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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. They are saving face. Do you really expect them to say “God, I want a Thai man right now”?
  2. Strangely enough, I know quite a few older Thai ladies who constantly tell me they no like Thai man, but spend quite a bit of cash on Karaoke boys. One lady in particular is married to a German man, but spends so much money on her gik that her family complains. I have to admit that one lady who told me she didn’t like Thai man wasn’t lying, as she goes with a Thai tomboy.
  3. “I not like Thai man” is one of the classic lies in Thailand.
  4. We are on the same page. Older Thai ladies want a Thai man, but can't get one, so they settle for a Farang.
  5. My current “girlfriend “ used to run a jet ski rental shop. She has told me that having a good relationship with the police was absolutely essential to the business, since they were required to settle disputes with customers. Perhaps she has a side to her that I don’t know.
  6. The ladies I know have as their #1 goal to find a Thai man. They will marry a Farang, but have a Thai man on the side. Of course, the Thai man will “wait” for her but live with a new lady. Sometimes, those arrangements get pretty convoluted, the Thai man’s new lady may have a Farang boyfriend, as well.
  7. Any time someone is in a relationship but doesn’t love the other person, there is a cancer in the relationship. I lived with a Farang lady for 9 years, but didn’t love her (very long story). She was blonde, busty, and horny, but I wasn’t into it. So I was not a happy camper. If I were a female being supported by a man, I would probably try to get through it via accumulation of material wealth to the point I could leave my customer.
  8. I’ll bet that even the “straightest” guy here notices ladyboys first when walking down the street. After a couple of minutes walking past the bars, I tune out the pumpui ladies, and those that look like 10 year old boys. At that point, seeing a statuesque curvy LB catches my attention. At least, until I realize it’s a Ladyboy. Strangely, I have one lady friend who looks like a LB, and acts like one in bed. She doesn’t like normal intercourse. I will leave the rest to you. Note: when taking a shower with her, don’t bend over to pick up the soap. Yes, she is a biological woman. She excels at going Long Time with customers, often 2 or 3 months at a time. So, to get back to LTR with a LB, there is hope. Depends on the LB.
  9. Not that I am commenting on your post, but I find that men who read topics about ladyboys but are compelled to proclaim how they would Never Ever remind me of bargirls who tell every customer “I no like Thai man”.
  10. This is not a joke. Thai women tend to fall apart physically at an early age.
  11. You don't quite grasp the concept that the virus has evolved since vaccination became widespread. So when "they" made those statements, "they" were correct.
  12. I hit the jackpot here, they had 5 boxes left in stock.
  13. Need prescription, or can you walk into a pharmacy and buy anything?
  14. Hmmm… I applied last week, but the web site says my application is still processing….
  15. Please remember that I am not looking for the cheapest medication, I am looking for a pharmacy that stocks medications that are not common. I went to Fascino on Theppasit Road, a nice lady told me they just sold their last box of Effient, but would order more. She wrote down my contact info and told me the new order would arrive by now. I am still waiting. In other words, she didn’t want to say no have and cannot get.
  16. I'm not looking for low prices, I am looking for an uncommon medication.
  17. I am looking for a pharmacy in Pattaya that stocks Effient (Prasugrel). I have checked a lot of hole in the wall shops, none have it. I know it’s available in Thailand, because I bought some in Phuket. Once. My question is really where is there a large pharmacy in Pattaya with a lot of medications in stock, since many people need uncommon medications. If I don’t have any luck, I will go to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, they may have it, but it’s very far to go on the off chance they have it. If that doesn’t work, I will have to go to Bangkok, but that is another topic.
  18. You are talking to someone who saw Led Zeppelin live. That’s the camp I am in. But, I know from experience that a happy bargirl is preferable to one that is annoyed by old folks’ music. Not that long ago, I was in a bar band in the US, playing for boomers. You would think that they would go for Classic Rock, but what they wanted was 40s music, from before they were born. So, yeah, I can relate to bargirls having to work in an environment where they have to listen to music from before they were born. And then there are gogos that constantly play trance, enough said about that.
  19. In the bars in Pattaya, there is constant tension over the music. The older Farang customers want to hear ancient songs from their youth, but the Thai ladies can’t stand that stuff. The bargirls, especially when they are drunk, want to hear Thai music, mostly Isaan morlam. But, it literally drives the customers away. A working compromise, at least in the past five years, is Latin tropical music, like this: The customers and the bargirls will tolerate it. The only problem is that nobody understands the lyrics. Except for me, which is kind of a nightmare for me.
  20. Meanwhile, it seems that everyone I know has a relative with Covid.
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