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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. No need. He retired in May 2005. Retirement in the military takes many months.
  2. Yes Once in 20 years, he said "war" instead of "wartime". BFD. Unlike your man Trump who claimed he had the flight logs of a helicopter that he crashed in.
  3. I can give you one of my amazing business achievements: I never took a company into bankruptcy. Unlike Trump. I am closing down a company now, but have the problem that it made money, and has money in the bank.
  4. I can access some websites while I am in China (obviously, this one), but not search engines or Yahoo sites.
  5. Vance would have received combat pay, Walz not.
  6. You seem confused about the law, even after the jury decision.
  7. “In making the case for why weapons of war should never be on our streets or in our classrooms, the Governor misspoke,” Harris spokesperson Ammar Moussa told the Washington Post in a statement Friday. “He did handle weapons of war and believes strongly that only military members trained to carry those deadly weapons should have access to them, unlike Donald Trump and JD Vance who prioritize the gun lobby over our children.”
  8. Walz was deployed overseas during some war, but not sent to a combat zone.
  9. I don't have access to Google as I am in China today. That means I can't research your unsourced claims, sorry.
  10. He obviously filed for retirement before he filed for his run for Congress.
  11. You really think that Walz could have been deployed overseas *and* run for Congress? Even though Walz didn't know on January 25, 2005 if he would be deployed overseas, it would always be a possibility that would stop him from running for election. So, if he wanted to be in Congress, he had to retire. And he had to start the retirement process long before he filed for election.
  12. Walz put in his retirement request in 2004. He signed his election filing in January 2005.
  13. Walz enlisted in the Army National Guard in Nebraska in 1981 and retired honorably in 2005 as the top enlisted soldier for 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery Regiment, in the Minnesota National Guard, according to a copy of his records provided by the Minnesota Guard. He reached the rank of command sergeant major and served in that role, but he officially retired as a master sergeant for benefits purposes because he didn't finish a required training course, according to the records and a statement from the Minnesota Guard.
  14. Use your common sense. If Walz retired from the military in May 2005, when do you think he started the retirement process? The news of a possible deployment came on March 17, 2005. Walz was already in the retirement process at that time. Don't you have any shame in lying about a 24 year veteran's military career?
  15. Walz retired from the military in May 2005. When do you think he began the retirement process?
  16. Walz filed for his run for Congress in February 2005, before the March 17, 2005 news about possible deployment. You guys have no story.
  17. Walz retired from the military in May 2005. He filed for retirement long before that, and long before March 17, 2005. Walz himself never claimed he served in Afghanistan, the newspaper made the claim.
  18. Nope. Walz left the military in May 2005. He filed long before that. Your internet troll masters have fooled you again.
  19. Okay, let's try this again: Do you agree that Walz retired in May 2005, and his unit deployed afterwards? Do you understand that the military retirement process takes a long time? So, do you understand that Walz began the retirement process long before his unit was deployed? Please advise if you don't or can't understand this.
  20. There is no controversy, there are only lies spread by online trolls. I have posted the truth, which you can see above.
  21. Yep. @Hanaguma tried to fit as many lies as possible in one post.
  22. Walz never claimed he served in combat. Walz never claimed he carried a weapon in a combat zone. Walz never claimed he served in Iraq or Afghanistan. Walz retired in May 2005. When do *you* think he started the paperwork. If your answer isn't 2004, you are wrong. Your entire troll is based on semantics. Walz retired when he was serving as a Command Master Sergeant. You are making a big deal over a reduction in grade upon retirement. No one in the Real World is as worked up about this as the online trolls.
  23. Since Black Irish do exist, and they didn't come from Spanish sailors, I'll let you guess where they came from.
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