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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Typically, the lower in the food chain, the less likely a healthcare worker is to be vaccinated. Physicians are more likely to be vaccinated than someone with minimal training.
  2. The US is losing 2-3000 per day to Omicron. I guess those numbers are too useless and inflammatory for you.
  3. Not WW3, but a new Cold War. Except that the USSR played by the rules, mostly, and most of the bloodshed was off-screen.
  4. Your numbers are wrong, as is your belief that eating vitamins will save you from Covid. In the period July to December 2021, the age-adjusted risk of death involving coronavirus (COVID-19) was 93.4% lower for people who had received a third dose, or booster, at least 21 days ago compared with unvaccinated people. In the period July to December 2021, the age-adjusted risk of death involving COVID-19 was 81.2% lower for people who had received a second dose at least 21 days ago compared with unvaccinated people; for January to June 2021, this was 99.5% lower.
  5. If you get vaccinated, you will significantly reduce your risk of dying from Covid, wherever you are.
  6. Because you believe that viral mutations tend to be less lethal. Like Delta was less lethal than Alpha. All bets are off if the next variant is more lethal.
  7. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsinvolvingcovid19byvaccinationstatusengland/deathsoccurringbetween1januaryand31december2021 In the period July to December 2021, the age-adjusted risk of death involving coronavirus (COVID-19) was 93.4% lower for people who had received a third dose, or booster, at least 21 days ago compared with unvaccinated people. In the period July to December 2021, the age-adjusted risk of death involving COVID-19 was 81.2% lower for people who had received a second dose at least 21 days ago compared with unvaccinated people; for January to June 2021, this was 99.5% lower.
  8. The biggest danger from Omicron is that it mutates into a more lethal form, using the bodies of the infected as hosts. The best way to prevent that is for people to get vaccinated. Do you disagree?
  9. Because you think medical examiners are unable to identify the primary cause of death. Your position on the vaccine is clearly rooted in ignorance, based on your prior posts.
  10. As if you are unable to find a way to get vaccinated safely. Your chances of becoming sick from Covid are sufficiently high to be concerned. I cannot tell you how many anti-Vaxxers reported that Covid was the worst illness they ever suffered.
  11. Vaccination protects against hospitalization and death to a very high degree. 1,500 dead from Omicron in the US yesterday. Most of them unvaccinated.
  12. Nope. you really don’t understand immunology. It is the unvaccinated who are keeping this epidemic alive. As the percent of vaccinated people increases, the number of new infections decrease, as a general rule. That’s because elimination of unvaccinated people, either through vaccination or death (or survival from infection) slows the epidemic. if you want to fight the virus, get vaccinated.
  13. Nope. The vaccinated are much less likely to become infected, and less likely to infect others. Either you don’t understand that (even though the statistics have been posted here many times), or you are a troll. I don’t understand how a troll thinks they are helping anyone.
  14. “I am tired of this epidemic, it’s been 2 years already, so I will keep the epidemic going by not vaccinating”.
  15. I can imagine you during World War 2: “it’s been 3 years and we are still fighting the Germans. They don’t seem to be giving up, so we might as well learn to live with them”. The virus is relentless, it will take advantage of stupid people who don’t vaccinate, first by killing as many of them as possible, and by using their bodies as hosts for mutations. if you are tired of the plague, encourage as many to vaccinate - that is the key to ending the virus.
  16. And then the virus morphs again into a variant that is both more lethal and more infectious. Build more hospitals and create more doctors is not a viable solution.
  17. Okay, it’s your night for stupid questions. The greater the exposure to the virus, the greater the chance of infection. Those who are vaccinated are less likely to be vaccinated, but they are still at risk. And yes, there are still deadender doctors and nurses who don’t vaccinate.
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