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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. That’s me. I have a preflight RT-PCR test tomorrow. I have tried to isolate, and had a negative ATK last week, but anything is possible.
  2. Not a good idea to have a test conducted by the authorities, when a false positive could land you in a hospital for 2 weeks.
  3. Because I haven’t gotten Covid yet, despite engaging in some fairly stupid behavior.
  4. Hospitalizations are exceeding the new infection rate in New York.
  5. Dr. Fauci has been very accurate in predicting the future course of the epidemic.
  6. A great pitch for defense counsel of a murderer. ”Your honor, people die all the time. No reason to hold my client in jail.”
  7. The lady in question is now in 2 weeks isolation for Omicron. Apparently, she got it at her factory the day after I saw her.
  8. V2 is routinely operating at 300 bar.
  9. You drank the Kool-aid Dr. Fauci didn't fund the Wuhan lab.
  10. Some infected ladies in isolation were asking to come to my place for fun and profit.
  11. Where they are going to catch a lot of Farangs is the Covid test required to leave Thailand to go to a country that requires a test. With Omicron so widespread now, I suspect the positivity rate will be through the roof for the next 10 days. I am escaping to Brazil, but I may catch Omicron just by going shopping, and am truly worried about my PCR test.
  12. And 5 million people have died from Covid. What's your point?
  13. Yes. Someone knows. I don’t. looking at the infection numbers worldwide, either testing has been reduced, or Omicron spiked already, which would be very good news. But Delta is still out there, so I don’t know if recent deaths and hospitalizations are due to Delta or Omicron.
  14. The problem is that the available data does not distinguish between an Omicron death and a Delta death.
  15. Africans are not as impacted by Covid as Europeans and Asians. If Covid had hit Africa first in early 2020, you would have thought it was just the flu.
  16. Yes. Science is wrong, and you know better than the experts. Lots of people with the same point of view are being intubated right now.
  17. Not true. The overnight reports indeed list all deaths within 28 days of Covid infection as a COVID death. But, medical examiners list the actual cause of death on the death certificate, and that is reported to the authorities. Please stop with the lie that anyone testing positive is counted as a COVID death. Lying about this doesn't help anyone.
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