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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I'm okay with Kamala Harris, but a bigger fan of Gavin Newsom.
  2. Harris takes the lead over Trump in Miami-Dade after Biden’s exit, poll finds "The survey, released Thursday by Democratic strategist Christian Ulvert, a top campaign adviser to several Miami-Dade candidates including Mayor Daniella Levine Cava, shows Harris notching the support of nearly 54% of Miami-Dade likely voters. Trump, a South Florida resident with an outsized business presence in the county, has just under 40% support. The poll’s margin of error is 4.6 percentage points."
  3. As opposed to the Republican ticket of two rich white guys.
  4. We know that 20% of Republicans voted against Trump after Nikki Haley dropped out. And we are seeing lots of Republicans endorsing Kamala Harris. You don't have to be a weatherman to see which way the wind is blowing.
  5. It wouldn't take much for some of the Ukrainian troops in Kursk to sneak around down into Belgorod oblast, and attack the Russian troops at the Kharkhiv border from the back. I suspect a few dozen special forces could cause mayhem if they could make it down into the contested Kharkhiv area.
  6. It's sad that you still defend Russia. Yeah, I know you long for a multi-polar world and all that, but Russia's invasion of Ukraine is not just evil, it's destroying Russia.
  7. Trump is going to lose a lot of Republican votes going forward. Sad, really.
  8. And Russia didn't have many ICBMs. Most were and are Ukrainian.
  9. They are swing states. Basic common sense to campaign there. You don't seem to know much about political campaigns.
  10. So, what happened to JD Vance? He seems to have disappeared.
  11. Nope, the Republicans controlled the Senate. I'll check the record when I get back.
  12. She wanted to make sure the first rally went well. Plus, Pennsylvania is a swing state.
  13. I can't check your claims, but I do know that it was Reagan who started taxing Social Security, while lowering taxes on billionaires. The tax on tips is a false issue, since most people who get tips don't pay taxes anyway. The real threat of elimination of income tax on tips is the possibility of hedge fund managers getting paid by million dollar tips tax free.
  14. It sounds like the Trump campaign is panicking and has announced a rally in North Carolina. NC was considered "safe" for Trump last month, but the erosion of Trump's numbers means North Carolina is in play for Kamala Harris now. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are now out of reach for Trump. If Nevada or Arizona goes for the Dems, it's game over for Trump. This assumes that there isn't any post election trickery by the GOP, with county officials declining to do their jobs and certify the vote. If Trump schedules rallies in Texas or Florida, then you will know he's desperate.
  15. At the airport in Shanghai now, heading back to Thailand.
  16. You will be the first to change your username.
  17. It was wrong for the US to invade Panama.
  18. Because Russia needs breathing room.....
  19. You will find that Ukrainians see this differently. What exactly is the US telling your country to do?
  20. Russia has no right to dictate policy to Ukraine. Any more than the US can tell your country what to do.
  21. Russia bad. Ukraine not bad. Remember, Russia made an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.
  22. Well, there's another question: How much of Russia will Ukraine capture in its current offensive?
  23. "She" is a guy who lives in Australia. So, what time is it in your "home" in the USA?
  24. The question is which of the Trump cultists here will disappear when the polls show Trump can't win, and which will hang in there until the bitter end? Or will they simply change usernames?
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