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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Usually these stories end up being cases of US citizens with the same name as a foreigner. Nothingburgers most of the time. The number of foreigners caught voting illegally is something like 29.
  2. Trump will go down with the ship in November.
  3. Trump cannot answer questions without simply reciting whatever rant comes to mind. He is far too gone to serve as president. At least Biden would listen to his staff, Trump demands everyone obey him. That would be a serious problem if he were in office again.
  4. With the possibility of deployment to Iraq out there, not a good idea to file for election. Better to begin the retirement papers and then file for election.
  5. We're not talking about remaining in the military after being elected. The issue is running for office while in the National Guard.
  6. Thinking about Trump's recent appearances, he is not looking or sounding good. Something is definitely "off" with him.
  7. Arizona is certainly in play now, and Kari Lake is a dead weight for the Republicans. Likewise, I believe that Nevada is close to being a lock for Harris. Barring a Black Swan event, of course.
  8. The odds are he will be the next VP, so you will have a long time to complain about Walz. You can see the way the polls are shifting, and Trump is too feeble to do anything to counter the direction of the campaign.
  9. You believe Trump's story about a helicopter ride with Willie Brown? Really?
  10. To be honest, I don't know the requirements to be included as a veteran of a specific military campaign. Perhaps someone else can advise.
  11. Great to have you on Team Walz. BTW, isn't it about 3 am in the USA right now? I'm in China and it's late afternoon now.
  12. Everyone in the Guard was acutely aware of the possibility of deployment to Iraq, from 2003 on. So, when preparing his run for Congress, Walz decided to retire from the Guard. Another factor to consider was the educational and testing requirements to continue as a Command Master Sergeant, which were incompatible with running for Congress.
  13. My Google doesn't work, but I believe that Operation Enduring Freedom was the US military response to 911. As part of that response, Walz was deployed overseas (to Italy), which makes him a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom.
  14. So, you are okay supporting a draft dodger at the top of the Republican ticket, but cannot support a 24 year National Guard veteran because reasons.
  15. No problem serving in Congress. The problem is running for Congress while deployed overseas.
  16. There is no indication at this time that Ukraine is engaged in anything more than a raid. It's hard to believe that Russia is so weak that they can't defend against a couple of Ukrainian brigades.
  17. The point is not your Grandma, it is your constant attacks on the Democratic ticket while claiming to be neutral. What's your take on the Republican ticket being headed by a Vietnam era draft dodger?
  18. Your argument is that a candidate for Congress could run, even while deployed overseas. Are you drunk?
  19. Oops. The photo of Trump was from a prior, poorly attended rally, not today.
  20. In reality, every member of the National Guard knew in 2003 of possible deployment to Iraq. Therefore, anyone who retired from the Guard after that point has stolen valor, according to you.
  21. Haley-Pence. Not sure if they would win, but a respectable team.
  22. So, we are down to one verbal miscue by Walz (over 20 years), and questions about how long it took for his retirement to be processed. Meanwhile, Trump is doubling down on his helicopter crash story, but the Trumpers don't even defend that lie. Does that sum up the last 20 pages of this topic?
  23. https://www.rawstory.com/quiet-quitting-trumps-mar-a-lago-meltdown-fuels-speculation/ It looks like Trump quit at the same time as Biden.
  24. Clearly, it shows weaponization of DOJ by the Biden administration.
  25. Maybe he has, my Google isn't working.
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