
  4. Regardless of its lethality, Omicron spreads like wildfire everywhere. It's possible that virtually everyone will catch it. We know that it is mostly mild in young populations, but that is true for all variants of this virus. What happens when it hits an older population remains unreported. Our fellow posters here who are vaccine hesitant better finish up their research and get the jab.
  5. So, Omicron was endemic to Nigeria before November 24.
  6. Too early to know for sure, the sample size is small, and not much time has passed. i was hoping that the data would be less ratty by now.
  7. I read the thread. Not much practical information. They tell us 100x that it's very infectious. Is it as lethal as Delta? Is it mild? Still no useful data.....
  8. Gee, everyone is social distancing and wearing masks, and you wonder why no one is catching a cold.
  9. Strangely enough, you never see a character in a Zombie movie complain about having to dodge Zombies all day.
  10. But, we don't know a lot about this small sample. We know that the deceased had Covid, but we don't know if they had Omicron. We don't know if they were in the hospital for some acute condition, and then were infected by Covid. It’s still too early to say we understand Omicron.
  11. You seem like a misinformed person. While it is true that anti-inflammatory drugs have some benefit in reducing symptoms from Covid, you don't seem to understand how Covid can attack even young healthy individuals.
  12. Based on evidence from clinical trials, in people ages 18 years and older, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine was 94.1% effective at preventing laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection in people who received two doses and had no evidence of being previously infected.
  13. Hesitency is mostly due to gullibility of people paying attention to conspiracy theories spread by future Herman Cain award winners.
  14. Worthless link. The human immune system often requires multiple vaccinations for a disease. My tetanus shot from ten years ago has worn off now. Common.
  15. We have just endured a virus that has killed 5,000,000+ people, and now a new, more infectious variant has emerged. This is not the flu, this is much more dangerous infection. We need to be very careful before assuming the new variant is benign. yea, I get it, you want your bar to open, and I hope it does.
  16. Medical examiners are very precise in determining the cause of death. For those declared victims of Covid19, I will take the medical examiner's opinion over yours.
  17. Right. The data is too ratty right now to make any conclusions.
  18. Of course you know that medical examiners list the primary cause of death on the death certificate in the UK, so please stop posting misinformation.
  19. 6,000 new cases in South Africa today. 9 dead. I am edging towards calling this a nothingburger, basically, the same as the flu. My concern is the impact on young children. Omicron might somehow have mutated into a baby killer.
  20. But, if you read the fine print, they are not sure if the severe cases are Omicron.
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