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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. What you have told us is that human life is not that important to you. And that you would rather you and your family would die rather than vaccinate. okay, so now we know not to listen to you.
  2. I have a flight to Thailand departing November 2. If the Thailand Pass is not available in the next 7 days, rather than book ASQ for 7 days, I will change my departure date.
  3. Vaccination for children helps to stop the spread of the virus to other people. We’re trying to stop the epidemic, so, stopping the spread is important.
  4. The Spanish Flu took some 50 million people before it went. Doctors are trying to make this epidemic go away without millions more dying. You can help by getting yourself vaccinated.
  5. You are confused by the fact that the UK tests far more than any other country, so their case numbers are higher. it is common for Covid Deniers or anti-vaccine types to point to a specific country as “proof” of their contentions, and since most don’t last very long here, by the time country’s situation changes, they are gone, and don’t have to explain why their proof evaporated. Two months ago, the Antivaxxers were using Chile as proof that vaccines don’t work. Now Chile has less than 1,000 new cases a day. Then, it was Israel as proof that vaccines don’t work, but Israel has less than 1,000 cases a day. In most countries, increasing vaccination decreases new infections.
  6. Nope. Vaccines in general are up to 95% effective in stopping infection. If someone is not infected, they cannot spread the virus. Therefore, a vaccinated person is significantly less likely to infect than an unvaccinated person.
  7. Did you look those numbers up yourself, or did one of your internet friends send you that? Got a link?
  8. Okay, you clearly don't know what happened in Mexico. The unofficial death count is enormous. The official numbers are low, because most people don't die in hospitals.
  9. Your understanding of the effects of vaccination is poor. The chances of a vaccinated person spreading the virus are about 10% of an unvaccinated person. Your internet friends have lied to you, and have prompted you to post something really ignorant here. I would be angry if I were you, since they knew they were lying to you.
  10. And you forget that there are large numbers of undiagnosed Covid deaths. If you add in those deaths, the survival rate is not so good. Why do you only present one side of the story? Are you trying to educate people, or convince them?
  11. Nope. You are forgetting Long Covid, which I wouldn't wish on anyone. You seem to have a fixation on minimizing the worst pandemic in a century. No idea how you got twisted into that.
  12. The Moderna vaccine has been shown to have an efficacy of approximately 94.1 per cent in protecting against COVID-19, starting 14 days after the first dose. You seem to be poorly informed about vaccines.
  13. I have seen no data supporting your assertion that Delta is less dangerous. Your post might be a surprise to the million+ who reportedly died from Delta in India.
  14. No, I actually looked at the photos of the event on the Google. Even if they were wearing masks, it's pretty likely that everyone was vaccinated. Anyway, if you don't like face masks because they are uncomfortable, here is a depiction of intubation, which is the alternative.
  15. No Need to relocate, as I am fully vaccinated. The point is that anti-vaxxers pointed to Chile as an example of how vaccination doesn’t work, until the number of cases there predictably dropped. Then there was Israel, until cases there dropped.
  16. New York’s death rate is high because of early cases when doctors didn’t know how to treat the disease. conversely, you can see how many people in Florida got infected after Governor DeathSentence opened the state prematurely.
  17. And yet, as Israelis get vaccinated, the number of new cases drops. Funny how that works ….
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