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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. There is a scientific process, during which individual scientists can participate. But, writing op-eds is not part of that process.
  2. if you are going to base your opinion on claims from one scientist (or one doctor), you will constantly be surprised by reality. Unless you are trolling, you can't possibly expect anyone to pay any attention to your post.
  3. True, but global temperatures had been declining for 8,000 years until the current warming.
  4. The problem is that the current, human induced warming is heating the planet despite a natural cooling trend. In fact, if your internet friends were smarter, they would state: "yes, humans are causing a warming trend, but that's protecting us from nature plunging us into an Ice Age".
  5. Your internet friends have sent you talking points that look good to you, but are irrelevant to this discussion. The mechanism by which CO2 warms the planet is well understood. If you don't believe, explain why the stratosphere has been cooling. Your internet friends can't give you any talking points about that, sorry.
  6. It's almost as if someone launched weather satellites so that people would be warned of imminent climate disasters.
  7. and those scientists who predicted the current warming 40 years ago were just lucky.
  8. Because thousands of climate scientists and agencies around the workd are wrong, and your kniwledge is superior to them. And it was a lucky guess by them 40 years ago that the planet would be warming now.
  9. I own a table grape farm in California. Climate change now causes winters to be so warm that the grapes aren't sweet anymore.
  10. Nope. The planet is warming significantly, due to human emissions, with no end in sight.
  11. Wow. You really don't understand this stuff. We have been in a cooling trend for 8,000 years. Except, there is a warming trend due to human emissions over the past few decades. You can ask your internet friends why the stratosphere is cooling, but they won't answer you.
  12. Correlation is valid if there is a mechanism to explain the correlation. In this case, perhaps you can explain why the stratosphere is cooking. I am so sorry that your internet friends have not given you talking points to answer this.
  13. 1934 was the hottest year on record for the USA, but nit the entire planet. You are misinformed.
  14. The last Interglacial Maximum was 8,000 years ago. We have been cooling ever since. But, now there is warming, despite the historical cooling trend.
  15. It seems that you have zero understanding of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
  16. Tell us which accomplishments on the list are false. Otherwise, it's just cognitive dissonance on your part.
  17. Tell me about our soldiers fighting in Syria during the Trump administration..... or the soldiers killed in Niger.
  18. These "facts" are refutable. In fact, most of these are just lies that your internet friends sent you, and you were gullible enough to copy and paste them.
  19. So... why aren't you worried about the Trump tax cuts that ballooned the deficit by trillions?
  20. Yeah, plenty of bargirls in Nirun condos. And you get to meet their boyfriends.
  21. Kind of blurring the lines on Soi Bonkot 8.
  22. I know a bunch of bargirls who live in Nirun. Also, many of the ladies who work at the BJ bars on Soi Bonkot 8 live in Nirun.
  23. The vast majority of the 458 miles were constructed in places where some kind of barrier already existed
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