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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Your post didn't age well. If you want to be a propagandist, your posts shouldn't be liable to be made outdated by easily predictable events. Try making posts about the election that remain viable at least until Election Day. Like "Trump still has a shot at this!".
  2. You couldn't keep Trump away from a debate with a stick.
  3. Trump appointees are "the best" going in, but when they realize what an idiot Trump is, and they leave, then they are RINOs or worse.
  4. Following Trump's lead by criticizing the ethnic background of Kamala Harris is offensive. Trump loses votes every time he does that.
  5. That's why the Democrats have released a party platform. Unfortunately, you refuse to read it.
  6. Tell me you have seen the video, and you still stand by your "explanation".
  7. Kamala Harris admits that some things still need fixing, and will work to address those issues. Trump hasn't a clue what impacts the average family.
  8. Can you name a better region of the world?
  9. Blocked by Congressional Republicans. I guess they don't report on that in your country.
  10. Kamala Harris will generate the majority of votes in the election. The question is whether Trump can snag enough Electoral votes to win.
  11. I'm sure that FOX News never reported on Trump's ridicule of a handicapped reporter.
  12. Are you okay? You really believe that Trump is a genius? Really?
  13. Vance can't relate to "regular" people since prefers to hobnob with billionaires.
  14. The Trumpers don't believe the US Army.
  15. Anyone here believe Trump that Kamala Harris never worked at McDonald's? Can any Trumpers explain why Trump would lie about this?
  16. "The digital wallet may be delayed until the next fiscal century".
  17. Did you grin like a moron and give a thumbs up while you watched the caskets being unloaded?
  18. Did Trump release the footage of the altercation at Arlington yet?
  19. Tell us how Trump prepared for the quick exit from Afghanistan that he negotiated with the Taliban.
  20. The bleach had come up earlier in the press conference. I'm sorry you are poorly informed about this rather infamous event.
  21. And men who have no interest in sexually assaulting women won't be voting for Trump. If you were an American, would you really vote for a candidate who committed sexual assault?
  22. https://www.yahoo.com/news/fox-news-poll-showed-harris-200343102.html FYI, this is fake. There is no FOX News poll of veterans.
  23. You are correct. Much of the comments on this forum are driven by tribalism. What I despise are trolls and lies, regardless of political persuasion.
  24. Do you have a link to the formal endorsement, or was this just a dream of yours?
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