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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Virtually all of the Trumpers here voted for Bush-Cheney. Now they say Bush is bad. So, they admit being conned before.
  2. It's your claim that Ms. Ardern endorsed Kamala Harris. Pics or it didn't happen.
  3. It's $18 now. The question is whether Trump's investors have another short squeeze left in them.
  4. Trump is complaining that Kamala Harris was mean to Mike Pence during their 2020 debate. Trumpers - do you think Trump treated Mike Pence well on January 6, 2021? https://youtu.be/x95EzgYBXX4?feature=shared
  5. No one is asking you to respect Trump, but rather the poor misguided fools who support Trump.
  6. You should remember that most of the Trumpers are victims of a con. Very few actually know what's going on, all they know is what their talking points say. And many are foreigners who hate America and want to see a weakened America so that a multi-polar world emerges. So, Trump would be such a weak President that Putin could do as he pleases.
  7. Trump isn't making any headway in undermining Harris. It must be frustrating for him. JD Vance is worthless as a campaigner. Maybe something will change, but this is looking to be a 5 or 6 point yawner on November 5. I guess the Trumpers here will have to settle for complaining about her Cabinet appointments. BTW, where is Melania?
  8. Why isn't Trump campaigning over Labor Day?
  9. Did Trump bother to campaign on Labor Day or did he take a rest from the campaign?
  10. Since Trump is behind in the polls, Trump has to "win days" to catch up. One obvious chance is the September 10 debate. You'll know if Trump won the debate if Kamala Harris asks for a rematch. Every day that Trump doesn't win is a lost day for him, and there are only 60 left. Kamala Harris can coast to victory - just don't make any mistakes.
  11. Were they going to vote for Trump before he made those comments? I suspect there were close to 0 votes for Trump before and after.
  12. Top Trump volunteer out after email saying NH 'no longer a battleground state' https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-new-hampshire-2669116120/ It looks like the Trump campaign is starting triage efforts.
  13. But those are the rules that Trump broke.
  14. You will have to make up your own reality after November 5. You can imagine that Trump won the election is once again back in the Oval Office
  15. Trump was a lackey for Putin. He mismanaged COVID, resulting in mass deaths. Trump promised a "better" replacement for ObamaCARE - never delivered. What happened to Infrastructure week? Trump's time in office was a series of blunders and disasters.
  16. That's an interesting take. What did Biden do that went against the advice of his military advisers?
  17. I was the one who said that early polls are not significant, wait until Labor Day. Guess what?
  18. Even more hilarious for those who died from COVID, due to Trump's mismanagement.
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