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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You're getting into the weeds here. Unless you are one of the few who do file Thai tax returns, all of this is theoretical. Try "proving" your tax status to Somchai at TRD who can't read English. Maybe you speak Thai fluently and have been filing for years, but for the rest of us, having TRD examine our tax return would be problematic.
  2. You are making my point for me. Despite the available information, TRD doesn't track inbound remittances. As of today.
  3. The point here is that if you find yourself at TRD in Nakhon Nowhere, you're dead anyway. They can't read your meticulously assembled documents, so it's a matter of the size of the bundle in the brown envelope.
  4. You mean that a "credit" is a loan? So when the bargirl files her taxes, she can claim all those transfers from her Farang boyfriend are loans, not income.
  5. Great. All my remittances from the US to my Thai bank are credits, so I owe zero in taxes. What's a credit?
  6. But remittances from overseas should be easily monitored, and TRD won't care how the money was earned. In that world where Thai tax laws are enforced.
  7. Great. When the bar girl files her Thai tax return, she can indicate she received big money as a gift. Oh, wait. She never filed, despite TRD allegedly having access to all overseas remittances. Unless you are aware of bar girls filing taxes. Editorial note: for some reason we get a lot of comments in the Thai tax topics that are disconnected from the real world, particularly about TRD auditing capabilities. Thailand can't enforce helmet laws for motorcycles, let alone complicated tax laws.
  8. Great. Then bargirls who are receiving remittances from their overseas boyfriends should be flagged by TRD, as you suggest. Except, this is Thailand. When I hear about bargirls being audited by TRD, I will file my tax return.
  9. I presume you are filing a tax return in Thailand, and have for 20 years. But.... You don't work in Thailand, and Remittances haven't been taxable until now, and Therefore, the only reason to file a tax return is because you are receiving interest in a bank account sufficient to warrant filing a tax return to try to get a refund. Most people are not in that situation.
  10. The reverse is true: You are describing these new tax proposals as both inevitable and sure to be enforced. That is scaremongering. My position is that they will be enforced rarely and mostly for high profile cases. So everyone can take a chill pill.
  11. Neither Ukraine, nor the EU, nor the US, nor the UK will accept Russia stealing territory from Ukraine. The sooner you understand that, the sooner you will start making sense. Imagine if a neighbor claimed that you "baited" them, so they occupied your living room. Just passing along Kremlin propaganda doesn't convince anyone here.
  12. I will be happy to post news about bargirls who are required to file a tax return for their million baht income streams. Just don't hold your breath, since this goes under the category of Things That Will Never Happen.
  13. Or, punch them in the nose. Remember when Germany was the stronger and bigger psychopathic neighbor attacking Britain? I guess you would have advised the King to surrender.
  14. I suspect that TRD will fine someone prominent in the hopes that the publicity will provoke compliance. But I don't see TRD scrounging up bank records for Bob in the village.
  15. If we live in a world where TRD has insight into undistributed income within foreign bank accounts, we're dead any way. You guys are living in a dream world where Somchai down at the local TRD office is an international tax expert. BTW, let me know when Somchai discovers million baht remittances to bargirls in the village.
  16. I suspect that the FBI is not finished, and so, some influencers are being very quiet now.
  17. I have yet to meet a bargirl who has a clue that such remittances would be accessible. Or a bar patron, for that matter. And that brings us to prior earnings by bargirls, payable by bank transfer. Why aren't those taxable income?
  18. My opinion is that there are accountant types here who are hyping this tax thing to drum up business.
  19. Typically, if a Thai has a formal job, their company will file a tax return for them - but the tax return only includes formal earnings, not sideline work, for which there is no reporting mechanism.
  20. Actually, there were posters going on in another topic about how TRD was monitoring credit card transactions and ATM withdrawals. BTW, I just asked a bar girl about whether she paid taxes on remittances to her. Her response: "What? No body bay that".
  21. We have people posting here about TRD monitoring credit card transactions, why would they ignore big remittances from abroad to Thai girls?
  22. You are what is known as an "outlier". Do you have a visa that requires a tax return? Or do you file for fun?
  23. I count the days per month I spend in Thailand, and how many more days I can spend in Thailand without becoming a tax resident. As of October 10, I will have 59 more Thai days.
  24. I don't know any bar girls who would have a clue how to file a tax return. They did pay taxes when they worked in the factory, but that was done for them. Certainly, TRD does not take a chunk of their remittances, I have seen them. I am traveling this year, so as not to be a tax resident. When I relate this to the Thai lady I am traveling with, they have no clue about Thai taxation. I think you are a bit out of touch with the facts on the ground, except maybe for those Farangs who work in Thailand and thus have a tax return filed for them.
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