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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Kind of blurring the lines on Soi Bonkot 8.
  2. I know a bunch of bargirls who live in Nirun. Also, many of the ladies who work at the BJ bars on Soi Bonkot 8 live in Nirun.
  3. The vast majority of the 458 miles were constructed in places where some kind of barrier already existed
  4. Do you really want a list of Biden's accomplishments?
  5. Trump didn't get around to proposing funding for the Wall for 2 years, and he barely did anything to support that funding. You seem ill-informed about this stuff.
  6. We can't rely on your "insights" if you don't know anything about US politics. So, let me try again: "you can do us a favor by telling us what the House Republicans have done to reduce inflation and illegal immigration." You can answer with information, you can say you don't know, or you can troll. Up to you.
  7. Since you are a Brit, I assume you don't know what is happening in the US in regards to illegals - the vast majority are brought in by large agricultural firms, using fake paperwork at legal points of entry. Owners of these large farms then donate to Republican candidates who, once elected, do 2 things: 1 complain about illegal immigrants, and 2 don't actually do anything about it. Meanwhile, the Democratic base - labor unions - are actively opposed to illegal immigration. Perhaps you can guess why. As for inflation, its much lower in the US now. But, you can do us a favor by telling us what the House Republicans have done to reduce inflation and illegal immigration. I am so sorry no one has given you talking points to answer my question.
  8. Are you feeling okay? The US has the lowest inflation rate of the major economies.
  9. Biden beat Trump in the popular vote as well as the Electoral College. No one except people paid by Trump, or crazy people, still give credit to the Big Lie. As Rudy said "we have plenty of theories, just no evidence".
  10. No State is actually doing this, although some individuals in some states are making noises about doing this. Note that Trump has not even been charged with sedition, let alone convicted.
  11. They were told that their names would only be used if a court approved the alternate slate.
  12. Concerning the fake electors, some of them were duped, and had no idea they would be portrayed as real electors to the government.
  13. So, a DC grand jury is still working, either to indict the co-conspirators, or Trump's PAC (for fraud). Or maybe both.
  14. Yeah, but you are going to forget this overnight, and tomorrow you are going to ask again "why is only Trump being charged for having classified documents?".
  15. The Presidential Records Act is quite clear as to what Trump can keep. Probably Trump will get back his personal stuff at some point after the trial. What he can't keep are the national security documents. As for Biden and Pence, since they did not willfully possess classified documents, its not illegal.
  16. Trump did plenty of stuff that is illegal, so what's your point? Are you just randomly spouting comments in the hope that people forget that Trump has been indicted three times?
  17. You have no memory. The chronology of the Biden classified documents has now been posted here several times. More to the point, Trump *hid* classified documents, but not a peep from you about that.
  18. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden_classified_documents_incident "On January 20 the FBI conducted a 13-hour search of the entire premises of Biden's Wilmington home. The next day his personal attorney Bob Bauer revealed the search, saying that the agents had examined "personally handwritten notes, files, papers, binders, memorabilia, to-do lists, schedules, and reminders going back decades".[22] They identified and removed six documents containing classified markings from Biden's home office,[23] some from his time in the Senate and some from his vice presidency.[24] They also took possession of some of his notes. Biden and his wife were at their home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, at the time.[5][25] CNN reported the search was conducted with the consent of Biden's attorneys, so a subpoena or search warrant was not required." You really don't remember any of this? I guess that's why you are a Trump supporter, no memory. So when Trump lies about some past event, you just nod your head, because you can't remember what really happened. Meanwhile, your Dear Leader has been indicted 3 times, and you have no idea why.
  19. So, no disputing the facts in the post you responded to, just an ad hominem attack? You seem to have an aversion to facts. Classic Trump supporter. We had a similar group almost 200 years ago in America, the "Know Nothing" party.
  20. There were a handful of classified documents hidden among Biden's historical papers. When they were discovered, the government was immediately notified, and the documents returned. If you believe that warrants prosecution, then how about Trump stealing 100s of documents, violating a subpoena, and hiding the documents? Don't you think that Trump should be prosecuted for that? Thanks for playing.
  21. Failure to comply with a subpeona in regards to return of classified documents. It seems that you wake up every day with no memory of the facts of these cases.
  22. Do understand the difference between cooperating with the government to return classified documents, and hiding them? C'mon, it's not a hard question to answer. Show us you're not a troll.
  23. 2.5 years to indict for January 6, but you think they are proceeding quickly?
  24. Please provide any information that contradicts the alleged facts in the indictment. To the extent that you bloviate rather than address the content of the indictment, you admit the facts are true. And, if the facts are true, Trump is guilty. Have a nice day.
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